Books from Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

  • Islamism in Indonesia: Politics in the Emerging Democracy
    By Bernhard Platzdasch

    Fauzi, A.R. Gugatan Menuju Muktamar Luar Biasa Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. (No place, no publisher), 2003. Federspiel, Howard. Persatuan Islam: Islamic Reform in Twentieth Century Indonesia. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, ...

  • Prominent Indonesian Chinese: Biographical Sketches
    By Leo Suryadinata

    First published in 1971, it was revised and developed into the present format in 1978 and has since been revised several times. This is the third and most up-to-date version.

  • The Population of Singapore: (2nd Edition)
    By Saw Swee-Hock

    Older data for Christian and civil marriages suggest that the average age at first marriage of non-Muslim women had ... to secure a subsidised government apartment under the Fiance/Fiancee Scheme for public housing.12 The other reasons ...

  • Advancing Singapore-China Economic Relations
    By John Wong, Saw Swee-Hock

    This book presents a detailed account of the development of strong and substantive economic relations that existed between Singapore and China since the time when the two countries established diplomatic ties in October 1990.

  • Between Rising Powers: China, Singapore, and India
    By Asad Latif

    This book combines diplomatic history and international relations theory to show how Singapore is facilitating China's and India's engagement of Southeast Asia.

  • ASEAN-China Relations: Realities and Prospects
    By Saw Swee-Hock, Chin Kin Wah, Sheng Lijun

    New challenges will, however, continue to emerge to test the resolve of the partnership. This book examines some of the areas of convergence and divergence and the possible trajectories of the development of ASEAN-China relations.

  • Three Sides in Search of a Triangle: Singapore-America-India Relations
    By Asad Latif

    Whether these three realities, taken together, lay the basis of a triangular relationship among Singapore, America, and India is the question that this book seeks to answer.

  • EU and Asia: Sharing Diversity in an Inter-regional Partnership
    By Romano Prodi

    This publication contains the text of the Singapore Lecture, delivered by Romano Prodi on 6th July 2002.

  • Moving Forward: Southeast Asian Perspectives on Climate Change and Biodiversity
    By Jr., Percy E. Sajise, Mariliza V. Ticsay

    More importantly, all forms of life including human society are trying their best to adapt and survive. This book explores the two-way link between climate change and the state of biodiversity in Southeast Asia.

  • ASEAN and the ZOPFAN Concept

    For two decades, ASEAN has officially been striving for the establishment of a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) in Southeast Asia.

  • Responding to Globalization: Nation, Culture, and Identity in Singapore
    By Selvaraj Velayutham

    This book focuses on the global/national nexus: the tensions between the necessity to embrace the global to ensure economic survival, yet needing a committed population to support the perpetuation of the nation-state and its economic ...

  • Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action
    By Mely Caballero-Anthony, Alistair D.B. Cook

    It is through this layered and comprehensive approach, together with an evaluation of the role of stakeholders, which binds together the chapter contributions to this collection.

  • The Palm Oil Controversy in Southeast Asia: A Transnational Perspective
    By Oliver Pye, Jayati Bhattacharya

    Peluso and Lund (201 1) offer fresh analytical insights on new frontiers of land control more generally, While Cotula (2012) offers a useful comprehensive overview on key issues in current land grabs. In short, the current trajectory of ...

  • Admiral Zheng He and Southeast Asia
    By Leo Suryadinata

    To reflect Asian views on the subject matter, nine articles written by Asian scholars Chung Chee Kit, Hsu Yun-Tsiao, Leo Suryadinata, Tan Ta Sen, Tan Yeok Seong, Wang Gungwu, and Johannes Widodo have been reproduced in this volume.

  • Rebellion in Southern Thailand: Contending Histories
    By Thanet Aphornsuvan

    This study addresses the competing histories of Thailand and Patani beginning in the fourteenth century up to the mid-twentieth century.

  • Dr Maung Maung: Gentleman, Scholar, Patriot
    By Robert H Taylor

    Explores the life of Dr. Maung Maung (1925-94), scholar, soldier, nationalist, internationalist, parliamentarian, public servant, and pioneer amongst post-colonial journalists in Southeast Asia.

  • Dreams and Dilemmas: Economic Friction and Dispute Resolution in the Asia-Pacific
    By Mitsuo Matsushita, Kōichi Hamada, Chikara Kōmura

    YuTien , which has not manufactured cars since 1996 , had a rate of zero . 5. Most Taiwanese car makers ( 75 per cent ) either participate in joint ventures or have technical co - operation agreements with Japanese car makers .

  • Islam and the State in Indonesia
    By Bahtiar Effendy

    See also Djohan Effendi, “Pluralisme Pemahaman dalam Perspektif Teologi Islam”, in Teologi Pembangunan: Paradigma Baru Pemikiran Islam, edited by M. Masyhur Amin (Yogyakarta: LKPSM NU DIY, 1989), pp. 149–52; Abdurrahman Wahid, ...

  • Indonesian Syariah: Defining a National School of Islamic Law
    By M. B. Hooker

    Nasution, Harun (1986a), Teologi Islam: Aliran-Aliran Sejarah Analisa Perbandingan, Jakarta: University of Indonesia Press. Nasution, Harun (1986b), Akal dan Wahyu dalam Islam, Jakarta: University of Indonesia Press.

  • Islam and the Secular State in Indonesia
    By Luthfi Assyaukanie

    Since 2002, he has been one of the leading voices of the Liberal Islam Network (JIL). “Sebuah Teologi untuk Negara Modern”, in VVaja/J Liberal Islam, p. 236. Ulil Abshar-Abdalla, “The Politics of Islam in a Democratizing Indonesia”, ...