Books from Colonial Williamsburg

  • Physick: The Professional Practice of Medicine in Williamsburg, Virginia, 1740-1775
    By Susan Pryor, Sharon Cotner, Kris Dippre

    The professional practice of medicine and the methods used to treat patients in colonial Williamsburg between 1740 and 1775 and thoroughly explained.

  • Fenêtre Ouverte sur Williamsburg
    By Donna C. Sheppard, Thomas Ford, Jr.

    A Window on Williamsburg offers an intimate glimpse of the city, its gardens and greens, its buildings great and small, its historic trades, and its people.

  • Una Finestra su Williamsburg
    By Thomas K. Ford, Donna C. Sheppard, Jr.

    Una Finestra su Williamsburg offre una occhiata della città, i suoi giardini e fiori, i suoi edifici piccoli e grandi, il suo commercio storico, e il suo popolo.