Books of Travel / Europe / Eastern

  • Czech & Slovak Republics
    By Richard Nebesky, John S. King, Scott McNeely

    Briefly traces the history of the region, describes points of interest, and recommends hotels and restaurants.

  • A Wandering Feast: A Journey Through the Jewish Culture of Eastern Europe
    By Yale Strom

    An original and uplifting view of a world lost, reborn, and rediscovered This is a delightful book that welcomes the reader to a wonderful journey through the Jewish culture of...

  • Vanished Empire: Vienna, Budapest, Prague : the Three Capital Cities of the Habsburg Empire as Seen Today
    By Stephen Brook

    Brook presents his view of Budapest, Vienna, and Prague, looking at the many aspects of life in each--the food and wine, the culture, the architecture, the politics, and the people....

  • The Real Guide: Poland
    By Mark Salter

    The Real Guide: Poland

  • Albania
    By Neil Olsen

    The Albania Country Profile skillfully unravels the historical and political background to the present situation in Albania. Despite the advent of democracy in 1992, Albanians have found it hard to...

  • Birnbaum's 95 Eastern Europe
    By Alexandra Mayes Birnbaum

    Offers advice on trip planning, recommends hotels and restaurants, and describes museums, festivals, theaters, shops, and nightlife

  • Eastern Europe on a Shoestring
    By David Stanley

    This second edition has been rewritten to take account of the altered political structures and economic changes and is 25% larger than the previous edition. Contains over 200 maps, and...

  • Budapest: A Cultural and Literary History
    By Bob Dent

    For more than fifty years prior to the Second World War, Budapest was one of the outstanding cultural capitals of Central Europe, on a par with, and in some ways...

  • Doing Business in Bulgaria
    By Sinclair Roche & Temperley, Touche Ross & Co, British Gas

    Bulgaria is pursuing a wide-ranging strategy for creating a market economy and is progressively opening up for business development. The introduction of a series of legal and fiscal measures, including...

  • Prague: A Traveler's Literary Companion
    By Paul Wilson, Paul Robert Wilson

    Travel to one of the most beautiful cities in the world in the company of its finest writers. Walk the mysterious nighttime streets of Prague with Franz Kafka and Jaroslav...

  • Budapest: A Cultural Guide
    By Michael Jacobs

    Budapest, dramatically situated on the Danube, is a city that makes an immediate impression on a visitor. It exhibits all the scale, grandeur and excitement of a major capital, yet...

  • Heartbeat of the Primeval Forest: Białowieża National Park
    By Jan Walencik

    Heartbeat of the Primeval Forest: Białowieża National Park

  • Serbia: The Bradt Travel Guide
    By Laurence Mitchell

    The ex-Yugoslav region of Serbia is experiencing a re-launch of tourism that has opened up the country. This new dedicated Bradt guide leads the field in up-to-date information with a...

  • Any Other Woman: An Uncommon Biography
    By Monica Kidd

    In the early twentieth century, Andrew Zak proposes to Rosalia Patala in a letter. New to North America from Slovakia, Rosalia boards a train from New York to Crowsnest Pass,...

  • Salonica Terminus: Travels Into the Balkan Nightmare
    By Fred A. Reed

    A vivid, contemporary travelogue, Salonica Terminus explores a current landscape thronged with figures bent beneath the weight of history. It peers beneath the rotting logs of ideology, and prods the...

  • 這不是你以為的俄羅斯: 第一本台灣作者撰寫的俄羅斯輕文化觀察書
    By 裴凡強、唐宏安

    戰鬥民族在不戰鬥的時候,過著怎麼樣的生活?第一本台灣作者撰寫的俄羅斯輕文化觀察書, 跟著長期在俄羅斯工作的裴凡強、結交俄羅斯男友的唐宏安,一起窺見戰鬥民族的真實面貌!說到俄羅斯,你想到什麼?它是全世界最大的國家、世界第17大經濟體,有著充滿個人魅力的強人總統,也是背包客所嚮往的神秘國度。由兩位熟悉俄羅斯的作者所撰寫的第一手俄羅斯解析,以輕鬆逗趣的筆調,從生活、政治、文化、社會等多元角度,帶你前進俄羅斯,絕對顛覆你的刻板印象!養熊當寵物、熱愛伏特加?戰鬥民族神秘又有趣的日常,才不是你想的那樣!▌和戰鬥民族交流別怕,一本書參透所有秘密!臉很臭,但實際上人超好又有耐心!愛喝酒,但超級討厭喝酒打卡!機場入境時微笑,真的會被帶去小房間嗎?國民很少出國旅遊,因為國家實在太大了?冷得要命的漫漫冬季,戰鬥民族的全民運動為何?▌俄羅斯的不思議小日子,特別精采!鹿鼎記裡的「霞舒尼克」,竟是俄國人餐桌上亮點?在這裡,聖誕老人穿著藍衣、藍帽?俄國人舉辦婚禮時如何展現戰鬥特質?俄羅斯的街上,二手車才是王道?▌俄羅斯的社會情勢,在此實況轉播!戰鬥總統普京的鐵漢柔情,就連年輕人都真心愛上!女多男少,俄國美女的外嫁風潮傳說中超難申請的俄羅斯簽證到手!百分百揭密!|專文推薦|魏百谷/國立政治大學俄羅斯研究所所長「閱讀之後,有助於明瞭俄國的文化樣貌,可將之定位為一本俄國文化的輔助教材,是引領讀者,進入俄國文化殿堂的捷徑。」雅科夫.朱加什維利/前蘇聯前最高領導人史達林後代「要瞭解俄國或是前蘇聯的各加盟共和國並非易事,特別是對一個外國人來說尤其難上加難。希望作者能以此書,將這些面向介紹給華文世界的讀者。」|熱忱推薦|隋 棠/演員廖慶學/東森主持人舒夢蘭/東森主播戴立綱/新聞龍捲風主持人【目錄】[推薦序]魏百谷(國立政治大學俄羅斯研究所所長)/感受俄國文化的無限魅力雅科夫.朱加什維利(前蘇聯最高領導人史達林後代)/致力求知、航向太空的現代俄羅斯[作者序]裴凡強/二十年成一書唐宏安/命中注定的一本書第一章 歡迎來到戰鬥之國01占據地表十分之一的戰鬥民族之國02戰鬥民族的長相,不全然是你想的那樣03大男人主義的俄羅斯男人、風情萬種的俄羅斯女人第二章 戰鬥民族在想什麼?04走遍俄羅斯都很難了,不需要出國旅行吧!05與戰鬥民族聊天氣,我們想的真的不一樣!06笑容才不是共同語言,戰鬥民族為何都不笑?07人生再困難,也可以兩手一攤說沒事08穿愛迪達的都是同志?09戰鬥國度沒有同性戀 10戰鬥民族也要看生肖運勢11再遠都不遠──俄羅斯國內旅行第三章 戰鬥民族的日常12走在戰鬥民族馬路上的那些大小事13戰鬥民族的大眾交通工具,凡是二手就是王道14城市中的小亮點,戰鬥民族的花朵及花店15漫漫冬季,戰鬥民族的全民運動16戰鬥民族的寵物,不限於汪星人、喵星人?17哥抽的是人生——戰鬥民族愛抽菸18戰鬥民族乖乖排隊——我不是在排隊,就是在排隊的路上19戰鬥民族的臉書叫VK20運動就是狂,戰鬥民族鍛鍊戰鬥體魄第四章 戰鬥民族的餐桌21戰鬥之國尋找不容錯過的美食,韋小寶也愛22記憶中的味道——極品羅宋湯23戰鬥民族在家吃什麼?一起煮食吧,俄國煮夫!24酒國比高下,與戰鬥民族比酒量25喝酒配什麼才是正港俄羅斯口味?26比伏特加更普及的日常飲品——茶27北方國度的濃情巧克力第五章 我在戰鬥之國的日子28在俄羅斯的家,一窺傳統俄羅斯風格29關於我的俄羅斯男友——柴可夫斯基式的溫柔30如果在這樣瘋狂的冬季,你沒有暖氣31關於新年的戰鬥民族買樹記32在戰鬥之國用手機33浪漫雪國的麻煩事34我所經歷過的俄羅斯冬季35俄羅斯熱情的夏季生活36那些年,我參加的戰鬥民族婚禮第六章 戰鬥之國不思議37戰鬥民族把警車當小黃38俄羅斯人都沒有爸爸,世界第一的超級女兒國39冬日養生,就是要跳冰水!40人怎麼再窮,都要有一棟度假小屋41顛覆你的想像,藍衣藍帽的俄國聖誕老公公42戰鬥民族的少女心,新年一定要有仙女棒啊!43墓仔埔也敢去,戰鬥民族的墓園有多狂?44我們愛喝酒,但我們真的很守法45戰鬥民族心中的寧靜天堂:俄羅斯東正教第七章 俄羅斯政經實況轉播46搞垮蘇聯的大小白俄羅斯三兄弟47經濟大起大落,戰鬥民族的心情是?48大富豪V.S.普通人,俄羅斯的兩個平行世界49俄羅斯到底算不算是民主社會?50戰鬥民族熱愛戰鬥總統的鐵漢柔情51前共產國家的社會福利制度,謠言舊聞OUT!52當北極熊遇上山姆大叔53戰鬥民族打贏的那一天附錄/更多你想要知道的俄羅斯54在沒有地圖的俄羅斯城市旅行55戰鬥民族的愉快伴手禮56俄羅斯簽證申請57我的俄羅斯簽證申請經驗

  • Prague: The Rough Guide
    By Rob Humphreys, David Charap

    Now in its 2nd edition, a travel book on Prague, which offers updated information on getting the most out of a stay there. Includes advice on accommodation, where to eat...

  • A Description of Ukraine
    By Guillaume Le Vasseur Beauplan

    This seventeenth-century work by the Frenchman Guillaume Le Vasseur, Sieur de Beauplan is one of the earliest and most colorful of the West European descriptions of Ukraine and the Cossacks....

  • Hungary: The Rough Guide
    By Dan Richardson

    Hungary: The Rough Guide

  • Hungary: The Rough Guide
    By Dan Richardson, Charles Hebbert, Simon Broughton

    Eastern Europe's oldest "open" country is on the move, and Rough Guides covers the changes in a new edition