Books from John Benjamins Publishing Company

  • Jamaican Creole Goes Web: Sociolinguistic styling and authenticity in a digital 'Yaad'
    By Andrea Moll

    Journal of Pragmatics 37: 403–410. DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2004.10.010 Bailey, Beryl Loftman. 1966. Jamaican Creole Syntax: A Transformational Approach. Cambridge: CUP. Bailey, Charles James N. 1973. Variation and Linguistic Theory.

  • Traveling Conceptualizations: A cognitive and anthropological linguistic study of Jamaican
    By Andrea Hollington

    ... (7) a. mi kyaar 1sg car 'my car' b. fi-mi kyaar poss-1sg car 'my car' Mittelsdorf (1978: 114) states, based on Bailey (1966) and Cassidy (1961a), that the two strategies (juxtaposition and fi-constructions) are in free variation.

  • The Semantic Structure of Spanish: Meaning and Grammatical Form
    By Larry Dawain King

    The book opens with an introductory chapter, which is followed by five chapters on the analysis of the Spanish verbal system. In Chapter 7 problems of the noun phrase (the meaning of determiners and grammatical number) are discussed.

  • Discourse Topics
    By Richard Watson Todd

    ... Andrew 69, 70, 80 Prein, Gerald 154 Prentice, Joan L. 138 Prince, Ellen F. 99 Prutting, Carol A. 81 Pylyshyn, Zenon W. 139 Q Quillian, M. Ross 62 Quirk, Randolph 26 R Rayson, Paul 18 Redeker, Gisela 12 Renouf, Antoinette 107 Reynar, ...

  • Mock Politeness in English and Italian: A corpus-assisted metalanguage analysis
    By Charlotte Taylor

    Journal of Language and Social Psychology 7 (2): 101–121. doi:10.1177/0261927X8800700202 Spencer-Oatey, Helen. 2000. “Rapport management: A framework for analysis”. In Culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures, ...

  • Bare Nominals in Brazilian Portuguese: An integral approach
    By Albert Wall

    mass-count distinction. Journal of Semantics 27(3): 343–397. doi:10.1093/jos/ffq007 Rothstein, Susan. 2010b. Bare nouns semantics, kind interpretations and the universal grinder. Paper at the Bare Nominals and Genericity Conference, Paris. Rothstein, Susan. 2013. Some cross-linguistic aspects of bare NP distribution: Modern Hebrew and Brazilian Portuguese. In Kabatek & Wall (eds) ...

  • Frame-Constructional Verb Classes: Change and Theft verbs in English and German
    By Ryan Dux

    Johnson , Christopher R. , Charles J. Fillmore , Miriam R. L. Petruck , Collin F. Baker , Michael Ellsworth , Josef Ruppenhofer & Esther J. Wood . 2003. FrameNet : Theory and practice . Berkeley : International Computer Science ...

  • Symmetry Breaking in Syntax and the Lexicon
    By Leah S. Bauke

    Tübingen: Narr. Haider, H. 2010. The Syntax ofGerman. Cambridge: CUP. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511845314 Haider, H. 2013. Symmetry Breaking in Syntax. Cambridge: CUP. Hale, K. & Keyser, S. 1992. The syntactic character of thematic structure.

  • Mixed Magic: Global-local Dialogues in Fairy Tales for Young Readers
    By Anna Katrina Gutierrez

    Robinson systematically strips Blue Beard of power by repeatedly drawing him as an aging, squat, bearded man whose authority lies in his scimitar (77, 79, 83). When his wife outsmarts him, his scimitar is made impotent (in all senses of ...

  • The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting
    By Adolfo M. García

    Brain and Language 162: 19–28. García, Adolfo M, Sofía Abrevaya, Giselle Kozono, Indira García Cordero, Marta Córdoba, Marcelo Andrés Kauffman, Ricardo Pautassi, Edinson Muñoz, Lucas Sedeño, ...

  • Stative Inquiries: Causes, results, experiences, and locations
    By Alfredo García-Pardo

    Causes, results, experiences, and locations Alfredo García-Pardo ... Andres decided buy house in Ibiza ' Andrés decided to buy a house in Ibiza ? b . a Dowty ( 1979 ) to be just a tendency ,. ( 436 ) a . * Lo que hizo Andrés fue creer ...

  • The Syntax of Multiple-que Sentences in Spanish: Along the left periphery
    By Julio Villa-García

    Along the left periphery Julio Villa-García. Roussou, Anna. 2000. On the left periphery: Modal particles and complementizers. Journal of Greek Linguistics 1: 65–94. DOI: 10.1075/jgl.1.05rou Saab, Andrés. 2009.

  • Exploring Functional-Cognitive Space
    By Christopher S. Butler, Francisco Gonzálvez-García

    Christopher S. Butler, Francisco Gonzálvez-García ... The case for further cross-fertilization between different approaches is nicely put by Weninger and Andres: Is it the case that the various perspectives that are taken toward the ...

  • Sociology of Discourse: From institutions to social change
    By Óscar García Agustín

    From institutions to social change Óscar García Agustín ... Witness the 'alternative' investiture of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as President of the Republic of Mexico after losing the elections in 2006. Even though the ceremony ...

  • Multimodal Performance and Interaction in Focus Groups
    By Gregory Matoesian, Kristin Enola Gilbert

    In K. Brown (ed) Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2nd edition). (pp 58–67). New York: Elsevier. McNeill, D. (2010). Gesture: A psycholinguistic approach. In Hogan, P. (ed.) ...

  • Historical Linguistics: A cognitive grammar introduction
    By Margaret E. Winters

    In order to say that an outcome is bad, the noun has to be qualified: (5) One refuge yet remaineth, that is patiently to suffer what so euer lucke allotteth 'One solution still remains, that is patiently to endure whatever luck doles ...

  • Redefining Trial by Media: Towards a critical-forensic linguistic interface
    By Simon Statham

    Another common grammatical element in sentence construction is the apparent interchangeability of and and or, what Gibbons (2003:59) defines as a long term problem of 'semantico-grammatical conjunction or disjunction'.

  • Biomedical Natural Language Processing
    By Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, Dina Demner-Fushman

    ... Mark Craven, Laurie Damianos, Marcelo Fiszman, Noemie Elhadad, John Ely, Carol Friedman, Ken Fukuda, Bob Futrelle, Aaron Gabow, Rob Gaizauskas, Graciela Gonzalez, Jorg Hakenberg, Marti Hearst, Larry Hunter, Helen Johnson, Cem Kaner, ...

  • Heritage Languages: A language contact approach
    By Ad Backus, Suzanne Aalberse, Pieter Muysken

    This book takes a language contact perspective: we consider heritage languages from the perspective of their history, their structural properties, and their interaction with other surrounding languages.

  • The Paintings of Karel Du Jardin, 1626-1678: Catalogue Raisonné
    By Jennifer Kilian

    According to A. Sutherland Harris , this painting bore an attribution to Jan Asselijn ' until it was recognised as a work of Du Jardin by Otto Naumann in 1984 ( privately ) . This was confirmed by R. Trnek and accepted by both A. C. ...