Books of Time management

  • 留更多时间给重要的事: 用赛维特的方法更精致地管理时间
    By 赛维特, 卢祖康

    留更多时间给重要的事: 用赛维特的方法更精致地管理时间

  • Making the Most of Your Time
    By Steve Morris, Graham Willcocks

    This title is designed to make the process as simple and practical as possible, with small and achievable steps that enable you to select the things that will work for you, and to help you do them.

  • Time Management for Dummies
    By Jeffrey J. Mayer

    17600 Newhope Street , Fountain Valley , CA 92708 ; 800-835-6575 . Triple the clock speed of your 486 If you own a 486 computer and upgrading to a Pentium chip is either too expensive or ...

  • One Hundred Seventy-five Ways to Get More Done in Less Time
    By David Cottrell

    This book is packed with practical tips that will help you invest 10, 20, or even 90 minutes a day more wisely.

  • Prioritize . . . Organize . . . The Art of Getting It Done
    By Jonathan Clark, Susan Clark

    Business user's manual which includes a step-by-step approach to developing the skills to become a top performer - promoting skills like making priorities, planning, time management, organization and more.

  • The Ninety-minute Hour
    By Jay Conrad Levinson

    18.95 90 80 10 70 201 60 30 50 40 014 THE NINETY - MINUTE HOUR JAY CONRAD LEVINSON In the tradition of Winston's The Organized Executive , this is the first time - management book to synthesize technology and current psychological ...

  • 个人时间管理: 第三版
    By 海恩斯, Marion E. Haynes


  • Get Everything Done: And Still Have Time to Play
    By Mark Forster

    Written for those people who have to juggle different demands in a busy schedule, this guide to time management includes lots of advice on finding an effective system, and leads to a greater enjoyment of work and leisure.

  • 时间管理: 如何充分利用你的24小时


  • 如何每天找更多的时间
    By 謝瑤玲, 柯普


  • 从容: 平衡工作与生活的黄金法则
    By 戴维森


  • 如何成为更好的时间经理
    By 史密斯, Smith, Jane·史密斯


  • 掌控時間: 有效的時間管理
    By 羅若蘋

    掌控時間: 有效的時間管理

  • 净化你的时间: 每天多出2小时
    By Steven Griffith

    本书介绍沉迷于玩手游,刷短视频等的做法使得我们的日程被"污染",我们的时间里充满了"毒素",进而时间被大量浪费掉,所以我们需要净化自己的时间.基于25年的教练实践 ...

  • 时间管理十堂课
    By 布莱


  • 工作生活一把罩
    By 陳琇玲, Elaine St. James, 詹姆絲


  • Awaking in Time: Practical Time Management for Those on a Spiritual Path
    By Pamela Kristan

    Parker Palmer's Let Your Life Speak has a courageous account of major depression. When we're cut oil from the sources of our vitality there's a temptation to go to stimulants, personal drama, over- busy-ness, or other forms of denial.

  • 标准时间管理
    By 田村孝文, 李斌瑛


  • 时间管理
    By 迈耶, Mayer, Jeffrey J.·迈耶


  • Time Management Survival Guide for Dummies
    By Jeffrey J. Mayer

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