Books from Hart Publishing

  • The Philosophical Foundations of Environmental Law: Property, Rights and Nature
    By Sean Coyle, Karen Morrow

    A clear example of this can be found in R v The Environment Agency and Redland Aggregates Ltd, ex p Gibson,49 where a judicial review was raised in respect of the Environment Agency's decision to grant variations on IPC authorisations ...

  • Reasoning with Law
    By Andrew Halpin

    It is rather like, in a more primitive context, trying to account for the continuing validity of the laws of Rex I after his death upon the succession of Rex II. Given that Rex II could have repealed all the laws of Rex I but has not ...

  • Political Libels: A Comparative Study
    By Ian Loveland

    But, as Pearson J observed in Webb, there was no clear authority on the question whether the defence extended to foreign courts. There are obvious similarities between Pearson J's judgment in Webb and Cockburn CJ's opinion in Wason; ...

  • Police Street Powers and Criminal Justice: Regulation and Discretion in a Time of Change
    By Geoff Pearson, Mike Rowe

    Drawing upon six-years of ethnographic research in two police forces in England, this book uncovers the importance of time and place, supervision and monitoring, local policies and law.

  • Education, Law and Diversity: Schooling for One and All?
    By Neville Harris

    This new edition of Education, Law and Diversity provides extensive updated analysis, from a legal perspective, of how the education system responds to social diversity and how the relevant social and cultural rights of individuals and ...

  • The English Constitution: Myths and Realities
    By Ian Ward

    59 Lord Taylor, The Judiciary in the Nineties, Richard Dimbleby Lecture, (1992), 9. 60 Guardian 8.10.02, 9. 61 G Drewry 'Judicial appointments', (1998) Public Law, 4. 62 In McGlynn, above n 57, 183. For a similar observation, ...

  • Securing Compliance: A Principled Approach
    By Karen Yeung

    HADDEN T, (1970) 'Strict Liability and the Enforcement of Regulatory Legislation' Criminal Law Review 496 HAINES F, ... and Efficiencies' A Global Competition Special Report The United States Antitrust Review 6 HAMMOND A and PENROSE R, ...

  • The EU and the WTO: Legal and Constitutional Issues
    By Joanna Copestick

    ... the restricted constituionalism of the economic libertarians. 73 Walker, supra n. 13, “Flexibility Within a Metaconstituional Frame”, pp. 25–30. 74 Farrell, supra n. 30. 75 Ibid., chs. 3–4. 76 Opinion 1/94 Re the Uruguay 54 Neil Walker.

  • Responsibility and Fault
    By Tony Honoré

    Though his detailed argument is rather complicated, a suggestion by Jonathan Bennett offers a useful hint in all but freakish cases. His suggestion is along the following lines. For an agent's conduct to be regarded as positive: (1) he ...

  • The Appeal of Internal Review: Law, Administrative Justice and the (non-) Emergence of Disputes
    By David Cowan, Simon Halliday

    Robson, P and Poustie, M (1996) Homeless People and the Law (Butterworths, London) Robson, P and Watchman, P (1981) 'The Homeless ... R, Hirst, M and Lawton, D (1995) Evaluation of Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance, ...

  • The English Judges: Their Role in the Changing Constitution
    By Robert Stevens

    36 JAG Griffith, The Politics of the Judiciary (London, 1997) 63–102. 37 JAG Griffith, Judicial Politics since 1920: A Chronicle (Oxford, 1993) ch 5. 38 Between 1956 and 1967 in legislative debates, the Law Lords took different sides on ...

  • Law in Its Own Right
    By Henrik Palmer Olsen, Stuart Toddington

    Olsen and Toddington argue that equivocation on the central issue here - that of obligation - has brought legal theory to the point where leading legal positivists and natural lawyers no longer retain significant differences.

  • Soft Law in European Community Law
    By Linda Senden

    Thus, the Witt Case concerned the explanatory notes to the common customs tariff to be applied by the national customs authorities. The Court merely held that these notes are 'an important factor as regards interpretation in all cases ...

  • UK Public Law and European Law: The Dynamics of Legal Integration
    By Gordon Anthony

    Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Venables and Thompson [1997] 3 All ER 97 23, 129 R v. Secretary of State for Social Security, ex parte Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants [1997] 1 WLR 275 108 R v.

  • International Law: A Critical Introduction
    By Wade Mansell, Karen Openshaw

    This book provides a critical introduction to the concepts, principles and rules of international law through a consideration of contemporary international events.

  • Equality: A New Framework: Report of the Independent Review of the Enforcement of UK Anti-Discrimination Legislation
    By Bob Hepple, Mary Coussey, Tufyal Choudhury

    ... a survey by the University of Salford showed that 51 per cent of their sample of 1,000 people had experienced bullying; and a survey by the MSF union said that 30 per cent had been bullied: Lord Monkswell, H.L.Deb., vol.576 , col.

  • Critical Studies in Ancient Law, Comparative Law and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Alan Watson
    By Alan Watson

    ... 1983); A Macquarrie, The Saints of Scotland: Essays in Scottish Church History AD 450–1093 (Edinburgh, 1997); J Coulson (ed), The Saints: A Concise Biographical Dictionary (New York, 1958); Benedictine monks of St Augustine's Abbey, ...

  • Jury Trials and Plea Bargaining: A True History
    By Mike McConville, Chester L Mirsky, Michael McConville

    The principal evidence against him consisted of sworn statements given before the Special Justice on 15 July 1805 by Ayers, a statement by the owner of the lobsters, and Heaton's own confession. The statements of Ayers and Crocker were ...

  • Legal Professional Privilege: Law and Theory
    By Jonathan Auburn

    2),61 as well as by Kirby P in Goldberg v. Ng.63 However the rule was expressly rejected by McHugh J in Gianarelli v. Wraith (No. 2,)64 and by Clarke JA in Goldberg v. Ng.65 When the latter case came before the High Court, ...

  • Private International Environmental Litigation Before EU Courts: Choice of Law As a Tool of Environmental Global Governance
    By Eduardo Alvarez-Armas

    Private International Environmental Litigation Before EU Courts: Choice of Law As a Tool of Environmental Global Governance