Books of Technology & Engineering / Military Science

  • Ensuring Personnel Readiness in the Army Reserve Components
    By Bruce R. Orvis, Herbert J. Shukiar, Laurie L. McDonald

    This project examined the extent of cross-leveling during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the reasons for it, the likelihood of serious personnel shortfalls in future deployments, and, based on these findings, the types of policies that ...

  • A Call to Civic Service: National Service for Country and Community
    By Charles C. Moskos

    Joyce Seltzer , my editor , and other members of the Free Press staff performed superhuman labors to publish the manuscript in rapid ... John J. Mearsheimer , Sam C. Sarkesian , David R. Segal , John Alden Williams , and Frank R. Wood .

  • On a Steel Horse I Ride: A History of the MH-53 Pave Low Helicopters in War and Peace
    By Darrel D. Whitcomb

    ... the initial evolution of the Pave Low program from Sikorsky's perspective . The Pentagon is a rich source of information , and I was able to do some significant research there , graciously supported by Col Henry Sanders and the ...

  • The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa
    By David Edward Brown

    International criminal networks mainly from Latin America and Africa -- some with links to terrorism -- are turning West Africa into a key global hub for the distribution, wholesaling, and production of illicit drugs.

  • Reorganizing America's Defense: Leadership in War and Peace
    By Robert J. Art, Samuel P. Huntington, Vincent Davis

    ... as well as the other reports on defense organization done by the Carter administration , see Barrett , Archie D. , Reappraising Defense Organization ... See , for example , the testimony of Admiral Thomas H. Moorer , Ibid . , pp .

  • Napoleon: A Biographical Companion
    By David Nicholls

    Describes the life, achievements, rise to power, and influences of the military leader who crowned himself Emperor of the French and established dominance over Europe.

  • Costs and Benefits of Reserve Participation: New Evidence from the 1992 Reserve Components Survey
    By Sheila Nataraj Kirby, Stephanie Williamson, Scott Naftel

    Recent greater reliance on reserve forces has made it important to understand how reserve mobilizations affect the attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of reservists, their families, and their civilian employers.

  • Incentives to Undertake Sourcing Studies in the Air Force
    By Laura H. Baldwin

    This annotated briefing examines the incentives of participants in the Air Force's sourcing process.

  • Soviet Military Encyclopedia, Volume 2
    By William C. Green, W. Robert Reeves

    Soviet Military Encyclopedia, Volume 2

  • JFC Fuller: Military Thinker
    By Brian Holden Reid

    Fuller had to show , in other words , that Grant was imaginative ; in a word , no Haig . This was at the bottom of his differences with Liddell Hart over the American Civil War . A convinced Sherman partisan , Liddell Hart saw Grant as ...

  • 關鍵戰數:當代衝突的資訊革命,大數據分析如何左右戰局
    By 伊萊.博曼(Eli Berman), 喬斯夫.費爾特(Joseph H. Felter), 雅各.夏皮羅(Jacob N. Shapiro)

    理歐發現的結果與戴爾及奎魯賓在越南的發現互相衝突,然在文獻上卻更具優勢。他發現遭受無差別攻擊的村落,所受叛軍攻擊的機率將減少50%,較平均值而言降低了24.2% 59 。此外,隨機砲擊的破壞性與後續來自村落的叛軍暴力,兩者之間的關聯或許並不存在, ...

  • 孙子兵法
    By 陈曦译注

    《孙子兵法》十三篇涉及军事理论、实践各个方面,内容博大精深,思想深邃富瞻,逻辑缜密严谨,既是我国古代军事文化遗产中的瑰宝,又是我国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。本 ...

  • National Security And Public Opinion In Israel
    By Ilan Talmud, Tamar Hermann, Alan Arian

    ... Gary P. Ratner , Raphael Recanati , Meshulam Riklis , Morris Rodman , Elihu Rose , Malcolm M. Rosenberg , Irving Schneider , Marvin Simon , Ruth Sinaiko , Walter P. Stern , Dr. Robert J. Stoller , Leonard R. Strelitz , James Warren ...

  • The Old Breed of Marine: A World War II Diary
    By William H. Bartsch, Abraham Felber, Franklin S. Felber

    September ¡4, ¡942 Bryan, whom Felber selected to accompany him on his hunt for Japanese, was Pvt. Joseph D. Bryan, Jr., a carpenter in Felber's H&S Battery. (July ¡942 muster roll, H&S Battery, ¡¡th Marines.) The “3 American planes” ...

  • High Performance Computing Opportunities and Challenges for Army R&D
    By Rand Corporation, John Matsumura, Robert Helms Anderson

    The purpose of this study was to identify key potential users of high-performance computing (HPC) within the Army science and technology community and any barriers that prevent full use of current and planned HPC resources.

  • Castles, Town Defences, and Artillery Fortifications in Britain: A Bibliography
    By John R. Kenyon

    ... 1979 * Tenby Castle ' and ' Tenby town walls ' , W G Thomas , The Hundred - andTwenty - Third Annual Meeting in South ... 45 ' Ystrad Meurig ' , C J Spurgeon , 124th Annual Meeting in Aberystwyth , South Montgomery and North Radnor ...

  • China's Air Force Enters the 21st Century
    By Jonathan D. Pollack, Kenneth W. Allen, Glenn Krumel

    RAND's publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of its research sponsors. Cover Design: Peter Soriano Published 1995 by RAND 1700 Main Street, P.O. Box 2138, Santa Monica, ...

  • The Records of the War Office and Related Departments, 1660-1964
    By Michael Roper

    ... by Brig Gen Sir James E Edmonds Italy , 1915-19 1 vol by Brig Gen Sir James E Edmonds and others Macedonia 2 vols by Capt Cyril Falls Mesopotamia 4 vols by Brig Gen F Moberly Togoland and the Cameroons , 1914-16 1 vol by Brig Gen.

  • Microworld Simulations for Command and Control Training of Theater Logistics and Support Staffs: A Curriculum Strategy
    By Rand Corporation, Arroyo Center, United States. Army

    It concludes with a proposed training strategy that the authors believe is more appropriate and useful for meeting the challenges posed to the Army by personnel turbulence, split-based operations, increased reliance on information, and ...

  • They Also Served: American Women in World War II
    By Olga Gruhzit-Hoyt

    This is the first book of its kind - examining the crucial role these women played in World War II. Here are the intimate accounts of twenty-eight servicewomen, many of...