Books of Young Adult Nonfiction / Social Science / General

  • 世卫组织关于身体活动和久坐行为的指南: 简述

    世卫组织关于身体活动和久坐行为的指南: 简述

  • 世卫组织关于身体活动和久坐行为的指南


  • 看海的地方
    By 徐至宏

    貓慢慢走過,燕子停駐在電線上。畫家期待著一場雨的降臨。海水輕輕地來回晃蕩,釣魚的阿伯猛力拉起空無一物的釣竿,女孩靠在欄杆上看著落日,海風吹來,漁船慢慢的駛離,這些都是屬於漁港夏日,魔幻的片刻。   台灣是一個海島,我們的家離海那麼近,但對許多人來說,漁港既親近又陌生。關於漁港的一天,又是怎樣的開始與結束?圖文創作者徐志宏,在基隆正濱漁港駐村後,創作了這本以漁港日常為基調的《看海的地方》。  以畫家、釣客與遊客三個最常出現在海港邊的角色出發,結合圖像小說的手法,用極為簡短的文字,勾勒出這三者不同的視角。全書既有大跨頁的全景,也有漫畫式的分割畫面,帶領讀者從寫實走進抽象,從抽象又走回日常。  插畫家、散步的女孩、釣魚的阿北、貓與燕子,他們或許緊張、或許閒散,或許無為,這些尋常的片刻與情緒,串聯出一個屬於漁港的獨特的安靜時間。

  • Does Outsourcing Harm America?
    By Lisa Krueger

    A constant source of debate in America, outsourcing is a question that many politicians, workers, manufacturers, and legislators grapple with every year. This informative anthology presents an overview of offshore...

  • The Arms Trade
    By Noël Merino

    In all parts of the world, the ready availability of weapons and ammunition has led to human suffering, political repression, crime and terror among civilian populations. This anthology contains a...

  • Senior Citizens and Driving
    By Tamara Thompson

    Given the decline in eyesight and reflexes that come with age, should seniors drive? Do these factors lead to less safety for other drivers on the road? What can seniors...

  • Islam in America
    By Laura K. Egendorf

    The At Issue series includes a wide range of opinion on a single controversial issue. Each volume includes both primary and secondary sources from a variety of perspectives -- eyewitnesses,...

  • The Rising Cost of College

    College tuition is higher now than at any point in history, and current and former students are accruing record amounts of debt, over a trillion dollars, by some estimates. How...