Books from Princeton University Press

  • The Warrior's Camera: The Cinema of Akira Kurosawa
    By Stephen Prince

    He turns and then , again , runs toward and past the camera , and Kurosawa repeats the reverse - field and crane - down a third time and then , with perfect symmetry , a fourth time . After the fourth setup , however , the dominant ...

  • Frederic Remington: The Color of Night
    By National Gallery of Art, Nancy K. Anderson, William Sharpe

    Remington's works are well known by most museum goers and beloved by a segment of an even wider public. Clearly written throughout, this book will put him literally in a new light for these and new audiences.

  • Thinking About the Presidency: The Primacy of Power
    By William G. Howell

    what we claim is true, if presidents really do care so much about power, then why don't we see them pursuing it even more aggressively? Why don't we witness our presidents nearly every night claiming new powers over new policy ...

  • World Out of Balance: International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy
    By Stephen G. Brooks, William C. Wohlforth

    Counterbalancing is a constraint to which any leading power must pay heed, for it has the potential to transform the ... As Christopher Layne observes, “[T]he concept of balancing expresses the idea of a counterweight, specifically, ...

  • Empire of Words: The Reign of the OED
    By John Willinsky

    However, when the classical scholar and master of Balliol College, Benjamin Jowett, became ex-officio chairman of the delegates in 1882, that changed somewhat. Jowett oversaw the drafting of a one-page “Suggestions for Guidance in ...

  • Birder's Conservation Handbook: 100 North American Birds at Risk
    By Jeffrey V. Wells

    Birder's Conservation Handbook is the only book of its kind, written specifically to help birders and researchers understand the threats while providing actions to protect birds and their habitats.

  • Simple Games: Desirability Relations, Trading, Pseudoweightings
    By Alan D. Taylor, William S. Zwicker

    C. St. J. A. NashWilliams and J. Sheehan . Winnipeg : Utilitas Mathematics . Scott , D. , and Suppes , P. 1958. Foundational aspects of theories of measurement . Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 , 113-128 . Sen , A. K. 1982.

  • The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part II: 1961-1964
    By William Conrad Gibbons

    ... in 1961-62 there were several journalists, notably Neil Sheehan of United Press International, Homer Bigart and later ... They and Browne received the first Louis J. Lyons award from the Nieman Fellows of Harvard University for ...

  • Science and the Secrets of Nature: Books of Secrets in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
    By William Eamon

    1580 UW contiene molti secreti Ricci , Francesco . Giardino di secretti raris- Bologna , ca. 1580 UW sima , utili , & piacevoli Galasso , Mario . Novo recettario ... intito- Milan , 1584 UW lata Thesoro de poveri Mutii , P. M. , detto ...

  • Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation
    By William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, Alan P. Lightman

    An essential resource for learning about general relativity and much more, from four leading experts Important and useful to every student of relativity, this book is a unique collection of some 475 problems--with solutions--in the fields ...

  • Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation
    By Alan P. Lightman

    "This book is a classic and easily the best way for students learning general relativity to get experience doing problems. A wide variety of topics are covered and extensive solutions are given to the insightfully formulated exercises.

  • The Birds of New Jersey: Status and Distribution
    By William J. Boyle Jr.

    During the Breeding Bird Atlas, many more breeding sites were found, primarily in the Kittatinny Valley and Highlands regions of Sussex, Passaic, and northern Morris counties, but the species is still rare as a nester.

  • The Story of Silver: How the White Metal Shaped America and the Modern World
    By William L. Silber

    Vanishing nickels, dimes, and quarters tested the ingenuity of American business. The renewed coin shortage hit supermarkets the hardest during the first half of 1964, according to Clarence Adamy, executive vice president of the ...

  • The Corruption Cure: How Citizens and Leaders Can Combat Graft
    By Robert I. Rotberg

    See Charlie J. Hughes, “Reporter's Notebook: Sierra Leone,” http://www.globalinte 57. Daniel Jordan Smith, “The Paradoxes of Popular Participation in Corruption in Nigeria,” in Rotberg (ed.), Corruption, 293. 58.

  • Carlo Sigonio: The Changing World of the Late Renaissance
    By William McCuaig

    Bruto, che in questi studii d'eloquenza è consumato. Oltre che anco il dottissimo Sigonio (come intendo dalle lettere di V. E.) diffende questa medesima opinione, se vi ci aggiunge anco Mons. Mureto et qualch'altro valente Ciceroniano ...

  • Social Learning: An Introduction to Mechanisms, Methods, and Models
    By Kevin N. Laland, William Hoppitt

    Valente, T. 2005. Network models and methods for studying the diffusions of innovations. ... Visalberghi, E., and D. Fragaszy. 1995. e behaviour of capuchin monkeys (Cebus paella) with food: e role of social context. Anim. Behav.

  • Introduction to the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains
    By William J. Stewart

    In this particular example the links have been constructed so that the nonzero elements can be accessed in a row - wise sense . Thus , the value that is stored in LA ( i ) indicates the position in the real array A at which the next ...

  • Wilson, Volume II: The New Freedom
    By Arthur S. Link

    The New Freedom Arthur S. Link. it by a strong federal trade commission. Not until the Underwood bill was enacted and the Federal Reserve bill was safely on its way to passage, however, could the President give serious thought to the ...

  • Wilson, Volume I: The Road to the White House
    By Arthur S. Link

    The Road to the White House Arthur S. Link. Wilson soon, however, revised his opinion of Adams, especially when the professor freed him from the study of institutional development and gave him free rein to develop his own ideas about ...

  • F.B. Eyes: How J. Edgar Hoover's Ghostreaders Framed African American Literature
    By William J. Maxwell

    As Michael Szalay has it, the burnt cork of blackface returned, in “dematerialized” form, in the 1960s writing of Joan Didion, Norman Mailer, William Styron, and John Updike, the hip literature of a “'second skin' meant to hold together ...