Books of Religion / Psychology of Religion

  • More Than Belief: A Materialist Theory of Religion
    By Manuel A. Vásquez

    Political scientist and historian William Sewell, who has been strongly influenced by Geertz, argues that the Geertzian view of the biological necessity of culture is a “brilliant piece of materialist argumentation.

  • Violence in God's Name: Religion in an Age of Conflict
    By Oliver J. McTernan

    A timely exploration of the links between religious faith and global violence--and how to break them.

  • Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions
    By Nancy M. Martin, Joseph Runzo

    Bringing together original work from some of the world's leading specialists in the field, this new volume offers wide-ranging and enlightening new perspectives on the role of love, sex and...

  • Ecstatic Religion: An Anthropological Study of Spirit Possession and Shamanism
    By I. M. Lewis

    Ecstatic Religion: An Anthropological Study of Spirit Possession and Shamanism

  • Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief
    By Andrew B. Newberg, Eugene G. D'Aquili, Vince Rause

    Why have we humans always longed to connect with something larger than ourselves? Why does consciousness inevitably involve us in a spiritual quest? Why, in short, won't God go away?...

  • 臺灣宗教融合與在地化
    By 張家麟


  • Spirituality and the Therapeutic Process: A Comprehensive Resource from Intake to Termination
    By Mark M. Leach, Jamie D. Aten

    "This book is for therapists who want to enhance their effectiveness with clients whose spirituality is a salient part of their worldview. Whether or not the therapist has a spiritual...

  • Understanding and Counseling Persons with Alcohol, Drug, and Behavioral Addictions: Counseling for Recovery and Prevention Using Psychology and Religion
    By Howard John Clinebell

    For more than a decade, Howard Clinebell's Understanding and Counseling the Alcoholic has been considered the standard work in the field. This updated edition of Clinebell's earlier book expands his...

  • Healing and Restoring: Health and Medicine in the World's Religious Traditions
    By Lawrence Eugene Sullivan

    Healing and Restoring: Health and Medicine in the World's Religious Traditions

  • A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: The Expression of Grief and Joy in Israelite Religion
    By Gary A. Anderson

    Anthropologists have long known that different cultures give expression to their symbol systems through external mediums such as food and clothing, but they have not recognized as readily that cultures...

  • Sexual Harassment No More
    By Jim Conway, Sally Conway

    This is not just a subject for the courts. It is intensely personal to every woman who has been the victim of harassment and to every man who has seen...

  • Traditionalism and Radicalism in the History of Christian Thought
    By Corneliu C. Simut

    This fascinating work presents the two conflicting positions within Christian thought—traditional and radical—as they developed through some of the most important periods of church history. Simut traces traditional Christian thought...

  • Image and Imagination of the Religious Self in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
    By Lovis Corinth Colloquium

    One of the central and defining beliefs in late-medieval and early-modern spirituality was the notion of the formability of the religious self. Identified with the soul, the self was conceived,...

  • Fantasy, Myth, and Reality: Essays in Honor of Jacob A. Arlow
    By Harold P. Blum

    Twenty-five original papers dealing with unconscious fantasy and its relationship with reality. General subjects covered are: theory, technique, applications, mythology, religion and belief, reality- sexuality, identity and biology, and psychopathology...

  • The Psychology of Religious Experience in Its Personal and Institutional Dimensions
    By Bruce T. Riley

    This book employs the basic concept of a religious problem as the necessary condition of religious experience. The connection between different kinds of religious problems and corresponding types of religious...

  • The Transfiguration of Man
    By Frithjof Schuon

    Schuon proposes a view of man contradictory to the image of modern psychology; he views human nature in relationship to God.

  • 榮格論心理學與宗教
    By 卡爾・榮格

    宗教經驗是絕對存在的,它存在於無意識心靈中,凌駕且掌控人類主體。只有見識短淺的人才會選擇視而不見。——卡爾・榮格                                                      ▋榮格第一本探討宗教主題的專門著作▋英文原版繁中首次翻譯面世1937年,榮格應美國耶魯大學泰瑞講座邀請,以「心理學與宗教」為主題進行三場演講,分別為「無意識的自主性」、「教義與自然象徵」,以及「一個自然象徵的歷史與心理學」,並於隔年出版,這是榮格第一本探討宗教與心理學之關係的著作。當時,在科學啟蒙運動的影響下,宗教被崇尚科學的大眾視為荒誕的迷信,傳統天主教儀式也漸漸遭到廢棄;而另一方面,宗教內部的神職人員,也多半將心理學視為不入流的學問,更排斥以心理學來解釋宗教,認為這把宗教經驗解釋為心理現象,形同一種對上帝的褻瀆。在這樣的背景下,榮格以心理學角度解讀宗教的做法,自然飽受批評,更有人嘲諷地稱榮格的學說是一種「宗教的心理學」。這三場演說中,榮格親上火線為己聲辯。他以自己診治過的大量臨床案例為佐證,指出宗教是無意識心靈中真實存在的功能,若強行壓抑,將引發無意識的反撲,其結果便是出現精神官能症,他認為:這正是當時歐洲、尤其在德國社會中,大眾心靈普遍存在不安與騷動的主要原因。此外,他也從病患的痊癒過程中發現,宗教儀式其實具備保護作用,使人的心靈不會被太過強烈的「直接經驗」傷害。在多個精神官能症案例中,透過告解、祈禱等宗教儀式,患者竟奇蹟似地不藥而癒。在書中,榮格分析了大量古代與中古時代的材料與記載,並結合他在煉金術、神祕學與文學等領域的研究,清楚揭示無意識運作過程中顯現的各種宗教象徵。榮格認為這些象徵已存在數百年,並以某種神祕方式在人類心靈中代代相傳,遠超過意識所能掌握。《心理學與宗教》最初以英文寫成,後經榮格與其合作夥伴童妮・沃爾夫(Toni Wolff)加以翻譯、修改為德文版。本書以最原始英文版本為底本,為讀者呈現最原汁原味的大師經典。各界推薦(依姓名筆劃排序)  「這本書裡充滿珍珠寶石,雖然它們埋在厚重的宗教學知識裡,但只要安靜、耐心地閱讀,就會發現榮格藏在文字裡的珠寶。這是榮格理論簡單又完整的呈現,更是他才華盡顯的著作。」──呂旭亞(榮格分析師・心理諮商師)  「激進者有稱榮格心理學為『心理宗教學』,榮格於本書中親身梳理脈絡,有志探求其理者,不容錯過。」──洪素珍(國立臺北教育大學心理與諮商學系副教授・榮格分析師)  「綜觀榮格的一生,他確實對神秘的事物尤其感興趣,從古代的煉金術、神話到冥想,都是他探索心理世界時不能迴避的領域。本書是榮格最為直接且簡要說明心理學與宗教深層關係之作。」──曾慶豹(輔仁大學哲學系教授・「基督教學術叢書」主編)  「在現代知識版圖中,心理學和宗教的關係非常密切,重要的心理學家往往也是宗教學的巨匠。榮格比起其他的心理學家,他對身心交界處的深層無意識內涵更著迷,他對東方宗教的興趣與吸收,更值得我們注意。」──楊儒賓(國立清華大學哲學所教授・《黃金之花的祕密──道教內丹學引論》譯者) 

  • Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology & Counseling
    By Peter C. Hill, David G. Benner

    Contains over one thousand alphabetically arranged articles that present information about topics related to psychology from a Christian point of view; covering the areas of personality, psychopathology, psychotherapy and other...

  • Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis
    By Stanislav Grof, Christina Grof

    From Spiritual Emergency to Healing and RebirthIncreasing numbers of people involved in personal transformation are experiencing spiritual emergencies — crises when the process of growth and change becomes chaotic and...

  • The Future of the Universe: Chance, Chaos, God?
    By A. O. Benz

    An astrophysicist draws upon religion and science in his search for evidence of God. The word "God" shows up increasingly in popular works about modern physics. Some scientists piously see...