Books of Religion / Eschatology

  • The Greatness of the Kingdom: An Inductive Study of the Kingdom of God
    By Alva J. McClain

    This classic, penetrating analysis of the Kingdom of God as taught in both the Old and New Testaments has been republished in a handsome hardback dust jacket edition. This masterwork...

  • The Life of the World to Come: Near-death Experience and Christian Hope : the Albert Cardinal Meyer Lectures
    By Carol Zaleski

    Critics of religion have argued that Christianity's success stems from its promise of eternal life, that people become Christian at bottom merely to cope with their fear of death. Contemporary...

  • Death and the Afterlife: A Cultural Encyclopedia
    By Richard P. Taylor

    This cultural encyclopedia examines customs and beliefs relating to death and burial in clear, well written articles covering most major religious and cultural traditions from prehistoric to modern times.Readers of...

  • Wisdom for the New Millennium
    By Ravi Shankar

    Excerpts from Wisdom For The New Millennium The whole world is made up of love& you have heard this before. All is God and all is love. Then what is...

  • The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God, and the Resurrection of the Dead
    By Frank J. Tipler, Professor of Mathematical Physics Frank J Tipler

    Frank J. Tipler is a major theoretician in the field of global general relativity, the rarefied branch of physics created by Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose. Like most modern scientists,...

  • The End of the World: An Annotated Bibliography
    By Tom McIver

    This bibliography contains careful and bias-free annotations of close to 3,500 works written over many centuries about the end of the world, predominantly but not entirely from a Christian perspective....

  • As a Thief in the Night: The Mormon Quest for Millennial Deliverance
    By Dan Erickson

    Belief in the approaching Millennium dominated early Mormon theology and behavior. For their first sixty-year history the Latter-day Saints were zealous apocalyptics and frequently encountered trouble with non-Mormons, which they...

  • Looking Back on the End of the World
    By Jean Baudrillard

    Looking Back on the End of the World raises provocative questions about the possibilities of critical knowledge in social systems that seem to have surpassed history.First published in 1989, Looking...

  • Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture--and Destruction of Planet Earth
    By Grace Halsell

    The book explores the danger posed by Christian fundamentalism - a doctrine that is sweeping America. Leaders of the doctrine proclaim that God wants - even demands - that Planet...

  • Future Of Immortality
    By Robert J. Lifton

    Essays discuss the psychological aspects of Hiroshima, Vietnam, the Jewish Holocaust, and the threat of nuclear war

  • A History of the End of the World
    By Yuri Rubinsky, Ian Wiseman

    Beautifully illustrated throughout, this survey of apocalyptic visions through the ages provides a fascinating kaleidoscope of religious, philosophical, and literary views

  • Eve of the Future Eden: L'Eve Future
    By Auguste comte de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam

    Eve of the Future Eden: L'Eve Future

  • From Age to Age: The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology
    By Keith A. Mathison

    Traces eschatological themes through the Bible, emphasizing how each book develops these themes, and their culmination in the coming of Christ, showing how all those texts fit into redemptive history.

  • 預言就是已發生的事
    By 李錦彬

    內容簡介:聖經記載有關耶穌基督有一天會降臨在橄欖山、信徒將會被提等等,以及數之不盡的預言,究竟發生了沒有?答案是肯定發生了。不然的話,約翰怎能把許多有關末世的情況,都詳細記下來呢?筆者用了二、三十年的時間,發掘了不少在舊約有關耶穌基督的預言,到了新約如何應驗在耶穌身上,箇中曲折離奇、引人入勝,使讀者能夠對耶穌有煥然一新的認識,以致對祂產生一種信而順服的信仰生活。根據啟示錄一章2節:「約翰便將神的道,和耶穌基督的見證,凡自己所看見的,都證明出來。」這一節聖經指出,約翰是把「凡自己所看見的」,都證明出來。既然稱這是「見證」,又是約翰所「看見」,那麼必定是已經發生了!這好比你錯過了某一套電視劇集的大結局,但你的配偶已經預先看了,所以劇集的大結局對你來說是未知之數,但對於你的配偶來說,卻是已經知道、已發生了的事實。 本書特點:預言來確立信徒的信心 - 筆者把耶穌基督的預言整合起來,讓大家可以嘗試回到那個時代,去了解那些預言如何準確地在新約應驗出來,箇中的曲折離奇必定令你驚訝萬分。有說服力的傳福音工具 - 對於非信徒來說,這本書好像偵探小說一樣,能夠抽絲剝繭,把福音的曲折離奇,具體呈獻在人的眼前 目錄:一 沒法操控的預言二 福音的發源地三 最詳而盡的預言四 沒有一塊石頭留在石頭上五 最富戲劇性的預言六 險些兒破壞了救恩的計畫七 彼得三次不認主的預言八 沒有腳會走的三十塊錢九 主受欺壓時不開口十 主帶著王的名號而死十一 令人費解的預言十二 主的骨頭一根也不可折斷十三 置身其中的預言十四 牽涉在耶穌預言最多的人十五 十架拼圖十六 與財主同葬十七 主復活的預言

  • Man, God and Immortality: Thoughts on Human Progress
    By James George Frazer

    Man, God and Immortality: Thoughts on Human Progress

  • Apocalypse Now and Then: A Feminist Guide to the End of the World
    By Catherine Keller, Judy Grahn

    Blood is everywhere in our society: on nightly T.V., in daily newspaper photos, in religious imagery. Yet menstrual blood is never mentioned and almost never seen, except privately by women....

  • The Cross and Human Transformation: Paul's Apocalyptic Word in 1 Corinthians
    By Alexandra R. Brown

    In our time the cross is often more a source of controversy than a sign of peace. While aware of differing points of view, Alexandra Brown shows that Paul's proclamation...

  • Man Suddenly Sees to the Edge of the Universe
    By Richard Casement

    Man Suddenly Sees to the Edge of the Universe

  • Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, and Resurrection
    By Harold Bloom

    In this commanding and impassioned inquiry, Harold Bloom draws on a lifelong study of religion and, in particular, of Gnosticism, the knowing that God is not an external force but...

  • The Millennium
    By Loraine Boettner

    Written from the viewpoint of post-millennialism, this work provides a critical analysis of the three positions in eschatology: pre-millennialism, a-millennialism, and post-millennialism.