Books from Columbia University Press

  • The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Equality, and Rights
    By Richard D. Mohr, Richard Mohr

    Richard D. Mohr adopts a humanistic and philosophical approach to assessing public policy issues affecting homosexuals.

  • Measured Excess: Status, Gender, and Consumer Nationalism in South Korea
    By Laura C. Nelson

    ... Doo-hwan (later himself convicted of similar charges) started his rule by purging from his administration public officials who had profited from their positions. Kim Young-sam as well II 2 K WA SOA J C H UBA N G : MEASUR IN G EXCESS.

  • Living on the Edge: The Realities of Welfare in America
    By Mark R. Rank

    This again is consistent with prior research ( Bane and Ellwood 1983 ; Duncan 1984 ; Ellwood 1986 ; Tienda 1990 ) . Female - headed families are less likely to exit from the welfare system than are married couples , while singles are ...

  • Gendering Global Conflict: Toward a Feminist Theory of War
    By Laura Sjoberg

    Chris Coulter, Bush Wives and Girl Soldiers: Women's Lives through War and Peace in Sierra Leone (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2009); Megan H. MacKenzie, Female Soldiers in Sierra Leone: Sex, Security, and Post-Conflict ...

  • Fashioning Sapphism: The Origins of a Modern English Lesbian Culture
    By Laura Doan

    ... actor Ellen Terry, playwright Bernard Shaw, political figure Benito Mussolini, cellist Madame Suggia, socialite and model Lady Hazel Lavery (wife of the painter Sir John Lavery), writers Thomas Hardy and John Galsworthy, and Gluck.

  • Survivors of Slavery: Modern-Day Slave Narratives
    By Laura T. Murphy

    until she was six years old, young Harriet Jacobs was oblivious to the fact that she was the child of an enslaved woman and therefore a slave herself.1 Born in Edenton, North Carolina in 1813, she was allowed the freedom to enjoy her ...

  • The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang
    By David Brotherton, Luis Barrios, Professor Luis Barrios

    A King should never cover his right hand because his right hand represents his crown . No member shall take the law into their own hands especially when he knows that what he did will reflect upon the nation and jeopardize the health ...

  • Adaptive Governance: Integrating Science, Policy, and Decision Making
    By Ronald D. Brunner

    See Jones 8c Stokes (consultants), Situation Assessment Memorandumfor the Upper Klamath Basin Working Group Proposed Restoration Planning Process (Sacramento, Calif; Stokes & Jones, October 2001). 54. On endangered fish recovery in a ...

  • Mortal Rituals: What the Story of the Andes Survivors Tells Us About Human Evolution
    By Matt J. Rossano

    Successful foragers must find a way of allocating attention so as to maximize resource intake, which is called the “attentive prey” model of attention (Dukas & Ellner, ; Stephens & Krebs, ). This model can be set up as a ...

  • The Columbia Guide to Online Style
    By Janice R. Walker, Todd Taylor

    Cite individual pages or articles within a Web site beginning with the author of the article or page, if known, the title of the page or article enclosed in quotation marks, and followed by the title of the Web site. Yang, Rachel.

  • After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order
    By Emmanuel Todd

    A historian and anthropologist uses demographic and economic factors to explain the waning hegemony of the United States.

  • Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure
    By Paul A. Offit

    Criteria study: S. K. Parker, B. Schwartz, J. Todd, and L. K. Pickering, “Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A Crit- ical Review of Published Original Data,” Pediatrics 114 (2004): 793–804.

  • The Intellectuals and the Flag
    By Todd Gitlin

    " So writes Todd Gitlin about the aftermath of the Vietnam War in this collection of writings that calls upon intellectuals on the left to once again engage American public life and resist the trappings of knee-jerk negativism, intellectual ...

  • The Intellectuals and the Flag
    By Todd Gitlin, Professor of Culture Journalism and Sociology Todd Gitlin

    Todd Gitlin, Professor of Culture Journalism and Sociology Todd Gitlin. " Todd Gitlin has joined Irving Howe , Michael Harrington , Michael Walzer , and Christopher Lasch in the ranks of our nation's most brilliant , important , and ...

  • Gender and the Politics of History
    By Joan Wallach Scott

    ... in John Merriman, ed., Consciousness and Class Experience in Nineteenth-Century Europe (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1979), pp. 65–84; Christopher Johnson, Utopian Communism in France: Cabet and the Icarian Movement (Ithaca, ...

  • The Northern Adriatic Ecosystem: Deep Time in a Shallow Sea
    By Frank Kenneth McKinney

    Stefani , M. , and S. Vincenzi . 2005. The interplay of eustasy , climate , and human activity in the late Quaternary ... Tracey , S. , J. A. Todd , and D.H. Erwin . 1993. Gastropoda . In M. J. Benton , ed . , The Fossil Record , vol .

  • The Columbia Guide to Online Style: Second Edition
    By Janice R. Walker, Todd Taylor

    A clear and complete guide to bibliographic and footnoting style for citing on-line information fills a desperate need for coherent rules for these citations, as well as gives guidelines for formating documents for online preparation, and ...

  • A Convergence of Civilizations: The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World
    By Emmanuel Todd, Youssef Courbage

    E ast J av a Ja ka rta B an gk a -B el it u ng W es t N usa Te ng ga ra Ba nte n N ort h Sula we s i So ut h S ul aw es i Ja mb i La m p u ng W est Ja va E a st Kal ima n ta n G oro nt al o W e st Kal im an ta n N o rt h Su ma tr a Be ...

  • A Convergence of Civilizations: The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World
    By Emmanuel Todd, Youssef Courbage

    ... 1971 for women), and still earlier in Jordan (1940 for men, 1966 for women). In these two countries, fertility did not begin to decline until around 1985. In Egypt, an early but not decisive fall occurred in 1965, but the decline ...

  • Mobile Modernity: Germans, Jews, Trains
    By Todd S Presner

    Wie rauscht der Jordan und taumelt vor Freude, Auch meine unsterbliche Seele taumelt Und ich taumle mit ihr und taumelnd Bringt mich die Treppe hinauf, ans Tagslicht, Der brave Ratskellermeister von Bremen.