Books from Waterside Press

  • Prison Patter: A Dictionary of Prison Words and Slang
    By Angela Devlin

    Rita Hayworth dancing by candlelight in a small Mexican village; Elizabeth Taylor devouring homemade pasta and tenderly wrapping him in her pashmina scarf; streaking for Sir Laurence Olivier in a drafty English castle; terrifying a dozing ...

  • Looking for Laura: Public Criminology and Hot News
    By David Wilson

    The book builds on the author_s experiences of covering high profile cases and populist issues for TV, radio, newspapers and other media.

  • Sir William Garrow: His Life, Times and Fight for Justice
    By John Hostettler, Richard Braby

    Samuel Fothergill Lettsom was the second son of the prominent Quaker physician, Dr. John Coakley Lettsom. Eliza's father-in-law, Dr. John Coakley Lettsom, had a large medical practice, and was a writer and biographer of the famous ...

  • Ballot Box to Jury Box: The Life and Times of an English Crown Court Judge
    By John Baker

    The families still remain in touch through his son, Commander Tim Hall and his daughter, Joan Pearson; with grandchildren, this is a friendship that has gone on now for nearly one hundred years. The Governors of the BSIU were high ...

  • Criminal Justice Act 2003: An Introduction to the New Procedures and Sentencing with Key Extracts from the Act
    By Bryan Gibson, Mike Watkins

    Printing and binding Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham and Eastbourne. Cover design © Waterside Press. Collage of contemporary clippings mainly from British broadsheet newspapers including The Guardian, The Times and The Telegraph.

  • Penal Policy and Political Culture in England and Wales: Four Essays on Policy and Process
    By Mike Ryan

    ISBN 1872 870 93.7 Catalogue-In-Publication Data: A catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library Printing and binding: Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham Cover design: John Good Holbrook Ltd, Coventry/Waterside Press ...

  • Invisible Women: What's Wrong with Women's Prisons?
    By Angela Devlin

    ... 115116 117217221 222-223 275 277303 314 Boards of Visitors xi 29.113301 body swaps 33 Bosley, Claire 281 Bourne Trust 275 Bowler, Sheila ix.133 169 186309 353359 Brixton prison 21 5695 212307308 331 Broadmoor 244 261 Brockhill, Index.

  • Champions of the Rule of Law
    By John Hostettler

    Through the centuries they had a long connection with the aristocracy and royalty of Scotland as the Earls of Buchan until Erskine's father, the 10th earl, found himself in straightened circumstances. As a result he was forced to move ...

  • Behind the Lines: Creative Writing with Offenders and People at Risk
    By Michael Crowley

    I spent six weeks looking at scenes from Timberlake Wertenbaker's Our Country'; Good.S The text became a means of teaching English, geography and history, the process culminating in workshops with a theatre company who had the play in ...

  • Principled Policing: Protecting the Public with Integrity
    By John Alderson

    The philosopher's definition of civil disobedience which Rawls adopts from Bedau19 is 'a public, non-violent political act contrary to law, usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law, or policies of government.

  • Serial Killers: Hunting Britons and Their Victims, 1960 to 2006
    By David Wilson

    30 January 1980/follow up DCs McAlister and McCrone—further inquiries; knew of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 9. 7 February 1980/follow up DCs Jackson and Harrison—filed; knew of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.

  • Hanging in the Balance: A History of the Abolition of Capital Punishment in Britain
    By John Hostettler, Brian P. Block

    Two weeks later the supplementary report on the Evans inquiry was published. ... He quoted a book by Paget which said the most worrying aspect of the Evans case “was that Evans' guilt appeared so clearly proved.

  • The Colour of Injustice: The Mysterious Murder of the Daughter of a High Court Judge
    By John Hostettler

    What made the discovery of the bodies so sinister was that in December 1949 Beryl Evans, 19, and her daughter Geraldine, aged 14 months, had been found strangled in an outhouse at the same address, and in March 1959 Beryl's husband ...

  • Pit of Shame: The Real Ballad of Reading Gaol
    By Anthony Stokes

    Then hope was in sight for Hannah saw a friendly face , Mrs Clarke , her best friend's mother from a house a couple of doors away . Mrs Clarke had been summoned into the house by John Gould , who had come home and found that his ...

  • The Pocket A-Z of Criminal Justice
    By Bryan Gibson

    I cannot mention them all, but I am grateful in particular to: David Faulkner (government, citizenship and matters of State), John Hostettler (legal history and biography), Angela Devlin (women's imprisonment, links between education ...

  • The New Home Office: An Introduction
    By Bryan Gibson

    ... Marquis of Landsdowne 1939 Sir John Anderson 1828 Robert Peel 1940 Herbert Morrison 1830 Viscount Melbourne 1945 Sir Donald Somervell 1834 Viscount Duncannon 1945 James Chuter Ede 1834 Henry Goulburn 1951 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe 1835 ...

  • Lizzie Borden and the Massachusetts Axe Murders
    By Ronald Bartle

    Prosecutors never charged anyone else with the crimes leaving the case naggingly unsolved. Here, author Ronald Bartle revisits the events which occurred in Fall River, Massachussets in 1892.

  • Famous Cases: Nine Trials that Changed the Law
    By John Hostettler, Brian P. Block

    In Famous Cases: Nine Trials that Changed the Law the authors have painstakingly assembled the background to a selection of leading cases in English law.

  • Famous Cases: Nine Trials That Changed the Law
    By John Hostettler, Brian Block

    Lord Reading then dealt with the other points raised by Marshall Hall and none of the decisions delivered offered any hope to the appellant. The appeal failed and was dismissed. There was a great deal of merit in Marshall Hall's ...

  • Preventing Self-injury and Suicide in Women’s Prisons
    By Tammi Walker, Graham Towl

    This book by two experts sets out to redress the balance by examining all aspects of the history, present practices, causes and prevention prospects connected to this tragic chain of events.