Books of Religion / Biblical Biography / Old Testament

  • 活道圣经教导课程系列:以斯拉记・尼希米记(教师本)——简体版
    By 福音證主協會, 活道教材编辑委员会


  • Five Biblical Portraits
    By Elie Wiesel

    Five Biblical Portraits is a sequel to Elie Weisel's Messengers of God; in this work Elie Wiesel illuminates Joshua, Saul, Elijah, Jeremiah, and Jonah through sensitive readings of the scriptures...

  • Give Us a King!: Samuel, Saul, and David : a New Translation of Samuel I and II
    By Everett Fox

    Everett Fox's translation of the biblical books from Genesis through Deuteronomy has been widely acclaimed as a scholarly, religious, and literary masterpiece. Praising its unique and authoritative approach, the "New...

  • 圣___的故事
    By 祖光_


  • Abraham in the Negev: A Source-critical Investigation of Genesis 20:1-22:19
    By T. Desmond Alexander

    Abraham in the Negev: A Source-critical Investigation of Genesis 20:1-22:19

  • Sarah Laughed: Modern Lessons from the Wisdom & Stories of Biblical Women
    By Vanessa L. Ochs

    Just as Anita Diamant's The Red Tent spoke to hundreds of thousands of women by expanding and re-envisioning the Biblical story of Dina, Sarah Laughed retells the stories of other...

  • The Samson-saga and Its Place in Comparative Religion
    By Abram Smythe Palmer

    The Samson-saga and Its Place in Comparative Religion

  • Eve, the History of an Idea
    By John A. Phillips

    This study examines Eve as a prototype in religion, mythology, art, history, and literature, finding in the vagaries of the evolving story of the first woman the key to Western...

  • Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction
    By George W. E. Nickelsburg

    Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction

  • The Politics of God and the Politics of Man
    By Jacques Ellul

    Human freedom - God's omnipotence: how can they be reconciled? That question is central to this penetrating study of political action and prophetic function. Ellul's answer to that question, though...

  • 'Works of the Law' at Qumran and in Paul
    By Jacqueline C. R. De Roo

    The phrase 'works of the law' occurs only in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in Paul, but it has a different connotation in each corpus. At Qumran, the 'works of...

  • The Last of the Jews?
    By Myron Berman

    The Last of the Jews? provides an interpretive study of Southern Jewry from the perspective of an American Jewish family over a period of nearly two centuries as a struggle...

  • Be Not Far from Me: The Oldest Love Story : Legends from the Bible

    Eric Kimmel weaves favorite biblical tales with lesser known ones from the Midrash to create a suspenseful, accessible collection that reads like a novel. The story begins with Abraham, who...

  • Moses and the Angel of Death
    By Rella Kushelevsky

    Moses' struggle for life on the threshold of the Promised Land and his enigmatic death have captured the imagination of the Jewish people. From the early midrashic texts of the...

  • The Servant Songs: A Study in Isaiah
    By F. Duane Lindsey

    The Servant Songs: A Study in Isaiah

  • 活道圣经教导课程系列:以斯拉记・尼希米记(研习本)——简体版
    By 活道教材编辑委员会, 福音证主协会


  • 活道聖經教導課程系列:以斯拉記・尼希米記(教師本)
    By 福音證主協會, 活道教材編輯委員會


  • 活道聖經教導課程系列:以斯拉記・尼希米記(研習本)
    By 福音證主協會, 活道教材編輯委員會


  • Solomon & Sheba
    By James Bennett Pritchard, Gus Willard Van Beek

    Op basis van het bijbelverhaal en de daar omheen geweven legenden beschrijft de auteur een liefdesrelatie tussen Salomo en de koningin van Sheba

  • Moses, the Man and His Vision
    By David Daiches

    Moses, the Man and His Vision