Edmunds, R. David. The Shawnee Prophet. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1983. Edward, Paul, ed. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. New York: Macmillan, 1967. Edwards, Frank. Stranger Than Science. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1959.
她是瘋了嗎? 為什麼每個人似乎都想奪走她的寶寶? 史上最具影響力的恐怖小說之一 楚門.卡波提(Truman Capote)史蒂芬.金(Stephen King)恰克.帕拉尼克(Chuck Palahniuk) ...
失嬰記,終於有了續集! 時間來到一九九九年,昏迷了近三十年的蘿絲瑪麗突然醒來了。 她是如此地震驚,讀者們亦然。 ...
In the public imagination Satanism is associated with bizarre rituals, perverse hedonistic lifestyles, heavy metal music, immature adolescents acting out, horror movies, and rumors of ritual abuse. But what are...
مؤسسات المجتمع المدني الغربية (رسل القيم): قراءة في الأدوار المحلية والدولية
Renewal and the Powers of Darkness
Extensive bibliography on demonology and witchcraft systematically describing all materials -including books, monographs, conference reports and doctoral dissertations- covering these subjects subjects from the 15th century to the 21st century....
At the Heart of Darkness: Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism Today
On the Inconstancy of Witches: Pierre de Lancre's Tableau de L'inconstance Des Mauvais Anges Et Demons (1612)
Europe's Inner Demons: An Enquiry Inspired by the Great Witch-Hunt is a historical study of the beliefs regarding European witchcraft in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, with particular reference...
說到佛門智慧,禪的智慧頗能啟人心智。當年馬祖向懷讓學習佛法,為了修成正果,馬祖整天坐禪不輟,可懷讓卻不這樣認為,他取了塊磚在馬祖跟前磨來磨去,說是要把磚頭磨成鏡子。馬祖感到好生有怪,便問:「你這是幹什麼來?」懷讓正等著馬祖的這句話,於是順勢開導:「磨磚既然不能成鏡,那你坐禪又何能成佛呢?」接著並諄諄教誨:「如果你一味執著地在坐相上學佛,就等於扼殺了佛,一輩子也休想夢見大道。」打這以後,馬祖便有所感悟,最後終於成為一個著名的禪師。 懷讓不愧是個聰明的教育家。他善於尋求機契,誘導學生主動發問,然後因勢利導,事半功倍。透過這則故事,我們同時又可看到,對於學禪來說,只要你一旦徹悟禪機,那未吃飯穿衣、挑水劈柴、琴棋書畫、行立坐臥,隨時隨地,無非禪也,並不一定要斤斤計較於死板的形式。這就從一個方面啟示我們,一個人只要從心靈上徹底打碎貧富榮辱等種種精神枷鎖的束縛,那麼他就能活得瀟灑、活得自在,從而優哉游哉,入於無往而不愉悅、「日日是好日」的禪境了。 當然,佛門智慧的光環還普遍顯現在佛法和平時的修行生活,以及佛教文化之中。比如,修行生活中有不殺生、不偷盜、不邪淫、不妄語、不飲酒等好多清規戒律,而弘揚這些清規戒律中的有益成分,對於我們維護自然界生態平衡,促進社會安定團結,建設現代精神文明,不無借鑒之處。再如佛教文化中在文學、藝術、醫學等領域所閃現出來的智光,對於啟迪人類文明的進一步發展,更是大有文章可做。 佛門是崇尚智慧的。在教佛觀音、地藏、文殊、普賢四大菩薩中,觀音大悲、地藏大願、文殊大智、普賢大行。文殊可謂是智慧的象徵。你看,他頭梳五個髻子,既反映了童子的天真,又表示著法界體性智、大圓鏡智、平等性智、妙觀察智、成所作智等五種智慧。左手所持蓮花上面,安放著一本《般若經》,體現著般若一塵不染的大智。右手執持金剛寶劍,意在象徵智慧能夠斷除一切煩惱,就好比寶劍能夠斬除群魔一樣。妙還妙在文殊菩薩座下的那頭獅子,在很大程度上顯現了智慧的法力和勇猛。 縱觀佛門智慧,既體現在哲理的探求方面,又體現在生活的體味和文藝的創造等方面;既有出世的高度,又有入世的深度。這裡只有安於寂寞、與人為善的安詳和睿智,沒有驚於寵辱,營營擾擾的權術。 親愛的讀者朋友,如果你的心理一時失去平衡,生活得太累太沈重,不妨受點佛門智慧的啟迪,你將由此而獲得一種別有奇趣的心靈救濟法門。這裡,佛門的寬宏、謙退、精進、智慧,將使你重新悟出拼得人生和享受人生的無窮樂趣。如果你在這世上生活得並不太累太沈重,或者竟是那麼的歡樂無憂—?當然這是多數,那麼佛門的智慧也將給你的人生添上一抹瑰麗的奇彩,如果你願意的話。
This text looks at extent of satanic cults and asks if there is a correlation between satanism and child abuse. The authors bring together researchers in forensic psychiatry, multiple personality...
Again and again we are told - by journalists, police, and fundamentalists - that there exists a secret network of criminal fanatics, worshippers of Satan, who are responsible for kidnapping,...
A follow-up to the award-winning expose published in Cornerstone Magazine. The glossing over of deceit in Warnke's 20-year reign as the "king of Christian comedy" in the evangelical recording and...
A collection of demon possession experiences, case histories, studies, and conclusions from a wide range of professional people, including doctors, psychiatrists, scientists, historians, theologians, and college professors.
But Deliver Us from Evil: An Introduction to the Demonic Dimension in Pastoral Care
Dictionary of Demons: A Guide to Demons and Demonologists in Occult Lore
The Devil is a satanic compendium of angels gone bad, the flipside to our immensely popular Saints (over 35,000 copies sold). Filled with gorgeous art and a silvery, rich design,...
The occult is a very real threat in modern America, expecially enticing to vulnerable teens and preteens. For parents who want to protect their children from the occult, this book...