Books from Oxford University Press (UK)

  • Defining Deutschtum: Political Ideology, German Identity, and Music-critical Discourse in Liberal Vienna
    By David Lee Brodbeck

    Defining Deutschtum engages the political-cultural milieu of Liberal Vienna through the discourse of three generations of music critics.

  • Death Before Dying
    By Gary Stuart Belkin

    C. Miller Fisher, interview with the author, August 30, 1991. For example, see successive volumes through much of the twentieth century of Roy R. Grinker's text Neurology, published in serial editions in 1931, 1937, ...

  • Holy Ignorance: When Religion and Culture Part Ways
    By Olivier Roy

    Bernice Martin, “New Mutations of the Protestant Ethic among Latin American Pentecostals” Religion, vol. 25, no. 2, April 1995, p. 108. Margaret Miles, “Living lovingly amid fear”, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Autumn 2006.

  • How Children Learn to Write Words
    By Rebecca Treiman, Brett Kessler

    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Section A: Human Experimental Psychology, 35, 451–468. doi:10.1080/14640748308402482 Hayes, D. (1982). Handwriting practice: The effects of perceptual prompts.

  • The History of the World Federation of Neurology: The First 50 Years
    By Johan A. Aarli

    Clifford Rose F. Proposals for the Future Governance of the World Federation of Neurology. World Neurol 1996; 11(3): 4. Blakesley A. WFN Financial Report. World Neurol 1997; 12(2): 4. Clifford Rose F. Putting Advice into Action.

  • Opinion Writing and Case Preparation
    By Paul Banks, The City The City Law School

    The 'library' might simply be a collection of practitioner texts and law reports in your own chambers or at court, the resources available online via a subscription service such as Lexis Library, or the much more substantial holdings of ...

  • The Inner Lives of Ancient Houses: An Archaeology of Dura-Europos
    By Jennifer A. Baird

    This is the first study to consider the houses of the site as a whole, integrating architecture, artefacts, and textual evidence, and examining ancient daily life and cultural interaction.

  • Sounding American: Hollywood, Opera, and Jazz
    By Jennifer Fleeger

    Introduction - Archiving America: sound technology and musical representation - Opera cut short: from the castrato to the film fragment - Selling jazz short: Hollywood and the fantasy of musical agency - Opers and jazz in the score: toward ...

  • EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials
    By Alison Jones, Brenda Sufrin

    In Ford,231 tion system for the distribution and sale of Ford products in Germany. Ford had stopped supplying the Commission refused an individual exemption to a selective distriburight-hand-drive cars to its German dealers in order to ...

  • South Sudan: From Revolution to Independence
    By Matthew Arnold, Matthew LeRiche

    Having new sources of weapons and other equipment, from Namibia and unknown clandestine sources (many of these negotiated by the infamous Tiny Rowland), was an important reason why, during the Bright Star campaign, the military ...

  • Mortgage Valuation Models: Embedded Options, Risk, and Uncertainty
    By Andrew S. Davidson, Alexander Levin

    BACKWARD INDUCTION USING FINITE DIFFERENCE GRIDS assuming again the aPD pool model, we consider another way of solving PDE (8.1). let us create a rectangular grid of time (step τ) and factor (step h) and denote price premium at time t, ...

  • Surpassing the Sovereign State: The Wealth, Self-rule, and Security Advantages of Partially Independent Territories
    By David A. Rezvani

    Chudacoff, Howard P., Paul D. Escott, David M. Katzman, Mary Beth Norton, Thomas G. Paterson, and William M. Tuttle, Jr. 1997. A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, New York: McGraw Hill. Clark, David J. 1990.

  • Conducting Substance Use Research
    By Audrey L. Begun, Thomas K. Gregoire, Tom Gregoire

    ... Bosworth, Nelson, Walsh, & Schaffer, 2009). For example, Hansten et al. (2000) found that a 60% follow-up rate produced a sample that had little or no difference from the same sample when 90–100% of the subjects were located.

  • Equity and Trusts 2014 and 2015
    By Peter Luxton, Margaret Wilkie, Rosalind Malcolm

    Mitchell, C., 'Redefining charity in English law' (1999) 13 TLI 21. Mitchell, C., 'Reviewing the register', in Foundations of Charity (C. Mitchell and S. Moody, eds), Hart Publishing, 2000, chapter 7. Synge, M., 'Poverty: an essential ...

  • Need to Know: Vocation as the Heart of Christian Epistemology
    By John G. Stackhouse, Jr.

    As Alexander Pope so memorably wrote: “Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:/ God said, Let Newton be! and all was light. ... W. Mark Richardson and Wesley J. Wildman (New York: Routledge, 1996), 25. 12. “Epitaph intended for Sir ...

  • Cyril of Alexandria's Trinitarian Theology of Scripture
    By Matthew R. Crawford

    Ce n'est pas sur la nature que tombait en premier lieu leur regard, mais sur chacune des personnes. Par exemple, les œuvres ad extra ne leur apparaissent pas comme une production directe de la nature; c'est chaque personne ...

  • Interlopers of Empire: The Lebanese Diaspora in Colonial French West Africa
    By Andrew Arsan

    ... the 'fez and waistcoat' of the mountain villager for 'a suit of linsey-woolsey and a hat of hispid felt'.34 And they supplied these travellers 'various objects like linens and utensils of all sorts ... which they take with them, ...

  • SSD for R: An R Package for Analyzing Single-Subject Data
    By Wendy Zeitlin, Charles Auerbach

    ... tests of statistical significance that will be discussed in the next section as the focus is upon the magnitude of change between phases rather than whether differences are statistically significant (Kromrey & Foster-Johnson, 1996).

  • Narrative Politics: Stories and Collective Action
    By Frederick W. Mayer

    In this book, Mayer shows that humans are, if nothing else, a story-telling, story-consuming animal.

  • The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy
    By Dalia Nassar

    This collection of essays directly considers the reasons why philosophers have recently become deeply interested in romantic thought.