Books of Political Science / Political Freedom

  • Human Rights Regimes in the Americas
    By Vesselin Popovski, Monica Serrano

    This book examines the complex role of human rights norms and standards throughout the region, illustrating the evolution and impact of international conventions, laws, and institutions. The chapters combine historical...

  • War, Morality, And The Military Profession: Second Edition, Revised And Updated
    By Malham M Wakin

    This anthology brings together material on two major related topics: the military profession, and morality and war. The revised and updated edition retains those sections that made the original version...

  • The Anatomy of Captivity
    By John Laffin

    Arrestation, forhør og tilståelse; Fængselscellen; Autoritetens struktur; Afstraffelse og prøvelser; Autentiske beretninger; Overlevelse; Tvangsarbejde; Tidsfordriv; Religion; Sex; Trøst, korrespondance, bøger.

  • 自由,凌駕一切: 美國人文景觀的塑造者
    By 林博文

    自由女神像不應只是觀光景點, 她提醒世人要珍惜自由, 要使自由穿過無知的黑暗和人類的壓制。二戰結束至今,大英帝國早已夕陽西下,蘇聯及其東歐衛星集團亦已分崩離析。日本從戰爭廢墟中復甦後,國力已漸下降;中國則以強大經濟力崛起,躋身強國之林。然而美國能以唯一超強之勢稱霸世界,科技、經濟和軍事的領先全球,固為原因之一。但細究其根源,思想自由、新聞自由、言論自由、表達自由、學術自由和創作自由等基本人權,才是美國能夠傲視寰宇的源頭活水。 新聞自由和創作自由看似稀鬆平常,卻是美國成為強國的不二法門。《獨立宣言》起草人、美國第三任總統傑佛遜早就在1787年說過一句迴盪古今的話:「如果由我來決定:我們是要一個沒有報紙的政府還是要一個沒有政府的報紙,我將毫不猶豫地選擇後者。」 自由民主國家與獨裁專制國家的分野之一,就是前者的言論與新聞自由,是由人民所爭取,又得到憲法和法律的明確保障;後者則毫無言論與新聞自由可言,即令有一絲一毫妝點門面的「自由」,而這些「自由」卻在軍法、戒嚴法、黨章、特務和公安的虎視眈眈下,萎縮或變形得不成形狀。即使在民主、自由和法治早已上軌道的美國,還是會發生打壓新聞、言論與出版自由的逆流,更遑論那些自由其名、專制其實的國家和地區了。 本書刻畫了促進美國新聞與創作自由的一批先驅人物和少數反面角色。希望他(她)們的理想和貢獻,亦能鼓舞華人社會。 

  • On Liberty
    By John Stuart Mill

    From the Introduction In his Autobiography, Mill predicts that the essay On Liberty is "likely to survive longer than anything else that I have written." He goes on to say...

  • Liberty and American Experience in the Eighteenth Century
    By David Womersley

    Liberty and American Experience in the Eighteenth Century presents ten new essays on central themes of the American Founding period by some of today's preeminent scholars of American history. The...

  • Ultimate Penalties: Capital Punishment, Life Imprisonment, Physical Torture
    By Leon Shaskolsky Sheleff

    Ultimate Penalties: Capital Punishment, Life Imprisonment, Physical Torture

  • On Liberty
    By John Stuart Mill

    In the rich history of political philosophy, great minds have sought to define the nature and extent of human freedom, with careful justifications offered for the principles proposed. This tradition...

  • Torture: A Collection
    By Sanford Levinson

    ... Mass Atrocity, Ordinary Evil, and Hannah Arendt: Criminal Consciousness in Argentina's Dirty War ( ), – . . For sources on this early history, see Mark Osiel, Obeying Orders: Atrocity, Military Discipline, and the Law of War ...

  • On Liberty
    By John Stuart Mill

    On Liberty

  • On Liberty
    By John Stuart Mill

    In "On Liberty," John Stuart Mill begins by writing, "The subject of this essay is not the so-called 'liberty of the will', so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of...

  • Killing No Murder: A Study of Assassination as a Political Means
    By Edward Hyams

    Killing No Murder: A Study of Assassination as a Political Means

  • An Uncertain Legacy: Essays on the Pursuit of Liberty
    By Edward B. McLean

    An Uncertain Legacy brings together ten of today's leading thinkers -- including Ralph McInerny, J. Rufus Fears, Timothy Fuller, Leonard Liggio, George Carey, and William B. Allen -- to trace...

  • Development as Freedom
    By Amartya Sen

    Development as Freedom is a general exposition of the economic ideas and analyses of Amartya Sen, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Science. This brilliant and indispensable treatise...

  • Technology and the 21st Century Battlefield: Recomplicating Moral Life for the Statesman and the Soldier
    By Jr., Charles J., Charles J. Dunlap

    Earlier in this century, George Orwell, in his novel, 1984, offered a vision of the world where the logical might be illogical, right could be wrong, and 2 plus 2...

  • In Support of Arab Democracy: Why and how : Report of an Independent Task Force
    By Madeleine Korbel Albright, Vin Weber, Council on Foreign Relations. Independent Task Force on U.S. Policy toward Reform in the Arab World

    The Bush administration's active promotion of democracy and freedom in the Middle East reflects a core component of Washington's new approach to the region. In the post-9/11 environment, domestic developments...

  • 趁我們還有時間: 脫北者朴研美在美國 While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector’s Search for Freedom in America
    By 朴研美 Yeonmi Park

    八年前,北韓女孩逃出了人間地獄,來到「自由國度」生活, 八年後,朴研美指出美國社會充斥偽善、集體霸凌與威權主義等危險現象。 她在危言聳聽嗎?還是言過其實? ──她在美國到底遭遇了什麼? 【繼全球暢銷書《為了活下去》,知名脫北者朴研美最新震撼人心之作】 ◆本書賣點 ◆《為了活下去》作者朴研美最新震撼人心之作。曾經「為了活下去」的脫北女孩,在美國生活了八年,面對撕裂美國社會的文化鬥爭,從外來者的角度,勇敢起而批判。 ◆對朴研美而言,打著覺醒、正義旗號的許多現象,實則是偽善、集體罷凌、威權主義的表徵。這位人權鬥士沒有置身事外,也不畏批評,提出獨到的觀察。 ◆內容簡介 脫北者、人權倡議者、暢銷作家——朴研美回來了!這次她把焦點轉向正在撕裂美國社會的文化鬥爭、身分認同政治和威權主義傾向,挺身對大眾敲下警鐘。 逃離北韓之後,朴研美在美國找到了自由。然而,她卻發現美國人過去珍視的言論自由和思想自由遭到嚴重破壞,因此回想起當初她冒著生命危險逃離的殘暴政權,兩者的相似之處,令她不寒而慄。當她大膽說出自己在美國社會觀察到的大規模政治教化時,卻開始面臨各種思想審查,甚至死亡威脅。 在這本書中,朴研美一一點出美國社會中打著「覺醒」和「社會正義」之名,實際上卻是偽善、集體霸凌和威權主義的各種危險現象,於是苦口婆心對美國人發出警訊。她在書中砲火全開,針砭嘴上說關心弱勢和勞工階級、實際上卻對所有敢於獨立思考的人漠然處之的社會菁英,令人大開眼界。 八年前來到美國時,朴研美對這塊土地毫無先入之見,也完全沒有任何政治意圖或黨派傾向。八年後,這位暢銷作家和人權鬥士提出她的獨到觀察,在在提醒我們自由何其脆弱,而我們必須在一切還來得及之前,採取行動,捍衛得來不易的人權自由。 *** 直指「政治正確」的矛盾與缺失,追求真正的言論與思想自由。 ★為什麼要寫《趁我們還有時間》? 朴研美如是說: ──「我選擇把提倡和捍衛人權當作我的人生志業,特別是自由權。儘管早年生活貧困,現在所有的物質享受對我來說卻毫無意義,除非我能和此刻正在遭受我童年經歷過的折磨的人們一同分享。」 ──「真誠是一種迷人且令人欽佩的特質,能使你不受黨派紛爭的左右,也讓人們重視你樹立的榜樣更勝於你表達的特定看法。」本書特色 ▲公共知識分子暨暢銷作家的導讀與推薦:《生存的12條法則:當代最具影響力的公共知識分子,對混亂生活開出的解方》的作者暨加拿大學者網紅喬登‧彼得森(Jordan B. Peterson)特別為本書撰寫的引文,指出朴研美的寫作背景和脈絡。 ▲論點出自作者個人的生活體驗與觀察,皆有所本:從北韓逃到中國、南韓,再移民到美國,朴研美交代了她的各項決定、生活事件和心路歷程,因此這本著作相對容易理解,門檻不致過高。非正統學院出身的直白觀點,正好能帶動何謂自由、民主,以及政治正確影響力的討論。 ▲真誠坦然面對自己的想法,不向「政治正確」妥協:作為歷經風霜的年輕脫北者,朴研美是如何看待美國社會,而作為美國的新住民,又要如何平衡逃離北韓極權統治的倖存者愧咎感,是這本書毫不避諱的矛盾難題,也增加了這本書的可讀性及心理層次。 ▲關注全球人權議題,不忘自己的來處:脫北者的背景,讓朴研美的新住民身分更加與眾不同,但她充分意識到自己成長於一個禁錮人民自由的國家,面對美國高度發展的資本社會、左派論調及覺醒主義,有她自成一格的體會及批評角度,而且從不否認她對美國社會的觀察奠基於她在北韓的成長背景,同時確立她持續捍衛自由權的人生志業。

  • In the Name of National Security: Unchecked Presidential Power and the Reynolds Case
    By Louis Fisher

    When a B-29 bomber exploded over Georgia in 1948, the victims' families were denied access to crucial information relating to the accident because the federal government claimed such access would...

  • Paradox Lost: Free Will and Political Liberty in American Culture, 1630-1760
    By Jon Pahl

    Analyse: Concerne en partie l'influence du calvinisme dans la vie culturelle et politique des Etats-Unis entre 1630 et 1760.

  • Religious Freedom in Western Europe: Religious Minorities and Growing Government Intolerance : Hearing Before the Commission on Security and Cooperation...
    By United States. Congress. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

    Religious Freedom in Western Europe: Religious Minorities and Growing Government Intolerance : Hearing Before the Commission on Security and Cooperation...