Cuidados traumatológicos en el nuevo milenio . México : McGraw - Hill ; 1999 : 1.317-1.344 . Jurkovich GJ , Carrico CJ . Traumatismos , tratamiento Knudson MM , Maull KI . Tratamiento no operatorio de las lesiones de órganos sólidos ...
Cuidado y atención de heridas forma parte de la serie Enfermería Fácil, caracterizada por presentar de forma divertida, atractiva y visual, temas alta complejidad en la enseñanza de enfermería.
There are alternative wound treatment options explained such as hyperbaric oxygen, growth factors, negative pressure wound therapy etc. This is an excellent reference book for caregivers, nurses, health workers and patients.
Here is a simple and gentle way of curing everyday's problems like headache, toothache etc. through homeopathic infallible remedies, based on many years of experience and sincere dedication of the author in the field.
A-Z Dictionary of Wound Care
Students and health care and safety professionals will find this a valuable guide in studying injury epidemiology and prevention.
This book deals with wound management in plastic surgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology and thoracic surgery.