Books from European Mathematical Society

  • Splitting Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Rough Solutions: Analysis and MATLAB Programs
    By Helge Holden, Kenneth H. Karlsen, Knut-Andreas Lie

    [ 259 ] J . W . Thomas . Numerical partial differential equations : finite difference methods , volume 22 of Texts in Applied Mathematics . Springer - Verlag , New York , 1995 . [ 260 ] J . W . Thomas . Numerical partial differential ...

  • An Invitation to Quantum Groups and Duality: From Hopf Algebras to Multiplicative Unitaries and Beyond
    By Thomas Timmermann

    [ 113 ] G . J . Murphy , C * - algebras and operator theory . Academic Press , Boston 1990 . ... [ 120 ] A . L . T . Paterson , Groupoids , inverse semigroups ... [ 121 ] G . K . Pedersen , C * - algebras and their automorphism groups .

  • Tractability of Multivariate Problems
    By Erich Novak, H. Woźniakowski

    Since m is often large , d is even larger , see the books of Atkins and Friedman [ 1 ] , Levine ( 132 ) , and Messiah [ 144 ] , the computational survey of Le Bris [ 21 ] , as well as Flad , Hackbusch and Schneider [ 59 ] and Yserentant ...

  • Wavelets, Their Friends, and what They Can Do for You
    By María Cristina Pereyra, Martin J. Mohlenkamp

    Chapman & Hall / CRC , Boca Raton , FL , 2004 . [ 105 ] T. W. Körner , Fourier analysis . Cambridge University Press , Cambridge 1988 . [ 106 ] J. D. Lakey , P. R. Massopust , and M. C. Pereyra , Divergence - free multiwavelets .

  • Finite Generalized Quadrangles
    By Stanley E. Payne, Joseph Adolf Thas

    [ 87 ] N. Jacobson , Basic algebra , II . W.H. Freeman and Company , San Francisco 1980 . [ 88 ] W. M. Kantor , Span - symmetric generalized quadrangles . Private communication . [ 89 ] W. M. Kantor , Generalized quadrangles associated ...

  • Handbook of Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and Supersymmetry
    By Vicente Cortés

    In Geometry seminar " Luigi Bianchi II — 1984 , Lecture Notes in Math . 1164 , Springer - Verlag , Berlin 1985 , 161–224 . [ 41 ] U. Semmelmann , Conformal Killing forms on Riemannian manifolds . Math . Z. 245 ( 2003 ) , 503-527 .

  • From Cardano's Great Art to Lagrange's Reflections: Filling a Gap in the History of Algebra
    By Jacqueline A. Stedall

    This book is an exploration of a claim made by Lagrange in the autumn of 1771 as he embarked upon his lengthy ``Reflexions sur la resolution algebrique des equations'': that there had been few advances in the algebraic solution of equations ...

  • The Formation of Black Holes in General Relativity
    By Demetrios Christodoulou

    Nevertheless the future boundary of the maximal development is nowhere singular , the solution extending as an analytic solution across this boundary . This future boundary is a regular null hypersurface , a Cauchy horizon ...

  • Noncommutative Geometry and Physics: Renormalisation, Motives, Index Theory
    By Alan L. Carey

    [ 26 ] F. C. S. Brown , On the periods of some Feynman integrals . Preprint 2009. arXiv : 0910.0114 [ 27 ] J. Carlson , S. Müller - Stach , and C. Peters , Period mappings and period domains . Cambridge Stud . Adv . Math .

  • Non-linear Elliptic Equations in Conformal Geometry
    By Sun-Yung A. Chang

    We recall the geometric proof of Obata's Uniqueness Theorem on Sn : If R , const . on S " , then | E | = 0 and g ** ( gc ) for some = conformal transformation : Sn — Sn . For simplicity we 10. Deforming 02 to a constant function 83.

  • Bases in Function Spaces, Sampling, Discrepancy, Numerical Integration
    By Hans Triebel

    Hans Triebel Bases in Function Spaces , Sampling , Discrepancy , Numerical Integration The first chapters of this book deal with Haar bases , Faber bases and some spline bases for function spaces in Euclidean n - space and n - cubes .

  • Handbook of Teichmüller Theory
    By Athanase Papadopoulos

    Lorentzian manifolds are the most important pseudo - Riemannian manifolds after the Riemannian ones . This is due in part to the use of Lorentzian manifolds in physics . Indeed , 4 - dimensional Lorentzian geometry is the setting of ...

  • Handbook of Teichmüller Theory
    By Athanase Papadopoulos

    The quantization theories can lead to new invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. The purpose of this handbook is to give a panorama of some of the most important aspects of Teichmuller theory.

  • Handbook of Teichmüller Theory
    By Athanase Papadopoulos

    The subject of this handbook is Teichmuller theory in a wide sense, namely the theory of geometric structures on surfaces and their moduli spaces.

  • European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, 14-18 July, 2008
    By André C. M. Ran, H. J. J. te Riele, Jan Wiegerinck

    4 , part 2 , 915–941 . [ 2 ] P. Aluffi and M. Marcolli , Feynman motives of banana graphs . Commun . Number Theory Phys . 3 ( 2009 ) , no . 1 , 1–57 . [ 3 ] P. Aluffi and M. Marcolli , Algebro - geometric Feynman rules .

  • Uhlenbeck Compactness
    By Katrin Wehrheim

    This book gives a detailed account of the analytic foundations of gauge theory, namely, Uhlenbeck's compactness theorems for general connections and for Yang-Mills connections.

  • Renormalization and Galois Theories
    By Frédéric Fauvet

    [ 10 ] J. Écalle , Twisted resurgence monomials and canonical - spherical synthesis of local objects , in Analyzable functions and applications , Contemp . Math . 373 , Amer . Math . Soc . , Providence , RI , 2005 , 207–315 .

  • Contributions to Algebraic Geometry: Impanga Lecture Notes
    By Piotr Pragacz

    Math . Soc . 349 ( 1997 ) , 1191– 1208 . [ 23 ] B. Harbourne , The geometry of rational surfaces and Hilbert functions of points in the plane . In Proceedings of the 1984 Vancouver conference in algebraic geometry , CMS Conference ...

  • Nonlinear Potential Theory on Metric Spaces
    By Anders Björn, Jana Björn

    The first half of the book deals with Sobolev type spaces, so-called Newtonian spaces, based on upper gradients on general metric spaces.

  • Rectifiable Sets, Densities and Tangent Measures
    By Camillo De Lellis

    These notes give a simple and short presentation of the former and provide some perspective of the latter. This text emerged from a course on rectifiability given at the University of Zurich.