Books from Yale University Press

  • Outsourcing War and Peace: Preserving Public Values in a World of Privatized Foreign Affairs
    By Laura Anne Dickinson

    Panel members included Eric I. Boswell, George A. Ioulwan, I. Stapleton Roy, and Patrick F. Kennedy. 29. Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) between the U.S. Dep't of Def. and the U.S. Dep't of State on USG Private Sec. Contractors (Dec.

  • The Somme
    By Robin Prior, Trevor Wilson

    The trend seems to have set in after a visit by Kavanagh (commanding the Cavalry Corps) on September. The discussion commenced reasonably enough with Haig instructing Kavanagh to explore the area north of the River Ancre in case an ...

  • Astro Noise: A Survival Guide for Living Under Total Surveillance
    By Laura Poitras, Lakhdar Boumediene

    and understanding of the exhibition and its artistic intent, and Gene McHugh wrote the articulate, informative texts that accompany viewers through the exhibition. Danielle Linzer, director of access and community programs, ...

  • Orders Iniomi and Lyomeri: Part 5
    By William W. Anderson, Frederick H. Berry, James E. Böhlke

    Part 5 William W. Anderson, Frederick H. Berry, James E. Böhlke, Rolf L. Bolin, Jack W. Gehringer, ... 285 mm SL, from stomach of a Neothunnus macropterus, J. R. MANNING cruise 20, St. 21, og”58.5"N, 159°o4.1"W, longline, May 30, 1954, ...

  • Into the Black: JPL and the American Space Program, 1976-2004
    By Peter J. Westwick

    1978 (JPL 142, 52/851); D. G. Rea to Murray, 28 Apr. 1977 (JPL 142, 55/902); Murray to Noel Hinners, 8 July 1977 (JPL 142, 23/401); Gordon H. Pettengill to Thomas A. Mutch, 11 June 1980 (JPL 105, 1/17A). 3. William K. Hartmann to Murray ...

  • Outsourcing War and Peace: Preserving Public Values in a World of Privatized Foreign Affairs
    By Laura Anne Dickinson

    Raz, T hird-World Labor, supra note 186. 193. The 2007 National Defense Authorization Act extends the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. § 801-946 (“UCMJ”), to apply “[i]n time of declared war or a ...

  • Bedroom: An Intimate History
    By Michelle Perrot

    Julien Green, Journal, 12 December 1935, in Julien Green, Œuvres complètes (Paris: Gallimard, coll. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1977), vol. 5, p.394. Green reports the observations ofa friend, Rolland de Renneville, who believed this to ...

  • The Architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, C. 300 B.C. to A.D. 700
    By Judith McKenzie, Rhys-Davids Junior Research Fellow in Archaeology Judith McKenzie, Peter Roger Stuart Moorey

    10 , 27–9 ; Evers and Romero loc . cit . ( n . 51 ) fig . L , O , fig . 79 ; Grossmann loc . cit . 1977 ( n . 64 ) pl . 262—3 . The beam holes are in alignment with the nave columns . 72. De Bock op . cit . ( n .

  • Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies
    By David Bentley Hart

    But to suppose that this is suflicient explanation for the ultimate triumph of Christianity, or that the new faith would have merely lingered on as an obscure and insignificant cult but for Constantine's victory at the Milvian Bridge, ...

  • The Virgin Warrior: The Life and Death of Joan of Arc
    By Larissa Juliet Taylor

    Between the first and second trips to Vaucouleurs, Jacques and Isabelle had become thoroughly alarmed at Joan's strange behavior and arranged a marriage for her. Although she does not seem to have told anyone directly about her visions, ...

  • Manet, Monet, and the Gare Saint-Lazare
    By National Gallery of Art, Juliet Wilson Bareau

    In anticipation, he has put in a railing that cuts off all possibility of retreat," album of caricatures, May 1 874, Bibliotheque d'Art ct d'Archcologic, Fonda ti on Jacques Doucet, Paris (cat. 76). 13A0- — M . I)E NKIV1I.

  • Goya in the Norton Simon Museum
    By Juliet Wilson-Bareau

    Luthi 1982 Luthi, Jean-Jacques. Émile Bernard: Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint. Paris, 1982. Macartney 1999 Macartney, Hilary. “Sir William Stirling Maxwell: Scholar of Spanish Art.” Espacio, tiempo, forma, Serie VII, Historia del ...

  • Worlds Beyond: Miniatures and Victorian Fiction
    By Laura Forsberg

    Stafford, Barbara Maria, and Frances Terpak. Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Research Institute, 2001. Stern, Wilma Olch, and Danae Hadjilazaro Thimme. Kenchreai, Eastern Port of ...

  • The Quest for Drug Control: Politics and Federal Policy in a Period of Increasing Substance Abuse, 1963-1981
    By David F. Musto, Pamela Korsmeyer

    Memorandum with attachment, Stu Eizenstat and Lee Dogoloff for Griffin Bell, 9 August 1979, folder: "Drug Policy [CF, O/A 727] [1]," Box 189, Stuart Eizenstat files, Jimmy Carter Library. 90. Memorandum with attachment, Stu Eizenstat ...

  • A Windfall of Musicians: Hitler's E´migre´s and Exiles in Southern California
    By Dorothy L. Crawford

    Now, at City College, a talented young singer without considerable financial means would be able to prepare seriously for a career in opera without having to move to the expensive East Coast or to Europe to ...

  • Candy/A Good and Spacious Land
    By Laura Wexler, Christopher Klatell

    Unlike his brother and sister, who had gone to Hillhouse, Herb's youngest son was sent to Richard C. Lee High School, a new integrated school in a Kevin Roche building in the shadow of the Oak Street redevelopment.

  • Juvenilia
    By Ken Chen

    The poems in this collection also quote from the following works, which are cited in text: The Art of Chinese Poetry by Iames Liu, Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition by Harold Berman, and Tl'L6]O1/l1'VL0ll ...

  • My Dear Governess: The Letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann
    By Edith Wharton, Anna Catherine Bahlmann

    Presents a treasure trove of 135 letters, written over a period of 42 years, from Edith Wharton to her teacher, considered a great find in the literary world, given that only three letters from the Age of Innocence author's childhood and ...

  • No Man's Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century - Letters from the Front
    By Susan Gubar, Sandra M. Gilbert

    Located in a grim New England that is as reminiscent of the bleak northwest Massachusetts of Edith Wharton's Ethan Frame ( 1911 ) or the forbidding rural landscape of Susan Glaspell's Trifles ( 1916 ) as it is of Frost's New Hampshire ...

  • No Man's Land: The war of the words: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century
    By Susan Gubar, Sandra M. Gilbert

    Thus , whether they are dead like John Wright or dupes like the play's three officious investigators , the men in Glaspell's text are far less daunting antagonists than the suitors , fathers , or husbands in Freeman's stories .