Books from Biota Publishing

  • The Renin-Angiotensin System and the Kidney: New Insights and Perspectives
    By Xiao C. Li, Jia L. Zhuo

    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is one of the most important endocrine (tissue-to-tissue), paracrine (cell-to-cell) and intracrine (intracellular/nuclear) humoral systems in the regulation of blood pressure, cardiovascular, and kidney ...

  • Intestinal Immune System
    By Soichiro Miura, Ryota Hokari

    " These negative regulatory mechanisms of the intestinal immune system are disturbed in certain disease conditions, causing the immunocompetent cells to respond to food components and commensal bacteria by becoming activated and to ...

  • Wnt/?-Catenin Signaling in Vertebrate Posterior Neural Development
    By Yaniv M. Elkouby, Dale Frank

    In this review, we explore the function of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway during the formation of these specific posterior neural regions.

  • Peripheral Arterial Disease: Pathophysiology and Therapeutics
    By Christopher G. Kevil, Shyamal C. Bir, Christopher B. Pattillo

    Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a cardiovascular disorder of the peripheral vasculature due to progressive atherosclerotic stenosis of conduit arteries restricting blood flow to tissues.

  • Neuroglia in C. elegans
    By Jr., Randy F. Stout, Navin Pokala

    Fifty-six out of C. elegans' total of 959 somatic cells are classified as neuroglia. Although research on worm glia has lagged behind studies focused on neurons, there has been a steep upswing in interest during the past decade.

  • Stress and the Developing Brain
    By Lisa Wright, Tara Perrot

    Repeated exposure to stress is a predisposing factor in the emergence of various mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, although this is by no means an absolute relationship.

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
    By Christian Riella, Peter G. Czarnecki, Theodore I. Steinman

    This book reviews important aspects of polycystic kidney diseases, the latest scientific understanding of the diseases and syndromes, along with the therapies being developed.

  • Lateral Hypothalamic Control of Energy Balance
    By Gizem Kurt, Hillary L. Woodworth, Gina M. Leinninger

    This volume reviews the essential role of the LHA for the control of body weight, from its historical description as a "feeding center" to the current view of this LHA as a cellularly heterogeneous hub that regulates multiple aspects of ...

  • Neural Control of Renal Function, Second Edition
    By Ulla C. Kopp

    The kidney is innervated with efferent sympathetic nerve fibers reaching the renal vasculature, the tubules, the juxtaglomerular granular cells, and the renal pelvic wall.

  • Understanding Breast Cancer: Cell Biology and Therapy -- A Visual Approach
    By Joel D. Pardee

    The mysterious disease of cancer, including breast cancer, has plagued mankind since the dawn of recorded history.

  • The Molecular Biology of Neurofibromatosis Type 1
    By Meena Upadhyaya

    This book aims to provide an overview of the genetic and clinical aspects of NF1 and its role in both NF1-associated and sporadic tumour development.

  • Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions in Hemostasis and Thrombosis
    By Rolando E. Rumbaut

    In this review, we describe the primary mechanisms involved in these responses in various vascular beds of both macro- and microvessels, and outline key unresolved aspects of these important interactions.

  • Molecular Genetics of Thalassemia Syndromes
    By Prashant Sharma, Reena Das

    This book reviews the molecular genetics of the thalassemia syndromes, inherited hemoglobin disorders that comprise the commonest monogenic disorders globally.