Books of Women and literature

  • 吴尔夫散文
    By 马爱斯


  • Elizabeth Gaskell: An Annotated Guide to English Language Sources, 1992-2001
    By Nancy S. Weyant

    Presents examples to document how he dealt with the author's complex sentences , visual images , and character's titles . 305 . Lilienfeld , Jane . " ' The Gift of a China Inkpot ' : Violet Dickinson , Virginia Woolf , Elizabeth Gaskell ...

  • APHRA BEHN (1640-1689): Identity, Alterity, Ambiguity
    By Guyonne Leduc, Bernard Dhuicq, Mary Ann O'Donnell

    '1 For instance in Janet Todd, The Secret Life (1prth Behn (London: André Deutsch, 1996), 373. 12“Aphra Behn: The Politics of ... 15 “Only the people who avoid inspiring us with jealousy are worthy our jealousy” (my translation).

  • Eudora Welty--a bibliography of her work
    By Noel Polk

    Reproduced in George Bixby , “ Blurbs : Welty on Elizabeth Taylor , ” Eudora Welty Newsletter , 2 ( Summer 1978 ) , 5–7 . ' Her sensitivity of spirit , excellence of mind , subtlety and wit of perception ... are unlike anyone else's .

  • The Unbeliever: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop
    By Robert Dale Parker

    Parker shows the struggle with confusion and wonder about things Bishop can never make quiet or clear - about sexuality, politics, tbe burdens of imagination, the fate of the self.

  • Sylvia Plath
    By Susan Bassnett

    Sylvia Plath

  • Kate Chopin: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Works
    By Suzanne Disheroon Green, David J. Caudle

    D.9 Gartner , Carol B. " Three Ednas . " KCN 1.3 ( 1975-76 ) : 11-20 . LOC : PS1294 C63 Z7 Gartner compares Edna of The Awakening to Edward L. Wheeler's Edna in " The American Wild Edna ” of Old Avalanche and The Great Annihilator : Or ...

  • The Choice
    By Harold Myra

    The last trap had snared a beaver . A beaver with its excellent pelt and nutritious flesh . The sight of this larger animal hanging upside down disturbed her . She strode to it quickly , anxious to have the deed done .

  • Understanding Penelope Fitzgerald
    By Peter Wolfe

    Peter Wolfe. manifestations of God's will ” ( 98 ) . The mind orders , interprets , and evaluates the data our ... however vital it is to William James's brand of pragmatism , “ a rational system for measuring happiness ” ( 154 ) .

  • The Literary Vision of Gabrielle Roy: An Analysis of Her Works
    By Paula Ruth Gilbert, Paula Gilbert Lewis

    The Literary Vision of Gabrielle Roy: An Analysis of Her Works

  • In the Name of the Bee: The Significance of Emily Dickinson
    By Sister Mary James Power

    In the Name of the Bee: The Significance of Emily Dickinson

  • Virginia Woolf, Revaluation and Continuity: A Collection of Essays
    By Ralph Freedman

    Virginia Woolf, Revaluation and Continuity: A Collection of Essays

  • A Private Madness: The Genius of Elinor Wylie
    By Evelyn Helmick Hively

    In A Private Madness Evelyn Hively explores the points at which her life and her art intersect and demonstrates how Wylie used language and literary form to transform the chaos of her experiences.

  • Elizabeth Bishop
    By Harold Bloom

    In Geography III, Bishop settles at least partially for a home in the exercise of her art, harnessed alongside others of her kind. —Lorrie Goldensohn, Elizabeth Bishop: The Biography of a Poetry (New York: Columbia University Press, ...

  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    By Angela Leighton

    Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Addressed to Richard Hengist Horne , 2 vols , ed . R.S.T. Mayer ( London , 1876-77 ) . The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russell Mitford : 1836-1854 , 3 vols , ed .

  • Flannery O'Connor
    By Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities Harold Bloom

    Presents a collection of critical essays on the works of Flannery O'Connor.

  • A Room of One's Own
    By Fiona Robinson, Tim Smith-Laing

    Woolf's focus on the everyday suppression of women was a turning point in feminism, marking a realization that gaining legal and voting rights was just the first step on the road to true equality.

  • Adele Wiseman: Essays on Her Works
    By Ruth Panofsky

    THE LURIANIC BACKGROUND Myths of Fragmentation and Wholeness in Adele Wiseman's Crackpot FRANCIS ZICHY In a helpful review of Adele Wiseman's second novel , Crackpot , Kenneth Sherman noted that the ideas of Isaac Luria , a sixteenth ...

  • Aphra Behn
    By S. J. Wiseman

    MacDonald, Joyce Green, `The Disappearing African Woman: Imoinda in Oroonoko After Behn', English Literary History 66 (1999), 71±86. Spencer, Jane, Aphra Behn's Afterlife (Oxford, 2000). Todd, Janet, The Critical Fortunes of Aphra Behn ...

  • La mujer de letras o la letraherida: discurso y representaciones sobre la mujer escritora en el siglo XIX
    By Pura Fernández, Marie-Linda Ortega

    BIBLIOGRAFÍA ACOSTA DE SAMPER , Soledad [ 1895 ] ( s.a. ) . La mujer en la sociedad moderna . Por ~ , miembro honorario de la Asociación de Escritores y Artistas . París : Casa Editorial de Garnier Hermanos . BIEDER , Maryellen ( 2005 ) ...