Books from Princeton University Press

  • Birds of Maine
    By Peter D. Vickery, Charles D. Duncan, Jeffrey V. Wells

    ... counts: several hundred annually at Stratton I. and at E. Egg Rock, ... 15 Jan 2014 (R. Timberlake, eBird); Reid S.P. (Lower Kennebec R. CBC): 1 on 20 ...

  • Reframing Culture: The Case of the Vitagraph Quality Films
    By William Uricchio, Roberta E. Pearson

    ... Rare Books Room, and Ruth Senior and the staff, interlibrary loan, Pattee Library, Penn State; Elaine Burrows, Jackie Morris, Roger Holman, Markku Salmi ...

  • The World of Prometheus: The Politics of Punishing in Democratic Athens
    By Danielle S. Allen

    See Todd 1995 , 115. ... Todd 1995 , 117 , citing Hansen 1976 , 24 . 40. ... procedurally according to the officials who deal with them ( e.g. , Dem .

  • The Fifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics, and Civil Rights in the United States, 1941-1972
    By Anthony S. Chen

    Many selfidentified liberals attribute the demise of the New Deal bloc to ... former Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) president Todd Gitlin goes a ...

  • Who Cares?: Public Ambivalence and Government Activism from the New Deal to the Second Gilded Age
    By Katherine S. Newman, Elisabeth S. Jacobs

    Public Ambivalence and Government Activism from the New Deal to the Second Gilded Age Katherine S. Newman, Elisabeth S. Jacobs ... Purdham, Todd.

  • Birds of Peru: Revised and Updated Edition
    By Thomas S. Schulenberg, Douglas F. Stotz, Daniel F. Lane

    Todd Mark compiled the data on the material at the Muséum National d'Histoire ... Noam Shany provided a great deal of additional information on seabirds.

  • Making Mice: Standardizing Animals for American Biomedical Research, 1900-1955
    By Karen Rader

    ... 78–80 , 82–84 , 92 ; Little's original laboratory at , 70–72 ; Little's presidency of , 60 , 67–76 , 83 , 111 Watson , James , 253 Weaver , Warren , 4.

  • Cultural Capitals: Early Modern London and Paris
    By Karen Newman

    See Edward Casey, “How to Get from Space to Place in a Fairly Short Stretch of Time,” Senses of Place, ed. Steven Feld and Keith H. Basso (Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 1996), 13–52. On the impact of the digital age ...

  • Taming the Unknown: A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century
    By Victor J. Katz, Karen Hunger Parshall

    14 Robson, 2007, p. 104. 15 Otto Neugebauer first interpreted many of these problems as quadratic equations in Neugebauer, 1951, but his interpretation of the problems as “pure algebra'' has been superseded by the interpretation in ...

  • Civilizations of Ancient Iraq
    By Benjamin R. Foster, Karen Polinger Foster

    Robson, Eleanor. 1999. Mesopotamian Mathematics, 2100–1600 BC: Technical Constants in Bureaucracy and Education. Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts 14. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ———. 2001. “Technology in Society: Three Textual Case ...

  • Civilizations of Ancient Iraq
    By Benjamin R. Foster, Karen Polinger Foster

    In Civilizations of Ancient Iraq, Benjamin and Karen Foster tell the fascinating story of ancient Mesopotamia from the earliest settlements ten thousand years ago to the Arab conquest in the seventh century.

  • The New Terrain of International Law: Courts, Politics, Rights
    By Karen J. Alter

    12 On growing judicial power, see Cappelletti (1989); Hirschl (2004); Lindseth (2010); Stone Sweet (2000). On judges drawing on trust and diffuse support for the rule of law, see Gibson and Caldeira ...

  • Writing on the Wall: Graffiti and the Forgotten Jews of Antiquity
    By Karen B. Stern

    Gibson translates from the Phoenician: “Beware! Behold, there is disaster for you ... !” (SSI 3, no. 5=KAI nr. 2). Examples from Cyprus include SSI 3, no. 12=KAI nr. 30. Gibson's translation of the Phoenician reads (SSI 3, ...

  • Multinational Firms in the World Economy
    By Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Anthony Venables, Frank Barry

    Deardorff , A. V. 1998. Determinants of bilateral trade : does gravity work in a neoclassical world ? In The regionalization of the world economy , ed . J. A. Frankel . Chicago University Press . Decoster , G. P. and W. C. Strange .

  • Self-fulfillment
    By Alan Gewirth

    Alan Gewirth begins by distinguishing two models of self-fulfillment - aspiration-fulfillment and capacity-fulfillment - and shows how each of these contributes to the intrinsic value of human life.

  • The Odyssey of Style in Ulysses
    By Karen Lawrence

    I also want to thank Jerry Sherwood and Cathy Thatcher, my editors at Princeton, who have made it a pleasure to work with their press, and Karen Donahue at the University of Utah, for the meticulous care and intelligence she displayed ...

  • Human Spatial Navigation
    By Arne D. Ekstrom, Hugo J. Spiers, Véronique D. Bohbot

    Johnson, A., and A. D. Redish. 2007. “Neural Ensembles in CA3 Transiently Encode Paths Forward of the Animal at a Decision Point.” Journal of Neuroscience 27 (45): 12176–89. Johnson, D. K., M. Storandt, J. C. Morris, and J. E. Galvin.

  • Making Mice: Standardizing Animals for American Biomedical Research, 1900-1955
    By Karen Rader

    ... 216 Loutit, J. F., 223, 246 Lo ̈wy, Ilana, 106 Luce, Henry, 150 Lynch, Clara, 183, 189 Lyon, Mary 246 MacDowell, E. Carleton, 29, 51–52, 54 ill55, 119 Macklin, Madge, 192 Macy Foundation, 110, 130 Maine, “New England stock”' of, 59, ...

  • How Far the Promised Land?: World Affairs and the American Civil Rights Movement from the First World War to Vietnam
    By Jonathan Rosenberg

    Brenda Gayle Plummer makes a similar point about the accession of Wilkins. See Plummer, Rising Wind: Black Americans and U.S. Foreign Affairs, 1935–1960 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1996), 253. 49. The Bandung material is from Paul Gordon Lauren, ...

  • Protestants Abroad: How Missionaries Tried to Change the World but Changed America
    By David A. Hollinger

    Robert W. Barnett, Wandering Knights: China Legacies, Lived and Recalled (London, 1990), 39–53, and Robert W. Barnett, oral history, 3–4. Barnett's consistently skeptical view ...