Books from Stockcero, Inc

  • La colmena
    By Camilo José Cela

    The novel depicts the hardship borne by the lower-middle class following the Spanish Civil War.

  • Novelas y cuadros de la vida sur-americana
    By Soledad Acosta de Samper, Flor María Rodríguez-Arenas

    This collection is comprised of "Dolores" (novel), "Teresa la limena"(novel), "El corazon de la mujer: Matilde, Manuelita, Mercedes, Juanita, Margarita, Isabel" (novel); "La perla del valle" (short story), "Ilusion y realidad" (short story) ...

  • La rampa
    By Susan Larson, Carmen de Burgos

    "La rampa" (1917) is the second full-length novel by Carmen de Burgos, and is dedicated «to all of the throngs of wounded and lost women who have come to me asking which path they should take, and who have made me feel their tragedy.» The ...

  • Quiero vivir mi vida: (novela) ; Puñal de claveles : (cuento)
    By Carmen de Burgos

    This edition includes two of Burgos's fictional works from 1931: the full-length novel «Quiero vivir mi vida», and the short story «Puñal de claveles».

  • Los de Abajo
    By Luis Leal, Mariano Azuela

    La obra maestra de Mariano Azuela aparece cien años después de la obra de José Joaquín Femández de lizardi, El Periquillo Sarniento, crea el género de la novela de la Revolución, y al mismo tiempo, al abandonar por completo las ...

  • La vorágine
    By José Eustasio Rivera

    Con estos actos del Pipa, Cova entra en un terreno donde el ser humano tiene otras creencias, otra manera de vivir que a él, citadino, le es desconocida. >)€>)€=)€ Tanto el sueño de Cova, como el del Pipa anticipan circunstancias ...

  • Sotileza
    By Jose M. De Pereda

    There is in Sotileza a recreation of human drama where circumstances, foreseeable in the manner of a Greek tragedy, determine events beyond the will of the characters.

  • Trece cuentos del romanticismo español
    By Borja Rodríguez Gutiérrez

    Throughout this anthology prof. Borja Rodriguez Gutierrez answers some basic questions: what constitutes a short story? What does romantic mean? When and how was the Spanish romanticism movement?

  • The Emancipation of South America
    By Bartolome Mitre

    Mitre, in spite of his manifold occupations as politician and statesman, journalist and writer, worked strenuously to finish the biography and significance of General Jos de San Martin.

  • 3 obras renovadoras del teatro español de posguerra
    By Antonio Buero Vallejo, Alfonso Sastre, Fernando Arrabal

    With this edition we offer the US reader three fundamental plays of the literary, cultural and theatrical Spanish -and universal- memory of more than half a century ago, whilst proposing the deciphering of their present meanings and ...

  • El blocao: novela de la guerra marroquí
    By José Díaz-Fernández

    In this edition, which follows the text of the 1928 edition, Professor Victor Fuentes has augmented his previous edition (Madrid: Ediciones Turner, 1976, 2 ed.) with a corpus of notes which will facilitate comprehension of the book by ...

  • La venus mecanica
    By Jose Diaz Fernandez

    ... blocao), o en Ediciones Oriente (que fundan, entre otros, varios integrantes de Post-guerra, revista en la que participó Díaz Fernández de forma activa); o en Zeus, donde aparecerá al año siguiente su ensayo El nuevo romanticismo. Díaz ...

  • El Cura. (Caso de incesto).
    By Eduardo Lopez Bago

    ... el sacerdote con tono y gesto tan avinagrado, que la niña le miró ... sacerdote se inmutóz4l: la noticia le puso densamente pálido. —Sí, se ha marchado ahora mismo ... gato. Un gato negro. ¡Si llevamos con esto unos días! Figúrate que el ...