Kevin McCann and Mark Diehl analyzed thousands of crosswords to amass an up-to-date list of words that regularly turn up in today's top puzzles—with the most popular ones bolded and underlined.
How trained is your brain? Test your memory with these visually appealing puzzles! In this book, you'll get the chance to see how well you can remember what you just saw--and then practice your skills to try to improve them!
Boost your memory, improve your attention to detail, and have fun with these 80 puzzle games!
This puzzle book is perfect for doing just that, since it features a wide variety of IQ-type brainteasers to keep solvers on their toes: different types of word games, memory tests, logic puzzles, and math problems, with something new on ...
Edited by a crossword master, and featuring 72 puzzles from top creators, these easy crosswords deliver a gentle mental challenge.
Rest easy--these puzzles won't hurt your brain! When you want a gentle challenge to wind down after a hard day, this collection does the trick.
Presents a collection of over two thousand thematic trivia questions on such subjects as "questions on question marks," "fake fast food," and "animal nicknames."
These crosswords are small, fast, and easy to finish--perfect for quick solving sessions! Pint-size crosswords can mean big-time fun! Even though the grids are tiny, these puzzles pack enormous entertainment power into every square inch.
Sixty-six topnotch crosswords, plus a bonus secret puzzle-within-the-puzzles to figure out after you're done—all branded with one of the best-known trivia magazines around. mental_floss teams up with puzzle aficionado Matt Gaffney to ...
Even the numbers on the top-notch clues are giant, and all the puzzles feature fun mini-themes. Solvers who want to challenge their brains and not their eyes will find this jumbo collection just right.
Solvers looking for a little mental snack, rather than a full meal, will find these bite-size crosswords very tasty!
Got a minute? Solve a puzzle! These 125 small, easy crosswords are designed to be quick and fun. They're all top-notch, feature fun mini-themes, and provide perfect entertainment when you don't have the time to work on something big.
The clever elves at Conceptis, a world leader in puzzles and games, have overlapped regular sudoku grids to include holiday images like Christmas trees and snowmen.
Read this book--and we bet that the cash you save in just one trip to the casino will more than make up for its cost Simply put, this is the best guide to gambling ever written.
We're giving you the THIRD DEGREE!
Solvers have to fill in the blanks with digits that add up to the little numbers. It's fun, and it stretches your mental muscles, too Beginners welcome These 150 puzzles are perfect for kakuro newbies.
It's fun, and it stretches your mental muscles, too Want kakuro to solve that are just a little harder than beginning puzzles--but not so difficult as to leave you frustrated? This level's just right for you.
This book contains 40 age-appropriate crosswords to introduce kids to the challenges and pleasures of solving. Children will love the fresh look and clever clues in this Puzzlewright, Jr. collection.
At a whopping 25 feet long, this eye-popping maze sets a world record for size and quality! Anyone fond of these popular puzzles will find solving this a stimulating challenge.
This book contains a whopping 300 puzzles that range from easy to weekend-level challenging, with perforated pages for easy removal.