Books from Penn State Press

  • Drug Control Policy: Essays in Historical and Comparative Perspective
    By William O. Walker

    Clark, Deliver Us From Evil, 218-23; Bonnie and Whitebread, The Marihuana Conviction, 5-15, 28, 32-45; Timberlake, Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, ...

  • A Kingdom on Earth: Anglo-American Social Christianity, 1880-1940
    By Paul T. Phillips

    Just why In His Steps was such an outstanding success has been thoroughly dissected and debated , with Paul S. Boyer most notably suggesting that it was really about a troubled American middle - class conscience , rather than religion ...

  • The Book of Peace
    By Karen Green, Christine

    Nonetheless let no one believe that I am referring to the principal malefactors from whom the recent sedition has come — perverters of others and sowers of encouragement to evildoing; it is not my intent that they ...

  • Transforming Talk: The Problem with Gossip in Late Medieval England
    By Susan E. Phillips

    J. V. Bullard and H. Chalmer Bell. London: Faith Press, 1929. MacDonald, Michael. Mystical Bedlam: Madness, Anxiety, and Healing in Seventeenth- Century England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Malone, Kemp.

  • Lydia Bailey: A Checklist of Her Imprints
    By Karen Nipps

    Philadelphia: Printed for C. and A. Conrad and Co., B. B. Hopkins and Co., Johnson and Warner, M. Carey, Bennett and Walton, T. and W. Bradford, Edward Earle, and Stephen Pike, Booksellers; Lydia R. Bailey, printer, 1810. 155 p.

  • Challenges of Ordinary Democracy: A Case Study in Deliberation and Dissent
    By Karen Tracy

    28 A study by political scientists Deborah Jordan Brooks and John Geer offers an interesting case upon which we can reflect about the unacknowledged communicative complexities in past studies of negative campaigning.

  • Women & Guerrilla Movements: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, Cuba
    By Karen Kampwirth

    An important factor that is not directly addressed in T. David Mason's otherwise excellent analysis is the fact that many women joined the armed insurgency at a very young age. Moreover, the factors that motivated young women were not ...

  • The Challenge of Coleridge: Ethics and Interpretation in Romanticism and Modern Philosophy
    By David P. Haney

    Levinson recognizes the problem also identified by Gadamer: to "objectify" the past without considering its effect on the present is, in her very apt metaphor, to put us in a situation where " [t]he motor runs but the car doesn't go ...

  • Rise of Sinclair Lewis, 1920-1930
    By James M. Hutchisson

    These circumstances impaired his work on Elmer Gantry , and Lewis even bitterly parodied some of his troubles in the ... to visit the novelist William Allen White but apparently also for Lewis to reacquaint himself with the Midwest .

  • Book History
    By Ezra Greenspan, Jonathan Rose

    H. C. Marillier in his biography of Rossetti attacked Harry Quilter's representation of Rossetti as a " sordid , self - indulgent , mean , and querulous recluse , " and encouraged his readers to read Percy Bate's more generous depiction ...

  • Art and the Religious Image in El Greco's Italy
    By Casper, Andrew R.

    Robertson, “Il Gran Cardinale,”30. A rendering of the vision of Augustus circulated in some manuscript editions of Marvels of Rome, 17–18. 19. Robertson, “Il Gran Cardinale,” 30. See also Voelkle, “Farnese Hours,” 65–66. 20.

  • America's Longest Run: A History of the Walnut Street Theatre
    By Andrew Davis

    acting performances of, 116, 117, 122, 125, [27, 139 background and early career, 137 non-theatre employment of, 142 as stage and acting manager, 134, 137 Roberts, J. B. (juggler), 74 Robertson, Agnes (Boucicault, Mrs. Dion), 107—8, ...

  • The Anglican Communion at a Crossroads: The Crises of a Global Church
    By Christopher Craig Brittain, Andrew McKinnon

    This has had dramatic implications for local economies now inextricably linked to the capitalist world system,8 as well as for nation-states and their interrelations.9 As Roland Robertson argues, there is an equally significant cultural ...

  • From Harvard to the Ranks of Labor: Powers Hapgood and the American Working Class
    By Robert Bussel

    Zieger , CIO , 266-70 ; Willy Bartels to PH , September 22 , 1947 , PH to Phil Murray , November 19 , 1947 , PH Papers ; Brody , Workers in Industrial America , 221-27 . 29. Zieger , CIO , 273-74 ; Brophy , Miner's Life , 288-94 ...

  • The Culture and Commerce of the Early American Novel: Reading the Atlantic World-system
    By Stephen Shapiro

    10 In the first instance, Smith does not characterize sympathy as a mechanism for politicizing worldly distress and removing the differences of rank between the viewer and the subject of his optics. Smith postulates sympathy as ...

  • I Was a Communist for the FBI: The Unhappy Life and Times of Matt Cvetic
    By Daniel J. Leab

    Leab also writes about Cvetic&’s life prior to his involvement with the FBI, his glory days, and shows that there is much to be learned from the story of an &"anti-Communist icon.&"

  • A Politician Goes to War: The Civil War Letters of John White Geary
    By William Alan Blair, Bell Irvin Wiley

    Lovell Harrison, 152, 152n.28 Ruger, Brig. Gen. Thomas H., 98 St. Lawrence Hotel, 19, 22, 30 Salem, Va., 104 Salem Township, Pa., JWG farm at, 1, 59- 60 San Francisco, 67n.40 JWG postmaster and mayor of, ix, xvii Sand Mountain.

  • Staging Ground: An American Theater and Its Ghosts
    By Leslie Stainton

    He began extending credit to his customers, and farmers started to invest their cash surpluses with him, making Hager a banker as well as a merchant. He issued loans to friends and family, expanded his store, bought real estate, ...

  • Ezra Pound in London and Paris, 1908-1925
    By James J. Wilhelm

    This book systematically traces Pound's career from his arrival in London in 1908 to his departure from Paris in 1924, emphasizing his activities but also describing his writings and relating them to his life.

  • Money Pitcher: Chief Bender and the Tragedy of Indian Assimilation
    By William C. Kashatus

    Kashatus offers compelling evidence that Bender intentionally compromised his performance in the Series as retribution for the poor treatment he suffered. Money Pitcher is not just another baseball book.