Books from Ramtha's School of the Mind

  • A State of Mind, My Story
    By J Z Knight, Judy Zebra Knight

    Across her ample bodice was a blue ribbon studded with diamond pins and jewels . I looked at the strands of pearls around her neck ; they seemed to glow . This little woman wore a small diamond crown that flashed brilliantly with her ...

  • Changing the Timeline of Our Destiny
    By Ramtha

    Following the expectations and the moral code of the society and culture that you came from , I want you to have progressed a timeline that did not include these teachings . Do it . So all of the changes , the healings , everything that ...

  • A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality: An Introduction to Ramtha and His Teachings
    By Ramtha

    Because you don't believe you can do it yourself . So God actually works a wonderful part in religion ... You are not going to like it because you need to have a moment when God is going to return 136 A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO CREATING REALITY.

  • When Fairy Tales Do Come True
    By Ramtha

    When Fairy Tales Do Come True

  • Ramtha, the White Book
    By Judy Zebra Knight, Ramtha

    "The general introduction to Ramtha and his teachings now revised and expanded with a foreword by JZ Knight, a glossary of terms and concepts used by Ramtha, a detailed index and a commentary essay showing the significance of Ramtha's ...

  • Making Contact: Our Soul's Journey and Purpose Through Life
    By Ramtha

    ... but to manipulate the matter of consciousness and energy in the form of physical atmosphere and to form it into models that we call life . ... we then create for ourself a 23 Making Contact : Our Soul's Journey and Purpose through Life.

  • Jesus Christ, the Life of a Master
    By Ramtha

    Blue Body®. It is the body that belongs to the fourth plane of existence, the bridge consciousness, and the ultraviolet frequency band. The Blue Body® isthe lord over the lightbody and the physical plane. Blue Body® Dance.

  • Parallel Lifetimes: Fluctuations in the Quantum Field
    By Ramtha Ramtha

    Part of Ramtha Fireside Series on the topic of parallel universes and creating dramatic change in our life using the principles of quantum physics.

  • A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity: Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom
    By Ramtha

    ... Zero , and creative consciousness and energy . Point Zero fulfilled its nature to make known the unknown and evolve ... destiny . The traveler , or mirror consciousness , identified itself so much with the densest and slowest plane of ...

  • Who Are We Really?
    By Ramtha

    " - Ramtha

  • A Master's Key for Manipulating Time
    By Ramtha

    Of course you didn't know that now because it is yet to be rewritten. So the study then of the Great Work is to manipulate reality and evolve it. - Ramtha

  • Crossing the River
    By Ramtha

    So you are caught up on the snags of crossing this river.? When we don't know that we are God, there is one thing we do know, that we are human beings.

  • That Elixir Called Love: The Truth about Sexual Attraction, Secret Fantasies, and the Magic of True Love
    By Ramtha

    That Elixir Called Love: The Truth about Sexual Attraction, Secret Fantasies, and the Magic of True Love

  • Forgotten Gods Waking Up
    By Ramtha

    You are to learn that this is what the true nature of your being is, and that when you learn this you will know that the Lord God of your being is not trying to take you from life but to wake you up in the midst of it.

  • Ramtha, Last Waltz of the Tyrants, the Prophecy REVISITED
    By Ramtha

    ... you would not recognize was regularly making explosions that occurred ... the best news you would ever want to hear because as a direct result of radiation coming into the delicate ecosystems of your planet, you will see very shortly that ...