Books from Paulist Press

  • Treatises on Penance: On Penitence and On Purity
    By Tertullian

    Imprimatur : Patricius A. O'Boyle , D.D. Arcbiep . Wasbingtonen . die 2 Aprilis 1958 COPYRIGHT 1959 BY REV . JOHANNES QUASTEN Library of Congress Catalog Card Number : 58-10746 ISBN : 0-8091-0150-5 PUBLISHED BY PAULIST PRESS Editorial ...

  • De Vocatione Omnium Gentium
    By Prosper

    De Licentia Superioris Ordinis Nibil Obstat J. Quasten Censor Deputatus Imprimatur : Patricius A. O'Boyle , D.D. Arcbiepiscopus Washingtonensis die 8 Martii 1951 COPYRIGHT 1952 BY REV . JOHANNES QUASTEN AND REV .

  • Can Catholics and Evangelicals Agree about Purgatory and the Last Judgment?
    By Brett Salkeld

    Hayes claims that it is von Balthasar paraphrasing Augustine and cites Hans Urs von Balthasar, “Eschatology,” in Theology Today, vol. 2, Johannes Feiner et al. (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1964), 222-44.

  • The Gratitude Factor: Enhancing Your Life Through Grateful Living
    By Charles M. Shelton

    Fred R. Berger, “Gratitude,” in Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life, ed. Christina Hoff Sommers (Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985), 205. 18. Paul F. Camenisch, “Gift and Gratitude in Ethics,” The Journal of Religious Ethics 9 ...

  • The Torah: An Introduction for Christians and Jews
    By David J. Zucker

    As a chapter-by-chapter introduction to the Torah (the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible), this work provides an excellent source for interfaith study of the Five Books of Moses; it provides a wealth of representative ...

  • Abraham Miguel Cardozo: Selected Writings
    By Abraham Miguel Cardozo, David L. Halperin

    surely our minds would run toward the enigmatic magus of Elizabethan England , John Dee . 36 Like Cardozo , Dee was a powerful , original , and unconventional thinker . Like Cardozo , Dee combined a brilliant , rational intellect with ...

  • Suicide, Despair, and Soul Recovery: Finding the Light of God
    By Ken Stifler

    It was an illustration of a great wheel, like a Ferris wheel at a carnival, representing life going around and around, up and down, ever spinning its course. On the outer rim of this wheel are pictured clowns, some hanging on to the rim ...

  • The Future of the Sacrament of Penance
    By Frank O'Loughlin

    Andre Duval, Des sacrements au Concile de Trente (Paris: Cerf, 1985) 'La Confession', 151-208; Hubert Jedin, 'La necessite de la confession privee selon le Concile de Trente', Maison Dieu 104 (1970) 88-115; Dionisio Borobbio, ...

  • Evangelization and Religious Freedom: Ad Gentes, Dignitatis Humanae
    By Stephen B. Bevans, SVD and Jeffrey Gros, FSC

    John Ford (Brecia: Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo VI,1995), 71– 88; Joseph Chinnici, “Dignitatis Humanae Personae: Surveying the Landscape for Its Reception in the United States,”U.S. Catholic Historian,“Dignitatis Humanae, ...

  • Purgation and Purgatory: The Spiritual Dialogue
    By Saint Catherine

    Purgation and Purgatory is a collection of sayings on spiritual purification in this life and the next. The Spiritual Dialogue gives us a readable and coherent inner history of Catherine.

  • A Serenity Journal: Fifty-Two Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude
    By Rita Esposito Watson

    Week 19 Mother Teresa in Heart of Joy , edited by Jose Luis Gonzalez - Balado . Week 20 Radical Prayer : Creating a Welcome for God , Ourselves , Other People and the World by David J. Hassel , S.J. Week 21 Advent and Psychic Birth by ...

  • According to Paul: Studies in the Theology of the Apostle
    By Joseph A. Fitzmyer

    This is stressed as the origin of Mishnaic ' abbā ' , pace J. Barr ( " Which Language " ( n . 3 above ) , 16 ) . As to whether the emphatic state makes good sense as a vocative and whether in Hebrew one uses a definitive article in ...

  • John of the Cross: Selected Writings
    By Saint John Of The Cross

    Translated by Roy Campbell . Preface by Martin D'Arcy . London : Harvill Press , 1951 . The Poems of Saint John of the Cross . Translated with introduction by Willis Barnstone . New York : New Directions , 1972 .

  • Jesus and the Emergence of a Catholic Imagination: An Illustrated Journey
    By John Pfordresher

    Roy Campbell, trans. London: Harvill, 1951. Kelley, J. N. D. Early Christian Creeds. New York: David McKay, 1960. Kleist, James A. The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1949.

  • Empowerment for Ministry: A Complete Manuel on Diocesan Faculties for Priest, Deacons, and Lay Ministers
    By John M. Huels, J.C.D.

    Delegation foran individualcase or determined cases is commonly called “special delegation.” Delegation for all cases is commonly called “general delegation.” The pastor has the faculty by law to assist at Rulesfor the Delegation and ...

  • Throughout These Forty Days We Pray
    By John F. O'Grady

    Say some extra prayers each day; read the Bible, which combines both mind and soul. Reestablishing a good relationship with God or strengthening that relationship demands time and effort. Lent encourages both.

  • Science and Faith: A New Introduction
    By John F. Haught

    See H. Richard Niebuhr, Radical Monotheism and Western Culture (London: Faber and Faber, 1943). 3. Roch Kereszty, as quoted by Thomas F. O'Meara, ... John Bowker, Is Anybody Out There? (Westminster, MD: Christian Classics, 1988), pp.

  • Visions and Vocations
    By The Catholic Women Speak Network

    Sisterhood. Margaret Susan Thompson My becoming Catholic is absolute proof of the existence of God— because it never would have been my idea! Indeed, why else would a feminist academic, raised in as secular a way as can be imagined, ...

  • Can the Saints Come Out to Play?/Pueden Salir a Jugar Los Santos?
    By Carolyn Ancell

    6 de marzo Santa Coleta hábito café “ hecho de remiendos ” atado con un cordón 9 de marzo Santa Francisca Romana vestido largo elegante y chal de dama noble ; tres cordones dorados ( ver la narración ) alrededor del cuello o la cintura ...

  • Discerning Church, A: Pope Francis, Lonergan, and a Theological Method for the Future
    By SJ, Whelan, Gerard

    Gerard Mannion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 125–42; Mary Doak, “Evangelization in an Economy of Death,” in Mannion, Pope Francis and the Future of Catholicism, 179–202. 49. See Piquè, “Clerical and Political ...