Books of Religion / Biblical Reference / Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

  • 聖經新辭典(修訂版): New Bible Dictionary, 3rd edition
    By 馬歇爾, 巴刻, 米勒德


  • Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions
    By A. Scott Moreau

    The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions contains more than 1,400 articles on the theory, practice, theology, and history of missions. A comprehensive, one-volume reference, it not only provides a wealth...

  • Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch
    By David Weston Baker, T. Desmond Alexander

    Pentateuch: In exploring the major themes and issues of the Pentateuch, editors T. Desmond Alexander and David W. Baker, with an international and expert group of scholars, inform and challenge...

  • Harper's Bible Pronunciation Guide
    By William O. Walker

    The definitive pronunciation guide for preachers, teachers, lay readers, public speakers, and anyone who must properly pronounce biblical words and phrases. The Guide sets the standard for more than 7,000...

  • Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies
    By Martin H. Manser

    The Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes contains over 2,000 thematic articles with an explanation of the theme, key Bible references, and cross-references to related themes. Comparable to the venerable Nave's...

  • The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
    By Colin Brown

    The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology

  • Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin: With an Appendix of Latin Expressions Defined and Clarified
    By Leo F. Stelten

    Leo Stelten has put to use his years of experience teaching Latin in compiling this concise reference book. The "Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin" includes approximately 17,000 words with the common...

  • Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew
    By Shlomo Karni

    Presented in user-friendly fashion, the Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew is a learner's tool for students of the English Bible who want to delve more deeply into the meaning of...

  • Who's who in the Bible
    By Reader's Digest Association

    This biographical dictionary contains entries for approximately "500 men and women from the Bible (Hebrew and Christian Scripture and Apocrypha of the Revised Standard Version) or important to biblical history,...

  • Baker Theological Dictionary of the Bible
    By Walter A. Elwell

    What does the Bible teach us about God? In this comprehensive work, respected evangelical theologians trace the development of more than 500 key theological doctrines and themes through the Bible...

  • Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words
    By William D. Mounce

    For years, Vine's Expository Dictionary has been the standard word study tool for pastors and laypeople, selling millions of copies. But sixty-plus years of scholarship have shed extensive new light...

  • New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis
    By Willem VanGemeren

    A five-volume set with more than 5,000 separate entries which give a nuanced understanding of the meaning of words and concepts in the context of the Ancient Near East and...

  • Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books
    By Bill T. Arnold, H. G. M. Williamson

    Edited by Bill T. Arnold and Hugh G. M. Williamson, the Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books picks up where the Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch left off—with...

  • A Treasury of New Testament Synonyms
    By Stewart Custer

    The Greek language, being one of the most precise in the world, lent itself easily to fine distinctions between words. In ancient Greece the philosophers loved to differentiate between close...

  • An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: With Their Precise Meanings for English Readers
    By William Edwy Vine

    An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: With Their Precise Meanings for English Readers

  • 解開萬古常新的聖言
    By 環球聖經公會

    【內容簡介】 譯經,是傳道重要一環。自巴別事件後,人類就有許多不同的語言,要讓聖言廣傳,譯經工作不可或缺。 昔年,傳教士馬禮遜來華,很快就意識到,要令福音在中國生根,首先要做的就是譯經。於是他窮畢生之力,把聖經譯成中文,為福音在華廣傳,奠下堅實基礎。 然而,譯經之事,沒有最好,只有更好。隨著人類社會文化及語言的轉變,聖經翻譯也要因時而變。就如百年前的中國人,書寫的仍是帶文言色彩的白話文,詞彙以至句法,都與當今白話文不盡相同,以致我們閱讀傳統譯本,仍有費解和難明之處。加上散居海峽兩岸以至世界各地的華人,其語言習慣亦有差別,因此根據最新聖經研究成果,用當代中文重譯聖經,讓全球華人都看得明白,就成了時代的需要。環球聖經公會在踏入二十一世紀後,就啟動了全新譯經工程,本書作者(張達民博士)就是這部全新中文譯本(《環球聖經譯本》)的總主編。 本書收集了張博士在這十多年間,潛心翻譯聖經時的體會與心得。當中不僅有譯經原則的探討,也有因深入原文研究而得的釋經發現,指陳了以往譯本不足之處,既有扎實的學術根基,也不乏有趣的經文考究,對信徒讀經提供了不少亮光;同時,藉著書中十多個譯經案例,讀者也可掌握到原文解經的方法與原則,實在是不可多得的釋經、靈修的閱讀小品。   【作者簡介】張達民博士 ◆  美國費城西敏神學院(Westminster Theological Seminary)釋經學哲學博士、英國倫敦大學道學學士、澳洲悉尼大學理學學士及理學碩士◆  現任環球聖經公會駐會學者◆  曾任美國費城救恩教會青年工作主任、澳洲雪梨華人長老會牧師及成人基督教教育主任、美國費城西敏神學院新約講師、美國加州基督工人神學院新約教授;曾參與多項中英文聖經翻譯和修訂工作。◆  著作:Idol Food in Corinth: Jewish Background and Pauline Legacy、《天道聖經註釋——哥林多前書(卷下)》(合著)、《風起雲湧的初代教會》(合著)、《使徒行傳與保羅書信要領》(合著)等;主編:《環球聖經譯本》、《聖經註釋版——新譯本》、《研讀版聖經——新譯本》。

  • The Ryrie Study Bible: With Introductions, Annotations, Outlines, Marginal References ...
    By Charles Caldwell Ryrie

    The Ryrie Study Bible: With Introductions, Annotations, Outlines, Marginal References ...

  • The Illustrated Bible Dictionary
    By James Dixon Douglas, Alan Ralph Millard, Donald John Wiseman

    A comprehensive and richly illustrated three volume Bible dictionary; this ISBN is for Volume 3 only. Each volume is filled with pictures, maps, charts, and diagrams, with much in color....

  • The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia Identifying and Explaining All Proper Names and Significant Terms and Subjects...
    By George Arthur Buttrick

    An illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and researches into the...

  • Index of Biblical Images: Similes, Metaphors, and Symbols in Scripture : Based on the Text of the New International Version...
    By Warren W. Wiersbe

    "Our God is the great Creator. We see His handiwork in all He has made, from the wing of a bird to fruit on the vine. We see His power...