Books from IRPP

  • Provincial Tax Reforms: Options and Opportunities
    By David W. Conklin, France St-Hilaire, Institute for Research on Public Policy

    Notes 1. See for example , M. Termote , " The Growth and Redistribution of the Canadian Population , " in Still Living Together : Recent Trends and Future Directions in Canadian Regional Development , eds . William J. Coffey and Mario ...

  • Busting Bureaucracy to Reclaim Our Schools
    By Heather-Jane Robertson, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Stephen B. Lawton

    Heather - jane Robertson is co - author , along with Maude Barlow , of Class Warfare : The Assault on Canada's Schools , published by Key Porter Books in 1994 . Stephen T. Easton ( series editor ) is Professor of Economics at Simon ...

  • Facing Reality: Consultation, Consensus and Making Economic Policy for the 21st Century
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, James M. Gillies

    From his studies , K. Buckley concluded that the driving force in the Canadian economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was not the export of staples but domestic capital formation.27 Following up on Buckley's work ...

  • Healthfulness of Life: A Unified View of Mortality, Institutionalization, and Non-institutionalized Disability in Canada, 1978
    By Russell Wilkins, O. B. Adams, Institute for Research on Public Policy. Technology and Society Program

    1980 $ 6.95 Albert Breton & Anthony Scott A.R. Bailey & D.G. Hull The Way Out : A More Revenue - Dependent Public Sector and How It Might Revitalize the Process of Governing . ... 1980 $ 7.95 Peter N. Nemetz ( ed . ) ...

  • The Art of the State II: Thinking North America
    By Daniel Schwanen, Donald J. Savoie, Thomas J. Courchene

    Wolfe , R. 2003. “ See You in Washington ? ... In The Legalization of International Relations , edited by C. Brütsch and D. Lehmkuhl . World Health Organization ( WHO ) . 2002 . Understanding the BSE Threat . Geneva : WHO .

  • Ending the Squeeze on Universities
    By E. G. West, Caryn Duncan, Jonathan R. Kesselman

    ... per one percent of gross lifetime earnings is so substantial because : 1 ) the average earnings of university graduates ... David Stager and Dan Derkach , Contingent Repayment Student Assistance Plans ( Toronto : Council of Ontario ...

  • Building a Canadian-American Free Trade Area
    By William A. Niskanen, Tom Burns, Frank R. Fried

    About Brookings Board of Trustees The BROOKINGS INSTITUTION is a private nonprofit organization devoted Louis W. Cabot ... M. Barnett , Jr. Barton M. Biggs a St. Louis businessman whose leadership shaped the earlier organizations .

  • Health Services Restructuring in Canada: New Evidence and New Directions
    By John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy

    A few studies focus on nurses in home health care ( Cushman , Ellenbecker et al . , 2001 ; Kiyak , Namazi and Kahana , 1997 ) , but very few consider home support workers ( Aronson et al . , 2004 ; Cushman , Barnette and Williams ...

  • Child Support: The Guideline Options
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, Ross Finnie

    Karen Czapanskiy , “ Giving Credit Where Credit is Due : The Role of the Noneconomic Contribution of the Physical Custodian in Establishing Child Support , " in Critical Issues , Critical Choices : Special Topics in Child Support ...

  • The Social Policy Process in Canada
    By Rodney Dobell, Institute for Research on Public Policy, S. H. Mansbridge

    Professor Kell Antoft Institute of Public Affairs Dalhousie University , Halifax Marie - Andrée Bertrand École de criminologie Université de Montréal Dr. Roger A. Blais École Polytechnique de Montréal George Cooper , Q.C. McInnes ...

  • The Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement: The Global Impact
    By Jeffrey J. Schott, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Institute for International Economics

    ... Myers In - Kie Hong Warren Lavorel Daewoo Office of the US Trade Representative Wm . C. Hood Richard Lawrence Former Director of Research , Interna- Journal of Commerce tional Monetary Fund Lisa Learner Gary N. Horlick Office of ...

  • Selected New Developments in International Trade Theory
    By Ronald J. Wonnacott, Institute for Research on Public Policy

    Among those who have provided helpful insights are Jim Brander , David Burgess , Joel Fried , Brian Hindley , David Laidler , Jim Markusen , Jim Melvin , Sandy Moroz , and Paul Wonnacott . I add a very special note of thanks to John ...

  • Money, Politics and Health Care: Reconstructing the Federal-provincial Partnership
    By Queen's University, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Ont.). Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

    Federalism and health policy , in Challenges to Federalism : Policy - Making in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany , edited by William M. Chandler and Christian W. Zollner . Kingston : Institute of Intergovernmental Relations .

  • Origins and Meaning of Section 92A: The 1982 Constitutional Amendment on Resources
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, J. Peter Meekison, Roy J. Romanow

    The Members of the Institute Institute Management Rod Dobell Louis Vagianos President Executive Director Jean ... Chabot , Martin , Paré & Associés , Montréal Roger Charbonneau Président du conseil d'administration Banque Nationale de ...

  • A Yen for Profit: Canadian Financial Institutions in Japan
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, Richard W. Wright, Susan Huggett

    1985 $ 10.00 Bertrand Nadeau Britain's Entry into the European Economic Community and its Effect on Canada's Agricultural Exports . 1985 $ 10.00 The Institute for Research on Public Policy L'Institut de recherches Publications Available ...

  • Government Intervention in the Canadian Nuclear Industry
    By G. Bruce Doern, Institute for Research on Public Policy

    For U.S. poll data in Three Mile Island see Marc A. Schulman , " The Impact of Three Mile Island , " Public Opinion ... Chapter 6 ; and Steven J. Warnecke , " Fuel Assurance and Supply Security , " International Symposium on Uranium ...

  • Service Industries in Regional Development
    By William J. Coffey, James John McRae

    ... Louis McNabb , Douglas Herman and Chris Lawless were indispensable in arranging for , and commenting upon ... and compiling statistical tables , and Heather Neufeld and Connie Niblock in providing nearly flawless typed output .

  • The Politics of Resentment: British Columbia Regionalism and Canadian Unity
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, Philip Resnick

    McMartin , Peter . “ Carney an Intelligent , Dedicated Woman – but She Has to Be Stopped . ... Newman , Peter . “ Essay . " Maclean's , 24 August 1992 , 13 . ... Palmer , Vaughn . Various articles . Vancouver Sun , 1989-97 .

  • Telecommunications Services and Regional Development: The Case of Atlantic Canada
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, Barry Lesser, Pam Hall

    ... R - D coopératifs École Polytechnique de Montréal George Cooper , Q.C. McInnes , Cooper and Robertson Halifax ... Chairman ) Peter C. Dobell Dr. Rod Dobell Dr. James D. Fleck Roland J. Lutes Council of Trustees Members at Large Dr.

  • Computer Communications and the Mass Market in Canada
    By Institute for Research on Public Policy, Barry Lesser, Louis Vagianos

    ... de Montréal Dr. Roger A. Blais École Polytechnique de Montréal George Cooper , Q.C. McInnes , Cooper and Robertson ... Neill & Gunter Limited , Fredericton Robert J. Olivero United Nations Secretariat , New York Maureen O'Neil Co ...