This is the fourth in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley's sermons. This volume contains 18 sermons that were published in the Arminian Magazine from 1789 to 1792.
Rowan Williams is the Archbishop of Canterbury. In this collection of pastoral sermons and addresses, Williams shows how the faith of the creeds can still equip Christians for a vigorous...
A priceless reference work in the history of Christian preaching that will revitalize the preaching of the twenty first century. --Cheryl TownsAnd Gilkes, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur associate...
本書依序歸納、論述講道的各個層次的重要本質及特點,首先分析講道的重要地位、進而論及講道者的裝備、講道 之本質,而在講道之實踐上,作者論及解經式講道之特色、並細述講道的中心思想及思想組織。對於預備要做傳道人、牧師或任何任教導職者(甚至也包括任何已經是傳道人、牧師、任教職者)來說,本書的確是一本面面俱到的講道教戰手冊。
The twelfth-century abbot and contemplative known to history as The Mellifluous Teacher' wrote sermons for the entire Christmas liturgical cycle -- from the first Sunday of Advent (four weeks before...
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit
Calvin stresses the great themes of Galatians - human sin and depravity; law and grace; the love that took Christ Jesus to the cross; forgiveness of sin; justification by faith...
Joseph Walser provides the first examination of Nagarjuna's life and writings in the context of the religious and monastic debates of the second century CE. Walser explores how Nagarjuna secured...
The Growing Edge is a book of Howard Thurman's sermons. For Thurman, the sermon is an act of worship in which the preacher exposes his spirit and mind as they...
解读神的朋友亚伯拉罕要想明白圣经,建立信心,先要了解创世记这篇圣经最基础的一 卷。创世记可谓整本圣经的绪论,包含着人类救赎史。 笔者自教会开拓之初起,为了获得神对创世记的启解,常常禁食, 祷告,不停寻求仰赖。历时数年,神使笔者在圣灵的感动中领受创世记 所包含的无穷灵界之奥秘并在讲台上宣讲。信息透过电视、互联网等传 媒平台广为传播,在世界各国引起热烈反响,而此次专以选取其中关于 亚伯拉罕的信息编撰成书。 亚伯拉罕通过献以撒为燔祭的试验,得称为神的朋友,被誉为信心 之父的生命历程,如同一场电影,鲜活地向读者展现,令人兴趣盎然, 回味无穷。但亚伯拉罕拥有得神喜悦的信心,并非一朝一夕而成的。 "可见信心是与他的行为并行,而且信心因着行为才得成全。这就 应验经上所说:'亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义。'他又得称为神的朋 友。"(雅各书2章22-23节)...
Kim's much-needed resource provides clear and thoughtful insights on preaching from an Asian American perspective. The book first explores the distinctiveness of the Asian American congregation and spirituality, and then...
The Scarlet Thread: Nineteen Sermons
Theodore Parker, a great orator of the mid-19th century, was a Unitarian clergyman who directed much of his oratory towards ecclesiastical and social reform. Parker challenged slavery and other social...