Books of Terrorism

  • Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism
    By William John Bennett

    Examines how the events of September 11 unified most Americans and analyzes how a small number of intellectuals, writers, members of the media, and academics questioned the U.S. response to the attacks and America's own culpability.

  • Quantum Lens
    By Douglas E. Richards

    . .Quantum Lens is a smart, roller-coaster-ride of a thriller crammed with intriguing concepts readers will be contemplating long after they've read the last page.

  • Impacto fatal
    By Ridley Pearson

    "Un agente del FBI y un activista enfrentados en la novela más dramática y humana sobre el terrorismo"--Cover.

  • The One Year: A Novel
    By Brian J. Gorman

    The anger left behind from the Easter Rebellion executions paved the way for Michael Collins ' war for independence against the Brits . “ Collins was brilliant at guerrilla warfare and forced the Brits to the bargaining table .

  • Annual Editions: Violence and Terrorism 03/04
    By Thomas J. Badey

    See , for example , E. MacDonald , D.E. Georges - Abeyie , and S. Aust , The Baader - Meinhof Group : The Inside Story of a Phenomenon , trans . by Anthea Bell ( London , 1985 ) ; L. de ... Weinberg and Eubank , op . cit . , 255 . 40.

  • Focus on Terrorism
    By Edward V. Linden

    Nora Bensahel of RAND explains that charting short-term trends in insurgent violence can be very misleading, hence we should measure progress against them with different yardsticks. See Commentary, "Gauging Counterinsurgency," Baltimore ...

  • Terrorism: An Annotated Bibliography
    By Susheela Bhan, Institute of Peace Research and Action

    ... V.F. , 131 Blair , Bruce G. , 24 Blischtschenko , I.P. , 25 Blum , Yehuda Z. , 25 Bochikarvov , V. , 197 Bonanate ... Gorry D. , 24 Brousse , Marjorie Ann , 5 Browne , Marjorie A. , 180 Buckley , Alan D. , 27 Burton , Anthony M.

  • The Rand Chronology of International Terrorism for 1988
    By Karen Gardela, Bruce Hoffman

    In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of ...

  • The Rand Chronology of International Terrorism for 1987
    By Karen Gardela, Bruce Hoffman

    In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of ...

  • Terror Post 9/11 and the Media
    By David L. Altheide

    “ Seattle Times June 20 , 2006 : 1. ( accessed June 29 , 2006 ) . Gamson , William A. , David Croteau , William Hoynes , and Theodore Sasson . 1992.

  • Legal Terrorism: The Truth about the Christic Institute
    By Susan Huck

    Dr. James Waller , 37 , had abandoned the healing arts to toil in a Cone Mills corduroy - finishing plant , for the sole purpose of taking over the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union local .

  • Terrorismes: histoire et droit
    By Mireille Delmas-Marty, Henri Laurens

    La 4e de couverture indique : "Le terrorisme, une « technique » de combat parmi d’autres ?

  • Terrorismes: histoire et droit
    By Mireille Delmas-Marty, Henry Laurens

    Le terrorisme, une " technique " de combat parmi d'autres ? Comment définir cette forme de violence dont l'apologie constitue un délit ? " Terroriste ", Robespierre ? " Terroristes...

  • Sword of Allah
    By David A. Rollins

    Briggs waited till the course changes had been completed and then said, 'Quartermaster, get the gunner of the watch up here.' Aye aye, sir,' said Teo, the only Australian of Asian origin in the ship's complement of sixty, and nicknamed ...

  • 反恐大战略: 美国如何打击恐怖主义

    Ben shu hui bian le shi jie shang yi xie zui you xiu fan kong zhuan jia de wen zhang, Shen ru xi zhi di chan shu le kong bu zhu yi de qi yuan, Fa zhan he yan bian, Cong wai jiao, Qing bao, Xin li zheng zhi gong ju, Guo ji fa, Xing fa, Jun ...

  • 恐怖主义犯罪研究
    By 阮传胜

    本书以比较研究的方法,主要从刑法学角度系统地对恐怖主义犯罪的概念、犯罪构成的要件、与相关犯罪的比较、刑事管辖权、有关的国际公约以及我国的立法完善等问题进行了研究 ...

  • Terrorism
    By Christopher Coker


  • 反恐警务: 组织视角与全球视野
    By Mathieu Deflem

    本研究以2001年9. 11事件以来反恐警务的发展为轴心, 重点考察了美国反恐警务的多个方面, 并将比较研究视角扩展到包括以色列和伊拉克等国家 ...

  • Nightmare of the Prophet
    By Paul Gray

    It warns of the rebirth of totalitarian rule throughout the world if the West does not adopt a more wide-ranging anti-terrorism strategy. Paul Gray urges a radical overhaul of anti-terrorism policy.

  • Terrorism: An Introduction
    By Jonathan Randall White

    * Comprehensive survey focuses distinctly on the police/military/security aspects of domestic and international terrorism as opposed to the political aspects..* Coverage includes definitions of terrorism (in the legal and political systems) ...