Books from Rookwood Press

  • Anthologie de la poésie française du XVIe siécle
    By Floyd Gray

    Les Regrets et autres oeuvres poëtiques , éd . J. Jolliffe et M. A. Screech , Genève , 1966 . Euvres poétiques , éd . Daniel Aris et Françoise Jankovsky , Paris , 1993 , 2 vol . A CONSULTER : Yvonne Bellenger , Du Bellay , ses 183.

  • The Classical Sublime: French Neoclassicism and the Language of Literature
    By Nicholas Cronk

    In this regard Monk's critical terminology ( ʻrhetoric ' , ' aesthetics ' ) is deeply ambivalent , for to speak of a shift from rhetoric to aesthetics could be said to be a tautology in the context of seventeenth - century critical ...

  • Lectures Classiques
    By Jules Brody

    La dure anthropologie qu'elle professe n'est pas plus flatteuse pour les prétentions de la femme qu'elle ne l'est pour les mobiles des hommes . Les Nemours de ce monde ne sauraient prospérer , comme ils font , si des femmes respectables ...

  • Clément Marot: The Mirror of the Prince
    By Ehsan Ahmed

    Clément Marot. A Renaissance Poet Discovers the Gospel. Leiden: E. J. Brill, rs the Gospel rs the Gospel 1994. Simone, Franco. “La notion d'encyclopédie: élément caractéristique de la Renaissance française,” in French Renaissance ...

  • Theatrum Mundi: Studies in Honor of Ronald W. Tobin
    By Claire L. Carlin, Kathleen Wine

    Et puis , troisième volet attendu , ce qu'on nommera la “ dénégation ” : le refus par le ravisseur d'assumer la ... son rude vainqueur : Songe , songe , Céphise , à cette Nuit cruelle , Qui fut pour tout un Peuple une Nuit éternelle .

  • Strategic Rewriting
    By David Lee Rubin

    D'Aulnoy's rewriting of the illumination scene is significant in two respects . ... reading and rereading it in order to better prepare herself against any mischief her family might cause , she nonetheless falls victim to " les ...

  • Cognitive Space and Patterns of Deceit in La Fontaine's Contes
    By Catherine M. Grisé

    Just as on the diegetic level the characters operate deceit through disguise and substitution , the author ... in “ Le Tableau ” represents the text metaphorically as a veil that reveals as well as it hides : The figure of the veil ...

  • Utopia: the 18th century
    By David Lee Rubin

    ... mais un moment explicable et souhaitable de la dynamique des sociétés robustes , où la vertu expansive du prince et ... concept apparemment lié à celui de l'égalité : “ l'amitié , qui a son vrai gibier en l'équalité ” ( SV 160 ) .

  • Legendary Lives in La Princesse de Clèves
    By Janet Letts

    Amour précieux , amour galant ( 1654-1675 ) : Essai sur la représentation de l'amour dans la littérature et la société mondaines ... 272 Tiefenbrun , Susan W. A Structural Stylistic Analysis of La LEGENDARY LIVES IN LA PRINCESSE DE CLÈVES.

  • Modern Perspectives on the Early Modern: Temps Recherché , Temps Retrouvé
    By Russell Ganim, Anne L. Birberick

    ... bloc précédent et le type parfaitement assis du Libertin ou du Pacte des loups . Un malaise subsiste dans les Caprices d'un fleuve : Jean - François de La Plaine affiche un certain mépris pour « l'Encyclopédie et les encyclopédistes ...

  • Montaigne and the Ethics of Skepticism
    By Zahi Anbra Zalloua

    Such glossary notes have been made readily available by M.A. Screech's useful edition of Montaigne's Annotated Copy of Lucretius: A Transcription and Study of the Manuscript, Notes and Pen-marks (Geneva: Droz, 1998).

  • EMF: Studies in Early Modern France Vol. 6-Cultural Studies 1-State of the Queen
    By Julia V. Douthwaite, David Lee Rubin

    EMF: Studies in Early Modern France Vol. 6-Cultural Studies 1-State of the Queen

  • Imposture utopique et procès colonial: Denis Veiras, Robert Challe
    By Carole Martin

    L'héroïne veirassienne dans son amour - propre , dans sa différence , retrouve ainsi l'illustre française et sa mise en ... Ainsi le totem solaire n'est - il plus chez la jeune Sévarambe qu'un interdit contre lequel affirmer son propre ...

  • EMF Studies in Early Modern France: Cultural Studies 2 - Exemplary Essays
    By Julia V. Douthwaite, David Lee Rubin

    A major collection of essays on 18th-century French literature in relation to Enlightenment culture - medicine, the art of conversation, devotional writing, gastronomy, divorce, and the Revolution. Authors: Nicholas Page,...

  • Emblematics and Seventeenth-century French Literature: Descartes, Tristan, La Fontaine, and Perrault
    By Laurence Grove

    Less open is the praise that La Fontaine gives of Vaux through frequent refer- ence to the orange trees of Versailles . Any friend of Fouquet knew that these had been grafted directly from trees at Vaux - le - Vicomte .

  • Forms of the "medieval" in the "Renaissance": A Multidisciplinary Exploration of a Cultural Continuum
    By George Hugo Tucker

    Forms of the "medieval" in the "Renaissance": A Multidisciplinary Exploration of a Cultural Continuum

  • Molière and Modernity: Absent Mothers and Masculine Births
    By Larry W. Riggs

    Describing the theater of Moliere as a systematic attack on Cartesian modernism, this book is richly theoretical with incisive and specific treatment of such plays as "The Miser" and "The Misanthrope."

  • Signs of the Early Modern: 15th and 16th centuries
    By David Lee Rubin

    Signs of the Early Modern: 15th and 16th centuries

  • Negotiating Past and Present: Studies in Spanish Literature for Javier Herrero
    By David Thatcher Gies

    ... Dios entre la niebla " ( LXXVII ) : Por todas partes te busco sin encontrarte jamás , y en todas partes te encuentro sólo por irte a buscar . In the finished cantar , Machado ventures , with a highly characteristic mix- ture of modesty ...

  • Science and Humanism in the French Enlightenment
    By Aram Vartanian

    Vartanian (1922-97) offered this set of three essays to the series editors just before he died and had no opportunity to write a general introduction explaining the direction they take.