Books of Science / Space Science / Astronomy

  • The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change
    By Nigel Calder, Henrik Svensmark

    Scientists agree that over the last century the earth has become warmer. But do we really know why this has happened? A deftly written and enjoyable read, "The Chilling Stars"...

  • Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (FFP 8): Eighth International Symposium
    By American institute of physics

    All papers were peer reviewed. The broad objective of Frontiers of Fundamental Physics has been to enable scholars working in different areas to meet and exchange ideas and status reports....

  • Adventures in Celestial Mechanics: A First Course in the Theory of Orbits
    By Victor G. Szebehely

    "In this well-written textbook, one of the world's leading authorities provides an expert introduction to the principles of orbital mechanics, with applications to the dynamics of space probes, artificial satellites,...

  • Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy
    By Andre Heck

    The ship has left the Miraflores Locks, let loose from the 'mules' run by the crews of the Panama Canal Commission. She has picked up speed while passing under the...

  • Impact Earth: Asteroids, Comets and Meteoroids : the Growing Threat
    By Austen Atkinson

    As more asteroids enter our solar system, our chances of a collision increase by the day. This work examines the impact phenomenon describing the importance of Deathrock collisions in the...

  • Radar Absorbing Materials: From Theory to Design and Characterization
    By K.J. Vinoy, R.M. Jha

    Due to its extensive applications in stealth technology, much of the research effort in radar absorbing materials (RAM) has remained classified. As is the wont with classified topics, it has...

  • Recent Advances in Dynamical Astronomy
    By B.D. Tapley, V.G. Szebehely

    IX LIST OF PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS XI LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 1. REGULARIZATION E. STIEFEL / A Linear Theory of the Perturbed Two-Body Problem (Regul- ization) 3 J. WALDVOGEL / Collision Singularities...

  • Space Almanac: Facts, Figures, Names, Dates, Places, Lists, Charts, Tables, Maps Covering Space from Earth to the Edge of the...
    By Anthony R. Curtis

    The largest, most complete and up to date almanac of space exploration is now in its second big edition! Here at your fingertips is the latest inforamtion on almost anything...

  • Summer Stargazing: A Practical Guide for Recreational Astronomers
    By Terence Dickinson

    An abundantly illustrated guide to the year's best stargazing season. "Summer brings with it fine stargazing weather; it also happens to be the time of the year when...

  • Astrophysics from Spacelab
    By P.L. Bernacca

    Astrophysics from Spacelab

  • X-Ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond
    By Philip Kaaret, Frederick K. Lamb, Jean H. Swank

    X-ray timing allows us to probe the behavior of matter in intense gravitational fields close to black holes and neutron stars and also to see X-rays emitted from the surface...

  • Practical Astronomy: A New Approach to an Old Science
    By W. Schroeder

    Practical Astronomy: A New Approach to an Old Science

  • Towards the Edge of the Universe: A Review of Modern Cosmology
    By Stuart Clark, Stuart G. Clark

    Towards the Edge of the Universe is the second edition of a successful textbook, previously published by Wiley-Praxis.It reviews the latest discoveries and ideas, discusses areas of controversy, and presents...

  • Exploring the Planets
    By Eric H. Christiansen, William Kenneth Hamblin

    Designed for freshman/sophomore level planetary geology and solar system courses in geology departments and solar system courses in astronomy departments. Fully revised and updated, Exploring the Planets presents a thorough,...

  • The Tradition of Astronomy in India: Jyotiḥśāstra
    By B. V. Subbarayappa

    Illustrations:Numerous Colour Illustrations Description:The volumes of the Project of History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization aim to discover the central aspects of India's heritage and present them...

  • Exploring the Solar System
    By Nicholas Booth

    Exploring the Solar System chronicles more than three decades of planetary exploration, revealing the solar system in all its colourful glory. At one time, the planets and moons of our...

  • Celestial Navigation
    By Frances Woodworth Wright

    This guide to celestial navigation has been popular ever since it first appeared in 1969. Revised in 1982, Celestial Navigation is a quick, easy, and thorough explanation (with realistically worked...

  • Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics
    By Michael Zeilik, Stephen A. Gregory

    This advanced undergraduate text provides broad coverage of astronomy and astrophyscis with a strong emphasis on physics. It has an algebra and trigonometry prerequisite, but calculus is preferred.

  • 地圖上消失的51區: 美國機密與外星人真相大解碼
    By 江晃榮

      航空界裡的祕密,天空到處都是UFO   宇宙中人類是唯一的智慧生命嗎?愈來愈多的証據顯示,外星人是真實存在,且與人類的互動頻繁。加拿大前國防部長鮑爾•赫勒(Paul Hellyer)說,地球上至少有地球上共有2種到12種外星人,有的像人類,也有的長得像如漫畫中的生物形象。   外星人是來毀滅或解救地球?   幾千年來,外星人不斷到訪地球。他們是帶有惡意的侵略者?單純的研究者?還是善意的警示者?外星人們不是同一種群體,而是不同種類的生物,大部分外星人對人類懷有善意,但是有些外星人的目的是邪惡的。   世界各地每年有數百個不明飛行物報到,英國愛丁堡的科學家們對外星人存在機率、太空飛船建造和星際間旅行時間進行計算後,得出結論顯示,其實外星人的探測器早就伸向了我們,密切觀察著人類,外星文明可能比我們人類發達幾千倍甚至幾百萬倍以上。   但最引人注目的外星人證據是在美國領空。許多證人看到了這些不明飛行物。1997年3月「鳳凰燈」事件,在3月13日晚超過100名證人站出來,說看到三角或’V字形狀的機器在亞利桑那州 菲尼克斯市徘徊。百分之五至百分之十的美國人口已經看到了他們口中的飛碟。美國也擁有最高紀錄的綁架外星人記錄。   X檔案真實上演   地球人遭遇外星人綁架的故事屢見不鮮,有些被綁架的人說,他們和外星人之間發生了令人興奮的心靈感應,那是一種愉悅、溫暖的經歷。還有些被綁架的人說,外星人強迫他們接受科學實驗或手術。     美國一直與外星人合作發展科技,卻否認他們存在   登陸月球的美國太空人米切爾( Edgar Mitchell )以他在太空總署工作多年的日子,掌握不少鮮為人知的內情,清楚知道外星人曾多次派UFO前來地球,並試圖跟人類接觸。米切爾坦言: 「我曾在軍事和情報部門工作,知道的比公眾更多,我可以答你,外星人來過這。 」作為一名太空權威專家,言論份量十足。   美國政府一直以來隱瞞了關於外星人的祕密,一個被礦坑掩護的美國空軍禁區「51區」,也是美國政府從未承認其存在的軍事禁地,卻具有讓美國政府和五角大廈直接管轄的身分!相傳,在這兒,包藏著美國高科技軍事武器與計劃的秘密!也是隱藏著許多外星人與美國政府不可告人的合作協定。   NASA為何配合美軍隱瞞外星人資訊?   外星人和美國政府達成了什麼協議?   見到飛碟的證人被FBI恐嚇最好閉上嘴巴,否則會讓他們惹上殺身之禍?   18名外星人取得公民為美國政府做事?   ...

  • Large-Scale Structures in the Universe
    By Anthony Fairall

    Devoted to large-scale structures with an emphasis on observation, this book focuses on our evolving understanding of the distribution of galaxies and the formation and structure of the universe.