Books of Political Science / Political Process / Political Advocacy

  • Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas
    By Karen Kampwirth

    Booth, John. 1985. The End and the Beginning: The Nicaraguan Revolution. Boulder: Westview. Booth, John, and Thomas W. Walker. 1989. Understanding Central America. Boulder: Westview Borge, Tomás. 1984. Carlos, the Dawn Ls No Longer ...

  • Women in World History: Readings from prehistory to 1500
    By Brady Hughes, Sarah S. Hughes

    Examining selected societies in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, this uniquely designed history discusses political and economic issues; marriage practices, motherhood, and enslavement; religious beliefs and spiritual development.

  • 中国古代政治传播研究
    By 白文刚


  • The DeMarco Factor: Transforming Public Will Into Political Power
    By Michael Pertschuk

    Vinny DeMarco might be a latter-day Don Quixote except that he tilts his lance at real obstacles to social justice: lobby-locked state legislatures and Congress, stonewalling the public will. And...

  • Loud & Clear in an Election Year: Amplifying the Voices of Community Advocates
    By Kim Haddow, Holly Minch, Laura Saponara

    Election years pose a unique opportunity and challenge to nonprofit organizations and community groups as they struggle to advance their issues in a crowded news environment, and amplify the voices...

  • Is Voting for Young People?: With a Postscript on Citizen Engagement
    By Martin P. Wattenberg

    "For years, political scientists have told their students that it doesn't make a difference whether they vote because one vote won't make a difference. This book is antidote to that...

  • Engaging Young People in Civic Life
    By Peter Levine, James Youniss

    The myth of generations of disengaged youth has been shattered by increases in youth turnout in the 2004, 2006, and 2008 primaries. Young Americans are responsive to effective outreach efforts,...

  • The Road to Democracy in South Africa
    By South African Democracy Education Trust

    The Road to Democracy project is a chronological analysis of four decades - 1960-1970, 1970-1980, 1980-1990, 1990-1994, bearing in mind the four areas of focus above and the following themes...

  • Parties, Interest Groups, and Political Campaigns
    By Ronald J. Hrebenar, Robert C. Benedict, Matthew Burbank

    Political parties and interest groups have been important to understanding who gets what in American politics for many years. The traditional view was that political parties were concerned with winning...

  • More Than Money: Interest Group Action in Congressional Elections
    By Richard M. Skinner

    While interest groups have long been at the center of the study of American politics, most explorations of their influence have tended to dwell on lobbying. When political scientists do...

  • Aunt Carrie's War Against Black Fox Nuclear Nower Plant
    By Carrie Barefoot Dickerson, Patricia Lemon

    When Carrie Dickerson first saw a newspaper headline about the electric company's plans to build a nuclear power plant near her home in Oklahoma, she knew little about nuclear reactors...

  • Red State Rebels: Tales of Grassroots Resistance in the Heartland
    By Jeffrey St. Clair, Joshua Frank

    A Red States rebellion is breaking out. It's been going on for some time. The stakes are high and the odds are long and the battles are waged over the...

  • The Lobbying Handbook
    By John L. Zorack

    This volume offers the insights of 80 successful lobbyists and professional politicians who "know the territory" on the basics of the lobbying business, the principles of lobbying strategy, and the...

  • Violenza mediata: il ruolo dell'informazione nel G8 di Genova
    By Osservatorio comunicazione politica

    Il G8 di Genova: la più alta concentrazione della storia di telecamere, macchine fotografiche, troupe giornalistiche. Il primo grande media-evento permanente del nuovo secolo. Come è stato letto e raccontato...

  • Whistleblowing Research: Methodological and Moral Issues
    By Frederick Elliston

    Whistleblowing Research: Methodological and Moral Issues

  • الجهاد ضد الجهاد: Jihad against jihad
    By أحمد المسلماني, دار ليلى, Ahmed Al-Muslimani

    الجهادفي الزمن الحالي لم يعد الجهاد مجرد جهاد المتشددين ضد المجتمعات التي يرونها منحلة أو كافرة، بل صارت الجماعات الجهادية تكفر بعضها بعضًا كذلك، وتقاتل بعضها بعضًا، فصار الجهاد يجاهد...

  • Transforming the City: Community Organizing and the Challenge of Political Change
    By Marion Orr

    As an avenue for progressive politics in a nation still skeptical of change, community organizing today faces significant challenges. This book assesses that activity within the context of political, cultural,...

  • Hall of Mirrors: Roy Lichtenstein and the Face of Painting in the 1960s
    By Graham Bader

    A sustained study of Lichtenstein's pop oeuvre, offering new readings of such canonical works as Look Mickey and Happy Tears. In Hall of Mirrors, Graham Bader traces the development of...

  • Reform and Reality: The Financing of State and Local Campaigns
    By Herbert E. Alexander

    Reform and Reality: The Financing of State and Local Campaigns

  • Policy Networks in British Government
    By R. A. W. Rhodes, David Marsh

    Policy is not made in the electoral arena or in the gladiatorial confrontations of Parliament, but in the netherworld of committees, civil servants, professions, and interest groups. This collection explores...