Books from Hodder

  • After the Fire
    By Karen Campbell

    'Eduardo, we have a situation here at Booth Six.' Within seconds, 'Eduardo' appeared. His uniform was grey, and was embroidered NJPD. 'Right, I've had enough of this,' said Anna. 'You a cop?' 'Officer Gardello, this lady is being ...

  • Scarred: She was a slave to her father. Pain was her only escape.
    By Sophie Andrews

    As we made our way across the road we saw a large group of people with brightly coloured flagsand banners standing outside a building. We decided togo and see what they were upto. Aswe got closer wecould hear them chanting and singing.

  • After Auschwitz: A story of heartbreak and survival by the stepsister of Anne Frank
    By Eva Schloss

    But this is also an exploration of what happened next, of Eva's struggle to live with herself after the war and to continue the work of her step-father Otto, ensuring that the legacy of Anne Frank is never forgotten.

  • Robbo - My Autobiography
    By Bryan Robson

    ... Roberto Carson, Scott Carter, Darren Case, Jimmy Chamberlain, Mark ChampionsLeague Chaplow,Richard Chapman, Bill Chapman, Lee Charity Shield Charles, Gary Charles,John Charlton v Man U (1990) v West Brom (2004) Charlton, Bobby.

  • Never Eat Shredded Wheat
    By Christopher Somerville

    ... inventor of the telephone;Arthur ConanDoyle (1859–1930), creator of Sherlock Holmes;Chris Hoy (1976–), Olympicgold medal cyclist;Muriel Spark (1918–2006), novelist; Sean Connery (1930– ), actor and 007; Harry Lauder (1870–1950), ...

  • Diaries, 1984-1997
    By James Lees-Milne, Michael Bloch

    He told me that, asElaine laydying, hisAmerican halfsister asked her ifshe would like to see her eldest son David Guthrie, now living inCheltenham, aged sixtytwo, with whom she ... Igave the latter thelittle bustof a bald man by W.

  • Nobbut a Lad
    By Alan Titchmarsh

    My dadworked fora plumber calledBilly Lawson.He wasolder thanDad; a quiet, selfcontainedsortof man with aflatcap anda hooked nose. Helived onthe edge of townwithhissister, Maggie, and their niece, Kathleen. Iam not sure what happened ...

  • David Weir: Extra Time - My Autobiography
    By David Weir

    He would be in the gym doing weights and wouldn't lift big weights but if some ofthe boys didusebig weights, showingoffa weebit, Duncan would just goin anddo 10 with thebig weights to showhe was streets ahead of them.

  • Gambling
    By Mike Atherton

    In America, Ben Affleck, Nicole Kidman, Matt Damon and Toby Maguire played regularly in televised tournaments. PartyGaming made the shrewd decision to sponsor the World PokerTour andtheir shareof theonline market grew from20 per ...

  • Diaries, 1971-1983
    By James Lees-Milne, Michael Bloch

    Saturday, 26 September Chatto's have received a favourable report on my old, knockedabout Countess and Cardinal from ... I told A. that Susanna Johnston was having an affair with a youngish journalist whom we met when lunching with the ...

  • The Lydian Baker
    By David Wishart

    Argaius isdead andhehasthe Baker to himself. His only problem isthat nowhehasno one to sellto.' Felix's smile froze. 'Yes. Yes,I suppose that's true.' 'He's shafted Demetriacus, andthe guy may still wantthestatuebut only with ...

  • 1215: The Year of Magna Carta
    By John Gillingham, Danny Danziger

    Whether describing matters of state or domestic life, this is a treasure house of a book, rich in detail and full of enthralling insights into the medieval world.

  • The Accidental Pilgrim
    By Maggi Dawn

    The hunter had heard oftheharsh asceticism of the Desert Saints, and so he was shocked to find Anthony's community eating, drinking wine andlaughing together, not matching up to hisexpectations atall. Anthonywalked a short distance with ...

  • It Wasn't Me
    By Chris Addison

    Hang on, no, America's more like that thing when you try to fizz up a milkshake in a SodaStream and it seems like ... that you were just appreciating the art and she says in a pointed tone that she's seen you appreciating art before and ...

  • What About Other Faiths?
    By Martin Goldsmith

    One suspectsthat Hick owes much inhis thinking to the writings of Wilfred Cantwell Smith,although hehas developed Smith's thought considerably. As an Islamicist, Smithhad a particular concernfor the Muslim world, but thisdid not ...

  • A Very Unimportant Officer
    By Alexander Stewart, Cameron Stewart, Captain Alexander Stewart

    ... Robert Smith Literary Agency; Thomas Howard Stewart and Sally Stewart; Rupert Lancaster, Laura Macaulay and Kerry Hood at Hodder & Stoughton; Roddy Macdonald; Professor Richard Holmes; Jennifer Howard of; ...

  • Finding My Feet - My Autobiography
    By Jason Robinson

    Jason Robinson. he supported me. I came to the conclusion at the time that rugby league is an easier game than union to play and watch, but then I grew up with league. I managed to keep England winger Jon Sleightholme outofthe Bath team ...

  • Between Males
    By Fiona Walker

    When you have it all except true love, you still want more.

  • Beyond Words
    By John Humphrys

    Or atanyrate that iswhat Alastair Campbell'revealed'. I havenoidea whether hedid–any more than Mr Campbell did. But Mr Campbell was a journalist at the time –happy to spread the sortof nonsense for whichhewould later castigate ...

  • The Two Houses
    By Fran Cooper

    Recovering from a breakdown, she and her husband Simon move to the desolate edges of the north of England, where they find and fall in love with the Two Houses: a crumbling property whose central rooms were supposedly so haunted that a ...