Books of Political Science / Political Freedom

  • Defense and Diplomacy in Israel's National Security Experience: Tactics, Partnerships, and Motives
    By David Rodman

    This work defines the central concepts of Israel's national security doctrine as deterrence, geography, manpower, quantity versus quality, offensive manoeuvre warfare, conventional versus unconventional threats, self-reliance, great power patronage, and...

  • Great Quotations on Religious Freedom
    By Albert J. Menendez, Edd Doerr

    This outstanding collection of memorable quotations on religious freedom -- the most comprehensive ever assembled -- covers many centuries of thought and a wide array of sources. On every page...

  • Beyond Deterrence: The Political Economy Of Nuclear Weapons
    By William J Weida, Franklin L Gertcher

    Beyond Deterrence: The Political Economy Of Nuclear Weapons

  • The Blessings of Liberty: An Enduring Constitution in a Changing World
    By Association of the Bar of the City of New York

    Experts in American law and government--including Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, and CIA director William Webster--offer insights into and analyses of the U.S. Constitution in...

  • Religious Freedom and the Supreme Court
    By Ronald Bruce Flowers, Steven Keith Green, Melissa Rogers

    Toward Benevolent Neutrality (5th edition, 1996), a longstanding favorite for professors of church-and-state relationships in the U.S., has been revised and updated by one original author, Robert B. Flowers,...

  • The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire: Political Leaders from Lenin to Gorbachev
    By Dmitriĭ Antonovich Volkogonov

    Following his great trilogy of biographies of the giants who dominated the history of the Soviet Union - Stalin (1991), Lenin (1994) and Trotsky (1996) - Dmitri Volkogonov delves deeper...

  • Le sfide di Israele: lo Stato ponte tra Occidente e Oriente
    By David Meghnagi

    "Chi vive in un'isola deve farsi amico il mare", recita un antico proverbio arabo. Così "Israele - scrive David Meghnagi - piccola isola accerchiata da un oceano arabo e islamico"....

  • Iraq in Transition: The Legacy of Dictatorship and the Prospects for Democracy
    By Peter J. Munson

    **Winner of the 2010 San Diego Book Awards Association Prize in General Non-Fiction**Iraq in Transition takes the reader on a journey from Iraq’s troubled history through the country’s invasion and...

  • Kosovo: What Everyone Needs to Know
    By Tim Judah

    On February 17, 2008, Kosovo declared its independence, becoming the seventh state to emerge from the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. A tiny country of just two million people, 90%...

  • 港英時代——英國殖民管治術(增修版)
    By 鄺健銘

    內容簡介 倫敦做到的,北京為甚麼做不到,或不願意做? 回顧155年港英管治術, 剖析當今香港「人心未歸」、 中國無法成功管治「世界香港」的深層次原因。 新增終章:從全球史視野看九七之後香港管治模式轉變 今天香港彌漫「送香港終」、「管治崩壞」等負面情緒,為何香港九七主權移交已廿多年,「人心回歸」還是遙遙無期?反觀英治時期的155 年,尤其是「六七暴動」後,社會為何能夠平穩發展,民心歸順?年輕學人鄺健銘審視過去香港處於複雜地緣政治下的管治歷史,並比照今昔,以更廣闊的時空與地域視野,回顧香港走過的路。 鄺健銘指出「香港既是中國的,也是世界的」,而香港作為國際城市的定位,其實早在十九世紀末已經建立。155年來倫敦對香港的管治,靠的是「軟功」,而非像當下北京的「硬碰硬」。這種軟功,似乎更適用於管治這「世界的香港」。英治時期的英港關係,倫敦對港的「間接管治」,乃至當年港英殖民地的政府社會關係、地區行政和公共行政體系建設等,對當下的中國香港管治有重大啟示。 於香港主權移交二十二年之際,鄺健銘以全球史視野為《港英時代》增修版新寫終章。新終章梳理香港內外有關英殖管治的文獻,觀察英國本土發展對香港英治的影響,比較不同帝國管治模式之差異,進而論證九七之後香港管治從英殖靠往日殖的模式轉變。 本書特點 在內地官方傳媒和退休港澳官員近年經常炮轟香港有人主張「港獨」之際,此書作者企圖重新評價155年的港英統治,在目前的政治氣氛下必成話題之作;本增修版加添了作者全新書寫兩萬多字終章,以全球史角度更全面地閱讀九七後之香港管治模式轉變,讓內容更豐富立體並更貼近當下香港狀況。 八十年代末或之後出生的年輕世代,對港英政府統治時代的印象已非常模糊。本書回顧港英時代的歷史,對比今昔,有助了解「本土主義」近年為何在香港冒起,以及「人心未回歸」的深層次原因。 作者在寫作過程中,參考了大量文獻和資料,並整理了前人研究的成果,擺脫了傳統的「愛國史觀」,也避免把港英時代「羅曼蒂克化」。

  • Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP
    By James J. Brittain

    This book presents an insider's account of Columbia's internal conflict. At the forefront are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP). Although they are one of the most powerful...

  • The Comandante Speaks: Memoirs Of An El Salvadoran Guerrilla Leader
    By Miguel Castellanos

    The Comandante Speaks: Memoirs Of An El Salvadoran Guerrilla Leader

  • Economics And National Security
    By Jim Leitzel

    Economics And National Security

  • U.s. Security In The Twenty-first Century
    By Barry M Blechman

    In this book, Blechman's purpose is to guide the security specialist in planning for the next 20 years. Using interviews, and statistical analysis, the author discusses plausible patterns of world...

  • Promoting Effective Homicide Investigations
    By James M. Cronin, Gerard R. Murphy, Lisa L. Spahr

    This book is a result of the collaboration of a two day conference in May 2006: Promoting effective homicide investigations. Law enforcement executives, academics, attorneys, and federal government representatives addressed...

  • The Collective and the Public in Latin America: Cultural Identities and Political Order
    By Luis Roniger, Tamar Herzog

    Sequel to the successfull CONSTRUCTING COLLECTIVE IDENTITIES AND SHAPING PUBLIC SPHERES: LATIN AMERICAN PATHS, taking up points of issue raised in the first volume. This book traces the interplay between...

  • Small Boats, Weak States, Dirty Money: The Challenge of Piracy
    By Martin N. Murphy

    Many believe that pirates and other water-bound terrorists present a significant threat to international maritime security. Testing the validity of this claim, Martin N. Murphy scrutinizes recent incidents of maritime...

  • Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11: How One Film Divided a Nation
    By Robert Brent Toplin

    In the heat of the 2004 presidential election campaign, no single work of speechmaking, writing, or media production fueled the fiery debate over George W. Bush's leadership as much as...

  • Northern Ireland's Troubles: The Human Costs
    By Mike Morrissey, Marie-Therese Fay, Marie Smyth

    This work provides a background to the Northern Ireland conflict. The authors investigate the human effect of the violence, looking at the geographical, religious, gender and age distribution of deaths...

  • First Amendment Law in a Nutshell
    By Jerome A. Barron, C. Thomas Dienes

    This product provides a short and readable source for individuals interested in constitutional law, First Amendment law, and communications law. It is divided into four parts: the history, methodology, and...