Books of Religion / Christian Theology / Eschatology

  • Purgation and Purgatory: The Spiritual Dialogue
    By Saint Catherine

    Purgation and Purgatory is a collection of sayings on spiritual purification in this life and the next. The Spiritual Dialogue gives us a readable and coherent inner history of Catherine.

  • Jesus Is Coming: God's Hope for a Restless World
    By William E. Blackstone

    -William Arnett , in Encounter With Books “ One of the books that has had a decidedly formative influence on my life and teaching . I have always recommended it to those who are beginning the study of the subject .

  • Facing Death and the Life After
    By Billy Graham

    Throughout his long evangelistic career and in his many books, Dr. Billy Graham has told millions about Christ's offer of eternal life. Now he calls for Christians to confront the...

  • The Greatness of the Kingdom: An Inductive Study of the Kingdom of God
    By Alva J. McClain

    This classic, penetrating analysis of the Kingdom of God as taught in both the Old and New Testaments has been republished in a handsome hardback dust jacket edition. This masterwork...

  • The Life of the World to Come: Near-death Experience and Christian Hope : the Albert Cardinal Meyer Lectures
    By Carol Zaleski

    Critics of religion have argued that Christianity's success stems from its promise of eternal life, that people become Christian at bottom merely to cope with their fear of death. Contemporary...

  • As a Thief in the Night: The Mormon Quest for Millennial Deliverance
    By Dan Erickson

    Belief in the approaching Millennium dominated early Mormon theology and behavior. For their first sixty-year history the Latter-day Saints were zealous apocalyptics and frequently encountered trouble with non-Mormons, which they...

  • 启示录的卷轴和骑士
    By Al Danks

    上帝给了耶稣一个启示,让他的仆人看到必须实现的事情。在这个启示中,我们看到一个卷轴,里面和外面都写着,用七个封印封住。当前四个封印被打开时,我们看到一个骑士。这卷书是什么?骑士是谁,或什么?我们如何辨别他们是什么或谁?我们如何知道我们的辨别是正确的?许多人都试图辨别这卷轴和骑士。本书不会试图反驳他们的每一个鉴定,也不会讨论每一个可能的鉴定。我们的方法是表明这些证据符合一个卷轴和一组骑士的要求。如果这种方法是成功的,那么它将有效地排除所有其他卷轴和马夫。本书不会试图讨论第一个骑士的弓和第四个骑士的绿色,因为可用的信息太少,无法辨别它们。首先将利用有关卷轴的证据来确定卷轴的身份。然后用关于每个骑士的证据来识别每个骑士。关于正确辨别的问题将通过展示以下内容来回答 - 骑士是如何结合在一起的- 骑士们都很配合卷轴- 卷轴和骑士适合启示录,并向我们展示将要发生的事情。

  • The Soul After Death: Contemporary "after-death" Experiences in the Light of the Orthodox Teaching on the Afterlife
    By Seraphim Rose

    Perhaps no other religious topic has engaged the human mind and heart so completely as the fate of the soul after death. In this spiritual and ultimately humane investigation, Fr....

  • A Disclosure of Secrets of Heaven Contained in Sacred Scripture Or the Word of the Lord: Here First Those in...
    By Emanuel Swedenborg

    The first major theological work of the Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg, Secrets of Heaven is in one sense a traveler's account. It reveals the unseen realms that await beyond death--the...

  • The Rapture Trap: A Catholic Response to "end Times" Fever
    By Paul Thigpen

    Thigpen lays out the biblical foundations of Catholic teaching on the close of age-- the "end times." Is Jesus coming to "rapture" Christians in the earth's last days? The short...

  • Normativity of the Future: Reading Biblical and Other Authoritative Texts in an Eschatological Perspective
    By Reimund Bieringer

    One of the major issues of contemporary theology is the relationship between the past and the present. Many see the task of theology as the re-interpretation of past traditions for...

  • The Faith of the Mithnagdim: Rabbinic Responses to Hasidic Rapture
    By Allan Nadler

    "Allan Nadler has performed a great service by bringing the Mithnagdim more to light. The spiritual universe that he has unearthed with erudition, imagination, and care is now more accessible...

  • 为时代的终结做准备
    By Al Danks

    上帝是国王、法官和天地的救赎者。作为国王,上帝的首要目标是他的王国的完全和永恒的统一。当他消灭了他的敌人:撒旦和所有与他结盟的人,他的国度的统一就会到来。在马太福音13:24-50中,耶稣说,与撒旦结盟的人将在我们所处的时代结束时被消灭。公义的人--他们是他们被要求成为的,做他们被要求做的--将进入下一个时代。不义的人--他们不是他们被要求成为的人,不做他们被要求做的事--将不会进入下一个时代。他们所走的路将以死亡告终。作为审判者,上帝必须做公正的事(创世纪18:25;彼得前书2:23)。在这个时代结束之前,神将测试我们,衡量我们的心,以确定我们是否是正义的。在时代的尽头,神将审判并决定谁可以进入他王国的千年时代,谁必须被毁灭。作为救赎者,他的目标是拯救尽可能多的人。在世界末日之前,神会警告我们末日即将来临,并呼吁我们准备。他的考验帮助我们准备,并作为征兆警告我们,我们正在接近时代的尽头。这些是我们可能在野兽、假先知等发生之前很久就看到的征兆,以便在这些事情发生时我们能够做好准备。- 为时代的终结做准备》将分享- 这个年龄将有一个结束 - 如何为年龄的终结做准备 - 我们要成为什么样的人,才能在这个年龄的尽头生存下去 - 我们需要做什么来度过这个年龄的末尾 - 如何成为我们所需的人 - 如何做我们被要求做的事 - 上帝将如何决定我们是否是所需的人- 这个时代结束的迹象

  • The Roots of Fundamentalism: British and American Millenarianism, 1800-1930
    By Ernest R. Sandeen

    Ernest Sandeen's Roots of Fundamentalism remains a landmark work in the history of religion. A National Book Award finalist, it was the first full-length study to present an intellectual historical...

  • From Age to Age: The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology
    By Keith A. Mathison

    Traces eschatological themes through the Bible, emphasizing how each book develops these themes, and their culmination in the coming of Christ, showing how all those texts fit into redemptive history.

  • 65 Signs of the Times: Leading Up to the Second Coming
    By David J. Ridges

    In this revised edition, David Ridges, author of the best-selling Gospel Studies Made Easier series, combines current events with ancient prophecy to illuminate how the signs of the times are already being fulfilled in our day.

  • The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology
    By Jurgen Moltmann

    Completes the systematic theology which Moltmann began in 1980. Offers a rich discussion of belief in life after death, messianic eschatology and cosmic eschatology as advocated down history by its...

  • The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology
    By Jurgen Moltmann

    This final volume of Moltmann's systematics centers on hope, thus completing a trajectory begun some three decades ago in his Theology of Hope. Eshatology, Moltmann contends, is often thought to...

  • Grandpa & Me: We Learn about Death
    By Marlee Alex

    A little girl learns to accept her grandfather's death after her grandmother explains God's plan for resurrection and everlasting life.

  • Journey Into the Light: Exploring Near-death Experiences
    By Richard Abanes

    This book is one of the most significant studies of the near-death experience genre to appear in recent years. The author has succeeded in making his research highly readable, as...