Books from Society of Biblical Lit

  • Ezekiel's Hierarchical World: Wrestling with a Tiered Reality
    By Stephen L. Cook, Corrine Patton

    From the Seminar on Theological Perspectives on the Book of Ezekiel, which meets at each annual meeting of the Society, 12 essays and two responses representing a range of perspectives and methods explore the ancient and modern meanings and ...

  • The Text of the Gospels in Clement of Alexandria
    By Carl P. Cosaert

    The Text of the Gospels in Clement of Alexandria

  • The Hittites and Their World
    By Billie Jean Collins

    The Hittites and Their World provides a concise, current, and engaging introduction to the history, society, and religion of this Anatolian empire, taking the reader from its beginnings in the period of the Assyrian Colonies in the ...

  • The Hebrew Bible and Philosophy of Religion
    By Jaco Gericke

    Without a philosophical analysis of what the Hebrew Bible's worldviews took for granted about issues on the agenda in philosophy of religion, biblical scholars have not made a beginning in coming to terms with the basic conceptual ...

  • Warfare, Ritual, and Symbol in Biblical and Modern Contexts
    By Brad E. Kelle, Ames Frank Ritchel, Wright Jacob L.

    William K. Gilders criticizes and attributes mccarthy's conclusion about blood to “the assumption that it can have but one meaning in each cultural context” (Blood Ritual in the Hebrew Bible: Meaning and Power [baltimore: The Johns ...

  • Evidence of Editing: Growth and Change of Texts in the Hebrew Bible
    By Reinhard Müller, Juha Pakkala, Romeny Bas ter Haar

    7 An Addition in a Qumran Manuscript as Evidence for the Continuous Growth of the Text: 1 Samuel 10:27–11:1 7.1. ... Verses from 1 Samuel 11 Found in 4QSamuela,” in The Hebrew and Greek Texts ofSamuel: 1980 Proceedings IOSCS—Vienna (ed.

  • Lamentations in Ancient and Contemporary Cultural Contexts
    By Nancy C. Lee, Carleen Mandolfo

    He has been interested in the interaction and interplay between the Bible and other religio-cultural as well as ... He is editor or co-editor of four books, including most recently Mel Gibson's Bible (with Timothy K. Beal, 2005), ...

  • Psalm Studies
    By Sigmund Mowinckel

    Psalms. and. Cultic. songs. (1) רוֹמזמ and (2) רישׁ will be treated together here. The usual understanding of these two terms is ... Generally following Hermann Hupfeld and Wilhelm Nowack, Die Psalmen übersetzt und ausgelegt (3rd ed.; ...

  • Mark, Mutuality, and Mental Health: Encounters with Jesus
    By Simon Mainwaring

    This work seeks to serve as an experiment, such that interested readers might better understand the dynamics of relational power that pervade encounters with persons with poor mental health.

  • Teaching the Bible Through Popular Culture and the Arts
    By Mark Roncace, Patrick Gray

    This compilation is an invaluable resource for anyone who teaches the Bible.

  • Psalm Studies
    By Sigmund Mowinckel

    Psalms 24, 48, 118, and 132 reflect this precondition. The first three explicitly celebrate YHWH as king (see above); Ps 48 also refers verbally to 97:8. Psalm 15 is a partial parallel to Ps 24. The call to the whole earth to revere ...

  • The King James Version at 400: Assessing Its Genius as Bible Translation and Its Literary Influence
    By Philip H. Towner, John F. Kutsko, David G. Burke

    For further treatment of the Job passages discussed in this paper, see my commentary: Job 1–20 (Word Biblical Commentary 17; Waco, Tex.: Word, 1989); Job 21–37 (Word Biblical Commentary 18A; Nashville: Nelson, 2006); Job 38–42 (Word ...

  • The Libyan Anarchy: Inscriptions from Egypt's Third Intermediate Period

    A. KAtimAlA 140. semnA insCriPtion oF QUeen KAtimAlA (KHArtoUm nAtionAl mUseUm) West of the central doorway on the facade of the new Kingdom temple of semna, the original decoration was cut away and replaced by a scene of a slim nubian ...

  • Exploring Ecological Hermeneutics
    By Norman C. Habel, Peter L. Trudinger

    To help readers think critically and clearly about the Bibles relation to modern environmental issues, this volume expands the horizons of biblical interpretation to introduce ecological hermeneutics, moving beyond a simple discussion about ...

  • The Text of the Apostolos in Athanasius of Alexandria
    By Gerald J. Donker

    2d ed Cambridge: Deighton, Bell & Co , 1900 Gwynn, David M The Eusebians: The polemic of Athanasius of Alexandria and the construction of the 'Arian controversy'. Oxford Theological Monographs Oxford: Oxford University Press, ...

  • "The One Who Sows Bountifully": Essays in Honor of Stanley K. Stowers
    By Caroline Johnson Hodge, Saul M. Olyan, Daniel Ullucci

    This process-oriented hermeneutic, emphasizing layers of meaning, is stressed also in Charles W. Hedrick, Unlocking the Secrets of the Gospel according to Thomas: A Radical Faith for a New Age (Eugene, Ore.: Cascade, 2010), 19–20. 12.

  • They Were All Together in One Place?: Toward Minority Biblical Criticism
    By Fernando F. Segovia, Tat-Siong Benny Liew, Randall C. Bailey

    The volume includes an introduction pointing out the crucial role of this work within minority criticism by looking at its historical trajectory, critical findings, and future directions.

  • Israel and the Assyrians: Deuteronomy, the Succession Treaty of Esarhaddon, and the Nature of Subversion
    By C. L. Crouch

    In this new book Crouch focuses on Deuteronomy’s subversive intent, asking what would be required in order for Deuteronomy to successfully subvert either a specific Assyrian source or Assyrian ideology more generally.

  • Israel in Exile: The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B.C.E.
    By Rainer Albertz

    Rösel, Hartmut N. Von Josua bis Jojachin: Untersuchungen zu den deuteronomistischen Geschichtsbüchern im Alten Testament (VTSup 75; Leiden: Brill, 1999). Smend, Rudolf. Die Entstehung des Alten Testaments (2d ed.; ThW 1; ...

  • Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction
    By Mark Roncace, Patrick Gray

    The social location of the interpreter is increasingly recognized as having a determinative effect on biblical interpretation. The following exercise is meant to facilitate student understanding of this dynamic; it also enables students ...