Books of Sopranos (Singers)

  • Sheridan's Nightingale: The Story of Elizabeth Linley
    By Alan Chedzoy

    Bath should furnish the scene and Eliza's courting the plot . During the weeks at Croome he was spurred on by the definite prospect of production . The fact that Tom Harris had commissioned the play from so inexperienced an author was ...

  • 走音天后
    By 宋瑛堂, 馬丁, Nicholas Martin

    本书是「史上最不会唱歌的女高音」佛罗伦斯·佛斯特·珍金丝夫人的人物传记, 全书从佛罗伦斯诞生在宾州富贵人家, 一八六八年写起, 写她不寻常的天赋, 际遇, 婚姻, 事业, ...

  • Nellie: The Life and Loves of a Diva
    By Robert Wainwright

    Against all odds, Nellie Melba became the greatest opera singer of her time on stages across Australia, America and Europe.

  • Meet Nellie Melba
    By Janeen Brian, Claire Murphy

    From Ned Kelly to Banjo Paterson; Captain Cook to Sidney Nolan, the Meet ... series of picture books tells the exciting stories of the men and women who have shaped Australia's history.