Books from ASCSA

  • Ceramicus Redivivus: The Early Iron Age Potters' Field in the Area of the Classical Athenian Agora
    By John K. Papadopoulos

    The skull was examined by J. Lawrence Angel and pronounced to be that of an adult woman . 38. The skull of the woman , surely , and that of the dog , probably , derive from nearby disturbed earlier burials . There is at least one Late ...

  • Kephala: A Late Neolithic Settlement and Cemetery
    By John E. Coleman

    I am indebted to Professor J. Lawrence Angel , Curator of the Division of Physical Anthropology , National Museum of Natural History , The Smithsonian Institution , for the information recorded in Tables 2 and 3 , and in the catalogues ...

  • Women in the Athenian Agora
    By Susan I. Rotroff, Robert Lamberton

    The book is structured according to the social roles women played; as owners of property, companions (in and outside of marriage), participants in ritual, craftspeople, producers, and consumers.

  • Birds of the Athenian Agora
    By Susan I. Rotroff, Robert Lamberton

    The book ends with a field guide to species likely to be seen on a visit to the Agora archaeological park today.

  • Hellenistic Pottery and Terracottas
    By Dorothy Burr Thompson, Homer A. Thompson

    Decorated in relief with rim , petals and spears and boss . 19 ( P 15,233 ) Small Altar . Pl . 90 . H. 8.9 cm .; diam . at base 6.9 cm .; diam . at top 6.5 cm . H. frieze 4.4 cm . H. base 1.6 cm . Reddish buff clay ; soft fabric .

  • Excavations at Pylos in Elis
    By John E. Coleman

    Dark brown glaze , with metallic sheen in places , on all surfaces except beneath foot . A kantharos from Olympia is somewhat similar but has a lower lip and a flat bottom ( Schiering , 1964 , pl . 61 , no . 6 ; described on p .

  • Archaic Corinthian Pottery and the Anaploga Well
    By Darrell Arlynn Amyx, Patricia Lawrence

    ... including handle . slots in the pedestal begin just below its juncture with Globular body with low maximum diameter , tending the bowl and continue so far as the pedestal is pre- to sack shape , on a moderately broad foot - ring .

  • History of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1939-1980
    By Lucy Shoe Meritt

    ... see Emerson , Ruth + Flickinger , Roy C. Flickinger , Mrs. Roy C. , see Keys , Minnie Alma + Flint , Helen Currier Flory , Stewart G. Flower , Michael A. Floyd , Edwin D. Floyd , William E. + Fluck , Edward James Folger , Gatewood ...

  • The Propylaia to the Athenian Akropolis: The classical building
    By William B. Dinsmoor, William Bell Dinsmoor

    The raking sima blocks in situ on the Parthenon are doweled at their upper ends. 158. von Quast and Inwood 1862, pi. IV:3; the ovolo profile given as no. 2, though said to come from the Propyiaia, has a chord of 0.281 m. which is more ...

  • A LM IA Ceramic Kiln in South-central Crete: Function and Pottery Production
    By Joseph W. Shaw

    ... in the Light of the Evidence from the West House Pottery Groups , " in Hardy and Renfrew 1990 , pp . 57–70 . McLoughlin , B. 1993. The Kilns of Ancient Greece : A Typology ( M.A. thesis , University of Sydney ) . Mellaart , J. 1970.

  • Marcus Aurelius: Aspects of Civic and Cultural Policy in the East
    By James Henry Oliver

    See also Athens Geta : 109-112 Gilliam , J. F .: 75 Gordon , Mary L .: 58 Gortyn : 102 , 121 Graindor , Paul : 25 ... Ulpius Leurus : 100 Flavia Lais : 122 Flavius Amphicles , archon of Panhellenes : 103104 , 133 Cn . Flavius Cn . f .

  • The Athenian Tribute Lists
    By Benjamin Dean Meritt, Malcolm Francis McGregor

    16 Pp . 133 and 175 , with references to Wade - Gery , B.S. A. , XXXIII ( published in 1935 ) , p . 112 and Meritt , D. A. T. , pp . 65 and 69. The statement has been challenged : cf. Dow , A. J. A. , XLV ( 1941 ) , p .

  • The Athenian Agora: A Short Guide
    By John McK. Camp

    Camp II and William B. Dinsmoor Jr. , Ancient Athenian Building Methods ( 1984 ) 22. Robert D. Lamberton and Susan I. Rotroff , Birds of the Athenian Agora ( 1985 ) 23. Mabel Lang , Life , Death , and Litigation in the Athenian Agora ...

  • Life, Death, and Litigation in the Athenian Agora
    By Mabel L. Lang

    Ancient Athenian Building Methods ( 1984 ) 22. Birds of the Athenian Agora ( 1985 ) 23. Life , Death and Litigation in the Athenian Agora ( 1994 ) These booklets are obtainable from the American School of Classical Studies at Athens c ...

  • Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Gennadius Library
    By Maria L. Politē, Eleni Pappa

    The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Greek Paleographical Society have joined together to produce this volume on Greek manuscripts in both Greek and English.

  • Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade
    By Virginia Grace

    The booklet illustrates many different forms of amphora, all set into context by the well-written text.

  • Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery
    By G. Roger Edwards

    However, in order to present the full history of the Hellenistic shapes the author traces their development from the earliest available Corinthian evidence, in some cases from the 6th century B.C. The shape series are further subdivided ...

  • Lerna in the Argolid: A Short Guide
    By John Langdon Caskey, E. T. Blackburn

    This guide is illustrated with many plans and black and white photos.

  • Between Venice and Istanbul: Colonial Landscapes in Early Modern Greece
    By Siriol Davies, Jack L. Davis

    Campaign of the Falieri and Piraeus in the Year 1827, or, Journal of a Volunteer, Being the Personal Account of Captain Thomas Douglas Whitcombe (Gennadeion Monographs V), Princeton. Faroqhi, S. 1999. Approaching Ottoman History: An ...

  • The Greek Tile Works at Corinth: The Site and the Finds
    By Gloria S. Merker

    ... Excavations at Pylos in Elis (1986) E. J. Walters,Attic Grave Reliefs That Represent Women in the Dress of Isis (1988) C. Grandjouan, Hellenistic Relief Molds from the Athenian Agora (1989) J. S. Soles, The Prepalatial Cemeteries at ...