Books from Arcturus Publishing

  • The World's Most Evil Psychopaths: Horrifying True-Life Cases of Pure Evil
    By John Marlowe

    Even Olson wrote a book, Profile ofa SerialKiller: The Clifford Olson Story,in whichhe refers tohimself in the ... less thana threehour drive from the areawhere Clifford Olson had committedhis murders, isthemouth ofthe Green River.

  • Absolute Power: The Real Lives of Europe’s Most Infamous Rulers
    By C.S. Denton

    King CharlesVIII, theindirect cause of Lucrezia's trouble the last time,died after accidentally hitting his head against a stone rafter, a poetic endforsuch a worthlessking.His successorwas adistant cousin,who becameLouis XII, ...

  • The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present and Future
    By Anthony Peake

    The Century Company (1921) 132 133 Inglis, B. The Power of Dreams p.123 Grafton Books (1987) 134 Inglis, B. The Power of Dreams p.123 Grafton Books (1987) 135 The End of 'Light my Fire' (18:52) on Disc 2 of The ...

  • The Book of Numbers
    By Tim Glynne-Jones

    HE FIRST BOOK ever printed, Joseph Gutenberg's Bible (1454), contains 42 lines to the page. Only 16complete copies of the Gutenberg Bible remain, from a total print run of 180. Interestingly, Gutenberg altered his type layout during the ...

  • Really Horrible Science Jokes
    By Karen King

    Perfect for kids aged 7+. ABOUT THE SERIES: Really Horrible Jokes taps into kids' fascination with all things yucky! Humorous cartoon illustrations accompany the gross jokes, giving the books a wacky, anarchic look.

  • The Apollo Missions: The Incredible Story of the Race to the Moon
    By David Baker

    Packed with awe-inspiring photographs of the space missions, astronauts, and iconic views of the Earth and the Moon, as well as technical diagrams, flight plans, and tables of statistics, The Apollo Missions tells the thrilling story of the ...

  • A Degree in a Book: Electrical And Mechanical Engineering: Everything You Need to Know to Master the Subject - in...
    By David Baker

    ABOUT THE SERIES: Get the knowledge of a degree for the price of a book in Arcturus Publishing's A Degree in a Book series.

  • The Aerial War: 1939–45: The Role of Aviation in World War II
    By David Baker

    Aerospace expert David Baker explores this battle in the skies, detailing the technical leaps that were made and little-known histories about the men and women involved, from pilots to factory workers.

  • A Degree in a Book: Psychology: Everything You Need to Know to Master the Subject ... In One Book!
    By Alan Porter

    Mackintosh, N. J. (2011). IQ and Human Intelligence (2nd ed.). Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. Thorough account of research on human intelligence. Kline, P. (2000). A Psychometrics Primer. London: Free Association.

  • Nostradamus & Other Prophets and Seers
    By Jo Durden Smith

    Part of the same propaganda campaign – almost certainly – is the account of the Roman emperor Augustus' personal consultation of the Oracle a few years later. The Oracle at Delphi, today nothing more than a ruin,

  • The Ultimate Drawing Workbook
    By Peter Gray, Barrington Barber

    This bumper drawing guide is perfect for artists looking to improve their skills.

  • Quantum Leaps: 100 Scientists Who Changed the World
    By Jon Balchin

    Hedid not turn downthe chanceto go to Oxford University in the United Kingdom ona Rhodes Scholarship to study law in 1910, though. He duly gained a BA in 1912 and contemplated a careerin law on returning to the United States.

  • Chambers of Horror
    By John Marlowe

    Yet anotherman, Vinzenz Kuehn,was madetopay the price for Kroll's crimes. He was found guilty of the murder of Petra Giese, whomKrollhad killedon23 April1962. While Kuehn was wasting away in a prison cell, Kroll still.

  • Forcible Confinement: Monstrous Crimes of the Modern Age
    By John Marlowe

    While Kuehn waswasting away ina prison cell,Krollstill walked free. In spite of all his years of killing, Kroll had.

  • World Classics Library: Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathustra, Ecce Homo, Beyond Good and Evil
    By Friedrich Nietzsche

    Thus Spake Zarathustra, Ecce Homo, Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Nietzsche. suitable for the modern age. Later appropriated by Nazi intellectuals and distorted for their own anti-Semitic purposes, Thus Spake Zarathustra became one of ...

  • The Dangerous Book of Dinosaurs
    By Liz Miles

    The prize for biggest hunter goes to this mythical-looking monster, which appears to have the head of a crocodile and the body of a dragon appears to have the head of a crocodile and the body of a dragon.

  • Dino Safari: Grab your gear and join the adventure!
    By Liz Miles

    HUNTER. You slip cautiously through the sharp-leaved plants to a sunlit swamp, where you come across a huge predator. The creature – a Spinosaurus – is peering into a pool of water. Suddenly it snatches up a fish.

  • The Crimes of Jack the Ripper: The Whitechapel Murders Re-Examined
    By Paul Roland

    The presence ofanuncommonly largefire in the grate at Miller's Court hadpuzzled the policeat the time asitwasclearly too big to have beenlitsolely toprovide illumination in suchatiny room. When scraps of clothing were found among the ...

  • Gangster Women and Their Criminal World: The History of Gangsters' Molls and Mob Queens
    By Susan McNicoll

    Furthermore, Berry had managed to tell his story before he died. Stanley, he said, had deliberately followed him down the street, pulled a .25 automatic, and shot him twice. The case had one unexpected twist before it was over, though.

  • Hauntings
    By Paul Roland

    The two artists had met briefly, but Thompson was not familiar with Gifford's work [see 'Trees and Meadow', right]. It was only when he visited an exhibition of Gifford's work that he saw the similarity between his new creations and ...