Books from Walid Motawi

  • Footwear Pattern Making and Last Design
    By Wade Motawi

    Toe Spring The toe spring is the dimension measured from the ground plane to the feather edge of the toe tip. ... Stick Length The stick length of the last is measured from the toe tip to the heel curve with the last ...

  • Guía para el diseño de materiales de calzado
    By Wade Motawi

    Resistencia a la adherencia Cuando un nuevo modelo de zapato está en preproducción, la fábrica de calzado realizará pruebas de ... Las fábricas y las marcas de calzado testarán en laboratorios los materiales de los nuevos proveedores, ...

  • How To Start Your Own Shoe Company
    By Wade Motawi

    How To Start Your Own Shoe Company is for anyone with the dream of starting a shoe company of their own. The book follows the launch of two small start-up shoe companies. Each company has its own style of shoes and business plan.

  • Cómo empezar tu propia empresa de calzado
    By Wade Motawi

    ¿Cómo manejar los retrasos? Lo único que puedes hacer es empezar temprano y dar algo de tiempo extra al lanzamiento. La demora es casi inevitable, debes tenerlo planeado. Los retrasos muy largos costarán dinero, extenderán los contratos ...

  • How Shoes are Made
    By Wade Motawi

    Do you want to see how the big brands really make shoes? Now you can! More than just a tour through a sneaker factory, How Shoes are Made will show you how modern shoes come to life!