Books from Tughra Books

  • Beware Satan
    By Mahmet Seker

    No matter what the explanation is, one should be aware of Satan or Iblis. He is an evil to fear, so the noble Messenger cautions us through the hadith. What is expected of us is to be [34] Bukhari, Bad al-Khalq, 11; Muslim, Fadail, ...

  • Gleams Of Truth
    By Ali Unal

    The eighth obstacle is the misunderstanding that the established facts of sciences are contrary to the outer meaning of ... [4] The first power is the truth of Islam, the teacher of all perfections, which is able to unite hundreds of ...

  • Islamic Perspectives on Science: Knowledge and Responsibility
    By Ali Unal

    Aiming to unveil the revelation that Islam is a religion that encourages and supports scientific research, this collection of essays by Muslim scholars focuses on the importance of the universe in Islamic tradition.

  • The Sacred Trusts: Pavilion of the Sacred Relics, Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul
    By Hilmi Aydın, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi. Hırka-i Saadet Dairesi

    The first comprehensive album, this guide reveals the marvelous collection of the Sacred Relics at Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul.

  • Toward Global Civilization Love Tolerance
    By M. Fethullah Gülen

    So the neglect we showed in the past should be made up for, and our tomorrows will be built on knowledge, and everything will take its strength and power from knowledge. Knowledge will occupy a very important place in a world that is ...

  • Pearls of Wisdom
    By M. Fethullah Gülen

    This short book features many of Gulen's ideas that have guided this extraordinary venture since its inception.

  • Rumi
    By Cihan Okuyucu

    An authoritative but accessible introduction to this important 13th-century historian and mystic poet Rumi, this work concentrates on the social and cultural environment in which he lived and produced his influential works.

  • Rumi And His Sufi Path Of Love
    By Faith Citlak

    This collection of articles by artists, philosophers, psychologists, and social scientists explores the Sufi tradition and its best-known teacher, Rumi, a 13th-century poet, jurist, and philosopher.

  • Speech And Power Of Expression
    By M. Fethullah Gülen

    Written separately as lead articles for the Turkish literary magazine, Yagmur, the volume eloquently articulates the author’s approach to speech as well as his definitions of poetry, history, and beauty, all of which are deeply ...

  • Struggle Of Ibrahim
    By Salih Yucel

    When İbrahim heard of the combat taking place in Cyprus, he grew anxious. He was eager for news about his parents and ... He was devastated when he later heard about his mother's sudden death. The Turks and Cypriot Turks in Melbourne ...

  • Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism: Emerald Hills of the Heart
    By Fethullah Gülen

    The origin of Sufism -- Self criticism; Reflection; Privacy and seclusion; Heart; Hope or expectation; Asceticism.

  • Pearls of Wisdom
    By Fethullah Gülen

    ... progress depends upon the intellectual and spiritual training given to the people who live within its borders . A nation whose members are lacking in intellectual and spiritual development should not 52 Pearls of Wisdom Progress.

  • Existence And Divine Unity
    By Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

    As everything is therefore easy for Him, creating spring is as easy as creating a flower, and creating Paradise is as easy as creating spring. The countless creatures He continually brings into existence every instant bear witness with ...

  • Inner Dynamics of the People of Hizmet: Distinctive Characteristics of Altruistic People
    By Fatih Degirmenli

    One of Prophet Jesus' disciples betrayed him. In fact, his tribe treacherously surrounded his house and raced with one another to crucify their own Prophet. In short, all the Prophets endured suffering. The path is the path they trod on ...

  • The Resurrection and the Hereafter
    By Said Nursi

    ed deals with ( and proves ) the Resurrection from different viewpoints . ... Second , in pointing to a proof of the Resurrection , it uses the green tree to suggest : “ O you who deny the Resurrection , look at trees .

  • The Qurʼan with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English
    By Ali Unal

    This book is a comprehensive source that combines interpretation and commentary with extensive notes of explanation.

  • A Map of the Divine Subtle Faculty: The Concept of the Heart in the Works of Ghazali, Said Nursi, and...
    By Mehmet Yavuz Seker

    The Concept of the Heart in the Works of Ghazali, Said Nursi, and Fethullah Gulen Mehmet Yavuz Seker ... Just as there is an intermediate realm between this world and the world of command, the heart in the same way is an intermediate ...

  • Messenger Of God: Muhammad
    By M. Fethullah Gülen

    A compilation of Fethullah Gulen's sermons on the life of the prophet, the book offers us a deeper understanding of God's Messenger through looking into his exemplary life from different aspects.

  • Prayer And Healing In Islam
    By Salih Yucel

    This study was conducted at Brigham and Women's Hospital, a Harvard Medical School teaching affiliate in Boston, MA. Twenty-Five Remedies, a work by prominent contemporary Muslim scholar Said Nursi, included in this book, further enriches ...

  • Stories Of The Prophet In The Holy Quran
    By Shahada Sharelle Haqq

    This inspiring collection of illustrated stories offers an Islamic take on the lives and missions of familiar prophets.