Books from John Benjamins Publishing

  • Cameroon
    By Loreto Todd

    Contains a good deal of useful information on Cameroon Pidgin English, ... A collection of CamP proverbs, which are compared with Hancock's Krio proverbs ...

  • The Categories of Grammar: French Lui and Le
    By Alan Huffman

    Harris's disenchantment with the view of language as a code, once again, can be attributed to the fractional view of ... with the bath because he misses the underlying problem of correctly identifying the nature of linguistic meaning.

  • The Whorf Theory Complex: A critical reconstruction
    By Penny Lee

    In a different area, Johanna Nichols (1988) has demonstrated the value of Whorf's approach to grammatical analysis in typological work. She has found that across languages it is the formal or "structural fact of ...

  • Chicano English: An Ethnic Contact Dialect
    By Joyce Penfield

    Chicano English can rightly be said to be, in its different varieties, the most widespread ethnic dialect of U.S. English, spoken by large sections of the population in the American Southwest.

  • A Functional Grammar of Gooniyandi
    By William B. McGregor

    drinking at an earlier time in the day (he had been seen), and in (6-188), it was part of the common knowledge of everyone in the town that, as of recently, the islands in the river were still under the floodwaters.

  • Toddler and Parent Interaction: The organisation of gaze, pointing and vocalisation
    By Anna Filipi

    Hillsdale, N]: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Furrow, David and Nelson Katherine. 1984. “Environmental correlates of individual differences in language acquisition.” journal ofChild Language 19 (3): 523—534.

  • Morphology: A Study of the Relation Between Meaning and Form
    By Joan L. Bybee

    This is a textbook right in the thick of current interest in morphology.

  • Deixis, Grammar, and Culture
    By Revere D. Perkins

    This study reviews some of the literature supporting vocabulary connections, hypotheses for other connections, and critical views of this type of hypothesis.

  • Deixis, Grammar, and Culture
    By Revere Dale Perkins

    Revere Dale Perkins. Buhler, Karl. 1990. Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language. Translated by Donald Fraser Goodwin. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Burris, Harold W. Jr. 1979.

  • Fluency in Native and Nonnative English Speech
    By Sandra Götz

    ... in the variances in the two corpora turn out not to be significant (med x2 I 27.01, p > 0.05). This looks very similar to the findings for you know, with most learners not using it at all and some outliers using it quite frequently.

  • Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning
    By Laura Gavioli

    Barber's attempt (1962) to calculate items to teach in a course of English for science was an important step in the direction of producing an ESP syllabus, but Barber too, focused primarily on grammar structures, overlooking lexis ...

  • Cameroon
    By Loreto Todd

    Dis tam na wic- kendcommot 1e ckey nyiou cibilals ting wen5 oll man moss dou.Ifyou nokell youa wuman fo wickend dat by say you no by po'po cibilaïs and djendley man. 10 Bot dam wickend sèp- sèpdon bigin bring plenty plaba bik oss ...

  • 'You Know': A discourse-functional study
    By Jan-Ola Östman

    Ross & Cooper (1979) also assign a very important function to the interaction of pauses with like. In fact, they argue that like with pauses and like without pauses syntactically behave very differently. -- James (1973:148) even ...

  • Aspects of a Cognitive-Pragmatic Theory of Language: On cognition, functionalism, and grammar
    By Jan Nuyts

    Cooper, DE. 1972 "Innateness". Philosophical Review 81: 465-483. 1975 Knowledge of language. London: Prism. COOper, WE. and E.C.T.Walker (eds.) 1979 Sentence processing. Hillsdale: Erlbaum. Cooper, WE. and E.B.Zurif 1983 "Aphasia: ...

  • You Know: A Discourse Functional Approach
    By Jan-Ola Östman

    The fact that you know is even used when the addressee is assumed not to know what the speaker is talking about, suggests that it functions at the deference level of politeness, as a striving towards attaining a camaraderie relationship ...

  • Cameroon
    By Loreto Todd

    Loreto Todd. a stable variety of CamE. Such people 24 often find that their approximations to English allow them to communicate fairly easily with other Cameroonians, and so there is little or no pressure on them to increase their ...

  • Dialog Theory for Critical Argumentation
    By Douglas N. Walton

    In Ionathan Barnes (ed.), The Complete Works ofAristotle. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Atkinson, Katie, Bench-Capon, Trevor and McBurney, Peter 2004. “Computational Representation Of Persuasive Argument”.

  • Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge
    By D. Gary Miller

    Watt (1987:1fi) states: (1) the number of empty cells is minimal; (2) the chance of just any random order of letters fitting such a grid is infinitesimally small; (3) reversing any two letters would complicate the matrix; ...

  • Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge
    By D. Gary Miller

    The book's value is further enhanced by thorough discussion of the issues from a broad range of theoretical and applied viewpoints, including language play and change, cognition, literacy, and cultural history.

  • Dialect Death: The case of Brule Spanish
    By Charles E. Holloway

    ... language maintenance and language shift“. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 251493-511. Paunonen, H. and M. Suojanen (eds). Central Problems in Bilingualism. Turku, Finland: Suomen Kielen Seura. Pearson, Lynn. 1992.