Books from Elsevier Health Sciences TW

  • 內科OSCE臨床技能實戰測驗
    By Tim Dornan


  • 兒童身體檢查圖解手冊


  • 職能治療導論第三版


  • Guyton & Hall Physiology Review
    By John Edward Hall

    Guyton & Hall Physiology Review

  • Gray's Anatomy for Students

    Anatomy and imaging - Thorax - Abdomen - Pelvis and perineum - Lower limb - Upper limb - Head and neck.

  • Physical Examination and Health Assessment
    By Carolyn Jarvis

    雖然所有的護理模式描述的都是同樣的 4 種概念,但每種模式著重的焦點或強調的重點卻不盡相同,例如 Orem 氏模式( 1995 )著重的焦點是自我照顧, Roy 氏模式( 1984 )則強調適應過程, Leininger 氏模式( 1993 ) ...

  • 菲爾森胸腔放射影像學: 編序教學式內文
    By 古德曼

    菲爾森胸腔放射影像學: 編序教學式內文

  • Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
    By Mary Lou Sole, Marthe J. Moseley, Deborah G. Klein


  • Biochemistry Illustrated: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Post-genomic Era

    這些酵素最適合在酸性環境中作用,而溶酶體內部之 pH 值可能是藉一種質子幫浦機制,而維持在大約 pH4 到 6 之間。多且不一之酵素缺陷遺傳疾病已多有報告,這些疾病造成了嚴重之中樞神經、心肌、肝、骨髓及血管組織之破壞(見表 3.8 ) ,有些缺陷酵素原先之反應 ...

  • ECG in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care
    By Theodore C. Chan

    Peterson ED , Hathaway WR , Zabel KM , et al : Prognostic significance of precordial ST segment depression during inferior myocardial infarction in the thrombolytic era : Results in 16,521 patients .

  • Communication Skills for Final MB: A Guide to Success in the OSCE
    By Harry Richard Dalton

    This new book, by the authors of the student examination book Final MB, is designed to give a light and user-friendly approach to the difficult subject of passing tests of communication skills in final examinations.

  • Pocket Companion to Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
    By Arthur C. Guyton

    83 胎兒及新生兒生理學 Fetal and Neonatal Physiology 胎兒的生長和機能發育(第 1042 頁) Growth and Functional ... 在懷孕後半期前胎兒的腎臟便已具排尿的功能,但調節體內細胞外液電解質平衡與酸鹼平衡的功能尚未建立,至少在胎兒中期以後才會開始發展, ...

  • Nelson 簡明小兒科學

    糖尿病酮酸中毒診斷為血糖高時,伴隨出現: ( 1 )動脈酸鹼值< 7.25 、( 2 )血中重碳酸鹽< 15 mEq / L 和( 3 )尿中或血液中出現酮體。病理生理學當無足夠的胰島素分泌時,在肝臟裡,脂肪酸的持續性部分氧化作用會造成酮體生成。三種酮體內的兩種是有機酸,&nbsp;...

  • Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient
    By Fred F. Ferri

    Ferri's guide has long been an indispensable manual for medical students to use during their clinical rotations. This edition includes expanded material on Differential Diagnosis, with an additional 78 clinical topics.

  • Mosby's Assessment Memory NoteCards
    By JoAnn Zerwekh, Tom Gaglione

    社區的評估一擋風玻璃式調查法 0 當護理人員進入到社區之後,便可收集到大量的資訊。當進入個案家中,護理人員可以看到、聽到、聞到可以提供重要線索的東西。護理人員可以利用這些資訊來訂定護理照護計畫。護理人員需要利用擋風玻璃式的調查法來統整所得到&nbsp;...

  • Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses
    By Roger Watson

    參考文獻 kenworthy N , Snowley G , Gilling C 2002 Common foundation studies in nursing . ... Baillière Tindall , London Watson R , Fawcett TN 2003 Pathophysiology , homeostasis and nursing . Routledge , London.

  • 約翰霍普金斯醫院小兒科手冊
    By 甘恩


  • Mosby呼吸照護速覽手冊

    肺功能測試適應症•評估呼吸系統現存肺部疾病的檢測•鑑別肺部功能障礙類型:阻塞性或侷限性評估肺部功能不全的程度評估肺部疾病的進展協助建立肺功能不全治療的過程肺功能測試與 X 光檢查環境狀態與體內狀態 0 處在環境溫度、壓力與飽和溼度( ATPS )的狀況&nbsp;...

  • Beard's Massage: Principles and Practice of Soft Tissue Manipulation
    By Giovanni De Domenico


  • 健康評估與鑑別診斷
