Books from Pine Forge Press

  • Second Thoughts: Seeing Conventional Wisdom Through the Sociological Eye
    By Janet M. Ruane, Karen A. Cerulo

    For an explicit discussion on how corporate culture influences deceit in business practices, see Tamar Frankel's Trust and Honesty: America's Business Culture at a Crossroad (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).

  • The Sociology of Childhood
    By William A. Corsaro

    In E. Mueller & C. Cooper ( Eds . ) , Process and outcome in peer relationships ( pp . 229-247 ) . New York : Academic Press . Stanley , B. , & Sieber , J. ( 1992 ) . Social research on children and adolescents : Ethical issues .

  • Sociology for a New Century
    By Joseph F. Healey, York William Bradshaw, Rebecca Smith

    For example , the “ tooth fairy ” ritual marks a child's transition from dependence to a more independent and responsible status around the age of 5 or 6 ( Corsaro , 1997 ) . When the child loses a baby tooth , the mythical tooth fairy ...

  • Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
    By Laura Desfor Edles, Scott Appelrouth

    Significant Others Frantz Fanon (1925–1961): The Father of Postcolonial Studies Frantz Fanon was born in Martinique, a French colony in the Caribbean. After serving in the French army during World War II, he completed his degree in ...

  • Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings
    By Laura Desfor Edles, Scott Appelrouth

    ... described by Frantz Fanon, whose penetrating work represents an important precursor to what would later become postcolonial studies. As a black colonial subject, Fanon, like Spivak, draws from his personal experiences as an Other to ...

  • Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings
    By Laura Desfor Edles, Scott Appelrouth

    viiiPeter M. Blau, The Dynamics of Bureaucracy (Chicago: University of ... JUSTICE. Yet practical equilibrium is often observed, and thus some further condition may make its attainment, under some circumstance, more probable than would ...

  • An Invitation to Environmental Sociology
    By Michael Bell, Michael Mayerfeld Bell

    G. Becker (1986). Similar views have been expressed by Simon (1981, 1995); Boserup (1965) represents a more moderate position. See later discussion in this chapter. 5. See, for example, Brown and Kane (1995); Catton (1982, ...

  • Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life
    By David M. Newman

    Porter, E. 2005, April 5. Illegal immigrants are bolstering Social Security with billions. The New York Times. Porter,E.2006,October17.Law on overseas brides is keeping couples apart.The NewYorkTimes. Powell, M. 2009a, May 31.

  • Social Cognition: An Integrated Introduction
    By Martha Augoustinos, Iain Walker, Ngaire Donaghue

    Taylor, S. E., Fiske, S., Etcoff, N. L., & Ruderman, A. J. (1978). ... Taylor, S. E., Neter, E., & Wayment, H. A. (1995). Self-evaluation processes. ... Tougas, F., Brown, R., Beaton, A. M., & Joly, S. (1995). Neosexism: Plus ça change, ...

  • Law/Society: Origins, Interactions, and Change
    By John Sutton

    This volume provides a conceptual framework for thinking about the full range of topics within the sociology of law discipline.

  • Contemporary Readings in Social Problems
    By Anna Leon-Guerrero

    William Robinson (2006) Many argue that the recent mass demonstrations by Latino immigrants and their supporters represent a "new civil rights movement." William Robinson, however, argues that these demonstrations move far beyond this ...

  • Aging: The Social Context
    By Leslie Morgan, Suzanne Kunkel

    Voting and registration in the Campbell , D. T. and J. C. Stanley . 1963. Experimental election of November 1996. Current Population and Quasi - Experimental Designs for Research . Reports . P20 , No. 504. Accessed 10/17/99 from Chicago ...

  • Community Resources for Older Adults: Programs and Services in an Era of Change
    By Robbyn R. Wacker, Karen A. Roberto, Linda E. Piper

    Community Resources for Older Adults provides descriptions of public and private programs and services available to older adults and discusses the theories for predicting service use.

  • Sociology Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Brief Ed + Second Thoughts 4th Ed
    By Janet M. Ruane, Karen A. Cerulo, David M. Newman

    Sociology Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Brief Ed + Second Thoughts 4th Ed

  • Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life/ Second Thoughts
    By Janet M. Ruane, Karen A. Cerulo, David M. Newman

    Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life/ Second Thoughts

  • Our Social World, 2e + the Social Theory of W.e.b. Du Bois
    By Jeanne H. Ballantine, Keith A. Roberts, Phil Zuckerman

    This volume covers topics such as the meaning of race, race relations, international relations, economics, labor, politics, religion, crime, gender, and education.

  • How Very Effective Primary Schools Work
    By Michael Connolly, Chris James, Gerald Dunning

    Bennett, J. (1999) 'Micropolitics in the Tasmanian context of school reform', School Leadership and Management, 19: 197–200. Bennett, N., Harvey, J. A. and Anderson, L. (2004) 'Control, autonomy and partnership in local education: views ...

  • Key Ideas in Sociology
    By Peter Kivisto

    The most important members of this school, including Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse, had been political exiles in the United States during World War II. Whereas Marcuse stayed, becoming a mentor to the American ...

  • Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Readings
    By David M. Newman, Jodi O'Brien

    In The declining significance of gender, edited by Francine D. Blau, Mary C. Brinton, and David B. Grusky. New York: Russell Sage. Hook, Jennifer L. 2004. Reconsidering the division of household labor: Incorporating volunteer work and ...

  • Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences
    By David Croteau, William Hoynes, William D. Hoynes

    Mishell , Lawrence , Jared Bernstein , and John Schmitt . 1999. The State of Working America , 1998-99 . Ithaca , NY : Cornell University Press . Modleski , Tania . ... Cleveland Plain Dealer , July 19 , p . 1D . Neuman , W. Russell ...