Books from Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press

  • Incle and Yarico: And, The Incas : Two Plays
    By John Thelwall

    Philip H. Highfill , Jr. , Kalman A. Burnin , and Edward A. Langhans , A Biographical Dictionary of Actors , Actresses , Musicians , Dancers , Managers and Others Stage Personnel in London , 1660–1800 , 16 vols .

  • Paradise Lost in Short: Smith, Stillingfleet, and the Transformation of Epic
    By Kay Gilliland Stevenson, Margaret Seares, John Christopher Smith

    Philip Highfill , Kalman Burmin & Edward Langhans ( Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press , 1978 ) , 3.399 , 405 . 13. A Biographical Dictionary 12.6 ( under “ Mrs Pinto " ) . 14. Stone , The London Stage , 1747–1776 , 844 .

  • The Vagabonds, America's Oldest Little Theater
    By Linda Lee Koenig

    Jekyl and Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Adapted by Steve Yeager ( December 1976 ) Dear Brutus by James M. Barrie ... Dancer Edward Rosen David Howell Michael Barrett Josanne Farkas M. Kathleen Turner Ralph Rybicki Linda Chambers Robert ...

  • Sir Philip Sidney and Arcadia
    By Joan Rees

    He did not spend much time on the endeavors to write English poems in classical meters , which Sidney and Dyer pursued enthusiastically for a time , and he might never have turned to poetry at all but for the influence and example of ...

  • Discerning Prometheus: The Cry for Wisdom in Our Technological Society
    By Robert A. Wauzzinski

    John K. Galbraith argues in The New Industrial State that markets are no longer free , if by free we mean separated from large governmental , organizational , and bureaucratic control . The larger and more complex the technology used in ...

  • Rethinking Literary Biography: A Postmodern Approach to Tennessee Williams
    By Nicholas Pagan

    Petrie borrows the phrase " ultimately fiction ” from Malamud and uses it in his title , Ultimately Fiction : Design in Modern American Literary Biography . I take 9 Petrie's thesis to be that literary biography should “ Notes.

  • Indology, Indomania, and Orientalism: Ancient India's Rebirth in Modern Germany
    By Douglas T. McGetchin

    Germana, Nicholas. ''The Orient of Europe: The 'Mythical Image' of India and Competing Images of German National Identity, 1760–1830.'' PhD diss., Boston College, 2006. Gilpin, Robert. France in the Age of the Scientific State.

  • Wilkie Collins and Other Sensation Novelists: Walking the Moral Hospital
    By Nicholas Rance

    the unknown public , but rather that the public for penny - noveljournals was unable to read anything more complex . The preponderant popular literary taste may have been , and was perhaps inevitably , as Collins would suggest ...

  • Marxism and Alienation
    By Nicholas Churchich

    Mdszaros somewhat maliciously states that Tucker's work is " full " of contradictions and 142. See Ibid . , p . 42 . 143. inconsistencies . See Meszaros , Marx's Theory of Alienation , p . 332 . 98. Marx , Manifesto , p . 84 . 99.

  • Fullness of Dissonance: Modern Fiction and the Aesthetics of Music
    By Daniel C. Melnick

    It could well be argued that Shakespeare's richly ambiguous language or Emily Bronte's narrative complexity accomplish rather parallel purposes , and they confront the reader without encumbering the process of understanding them with ...

  • Forgotten Patriot: A Life of Alfred, Viscount Milner of St. James's and Cape Town, 1854-1925
    By J. Lee Thompson

    32 Austen Chamberlain's half-brother Neville, the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, wrote to Mil- ner, "I refrain from congratulations to you because the gain is the other way. But the knowledge that at last you are in a position where your ...

  • Swords in Myrtle Dress'd: Towards a Rhetoric of Sodom : Gay Readings of Homosexual Politics and Poetics in the Eighteenth...
    By Jon Thomas Rowland

    1728. London : A Moore . A Tryall of Skill Between a Court Lord , and a Twickenham Squire . 1734. London : J. Dormer . The Tryall of Skill between Squire Walsingham and Mother Osborne : An Eclogue in Imitation of Virgil's Palaemon .

  • Henry Timrod: A Biography
    By Walter Brian Cisco

    Hubbell , 155 , 176-77 ( McCarter's punctuation has been regularized ) ; John Caldwell Guilds , Simms : A Literary Life ( Fayetteville : University of Arkansas Press , 1992 ) , 34 . 8. John K. Mahon , History of the Second Seminole War ...

  • The Church of England in Loyalist New Brunswick, 1783-1825
    By Ross N. Hebb

    This study is an investigation of the arrival, planting, and expansion of the Church of England in Loyalist New Brunswick. The obstacles encountered in setting up missions in the frontier...

  • Loulou: Selected Extracts from the Journals of Lewis Harcourt (1880-1895)
    By Lewis Harcourt Harcourt, VIS

    This selection of extracts (written between 1880 and 1895) from theunpublished journals of Lewis Harcourt is designed as a companionvolume to Harcourt and Son, the political biography of the Victorianstatesman Sir William Harcourt published ...

  • Confession in the Novel: Bakhtin's Author Revisited
    By Les W. Smith

    New York : St. Martin's Press , 1993 . Jones , John . Dostoevsky . Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1983 . Joubert , André . François Mauriac et Thérèse Desqueyroux . Paris : Editions A.-G. Nizet , 1982 . Jung , C. G. “ On the Psychology of ...

  • Salman Rushdie: A Postmodern Reading of His Major Works
    By Sabrina Hassumani

    His impulse, instead, is to deconstruct the colonizer/colonized binary and in doing so attempt to clear a "new" postmodern space."--BOOK JACKET.

  • Sir John Tenniel: Aspects of His Work
    By Roger Simpson

    The title page was added , to judge from the handwriting , after Tenniel's retirement in 1901 , and inscribed “ O , the merry days — The merry days when we were young . " 37 So his designation of the work as “ nonsense ” is indicative ...

  • Many Histories Deep: The Personal Landscape Poets in Egypt, 1940-45
    By Roger Bowen

    ... on his own work are to be found in The Real West Marginal Way : A Poet's Autobiography , ed . by Ripley S. Hugo , Lois M. Welch , and James Welch , and with an Introduction by William Matthews ( New York : Norton , 1986 ) , 134-39 .

  • To Western Woods: The Breckinridge Family Moves to Kentucky in 1793
    By Hazel Dicken Garcia

    35 Nine tradespeople also advertised for the first time . Samuel Ayers was a silversmith and jeweller ; Thomas Simpson was a gunsmith ; and Edward West , Jr. , asked for an apprentice to the " Gun and Silver Smith's ...