Books from Navpress Publishing Group

  • Running Nowhere in Every Direction: On Stress
    By Karen Lee Thorp

    by Marilyn Gardner1 [ Elizabeth ] Warren sees Mom's paycheck — a family's second income , the very asset meant to provide more financial stability — as a ...

  • Getting Real: An Interactive Guide to Relational Ministry
    By Ken Baugh, Rich Hurst

    They ask questions like “ Can we redefine progress ? " and " Can we remake the American Dream ? ” Eric Liu , the founding editor of the journal The Next Progressive , states , It is our job to turn on our heart lights now ...

  • Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men: A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials
    By Hugh Ross, Kenneth R. Samples, Mark Clark

    Robert S. Ellwood and Harry B. Partin , Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America , 2d . ed . ( Upper Saddle River , N.J .: Prentice - Hall , 1988 ) , p . 114 . 8. Jerome Clark , The UFO Encyclopedia , 2d ed . , vol .

  • Reclaim Your Health: Nutritional Strategies for Conquering Chronic Ailments
    By David J. Frähm, Anne E. Frähm

    "Nutritional strategies for conquering chronic ailments"--Cover

  • Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific Perspective on the Creation-date Controversy
    By Hugh Norman Ross

    Editors , “ Morris Debates for Young Earth at Wheaton , " Acts & Facts , Institute for Creation Research , vol . ... De Young , Donald B. , The Moon : Its Creation , Form , and Significance ( Winona Lake , IN : BMH Books , 1978 ) ...

  • Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind
    By Tremper Longman

    Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind will equip you to accurately understand and respond to God's Word in ways that will develop deep intimacy with Christ. WARNING: THIS BOOK COULD CHANGE THE WAY YOU READ THE BIBLE FOREVER.

  • Bold Love
    By Tremper Longman, Dan B. Allender

    The staff of NavPress are supportive co - laborers in the wearisome task of making books . Traci Mullins , my editor and friend , guided me through the labyrinth of conceptual , syntactical , and grammatical mire with mirth and kindness ...

  • Waking Up from the Dream of a Lifetime: On Disappointment

    How in the world can women cope with constant disappointment at every level of life? This refreshing discussion guide will give you fresh, realistic hope and purpose for the days...

  • Six Essentials of Spiritual Authenticity
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Carol Kent, Ph.d

    William James , quoted by Charles R. Swindoll , The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart ( Nashville , TN : Word , 1998 ) , p . 571 . 6. ... Richard Foster , Celebration of Discipline ( San Francisco , CA : Harper & Row , 1978 ) , p . 138 .

  • Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul
    By James Porter Moreland

    For example , “ ( N.B. Rachels fails to recognize that intention is the very essence of a moral act and this is where his argument goes wrong . ) " This allows me to keep track of when I am inserting my own thoughts and when I am ...

  • Deadly Secrets
    By Karen Scalf Linamen, Keith A. Wall

    “ Did you see Mrs. Brennan ? She helped me before . ” The second girl , Jody , spoke through a full mouth . " That was the one . " Scott nodded . “ Mrs. Brennan . She was really nice . She pulled my file and looked over everything ...

  • Six Choices That Will Change Your Life
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Carol Kent

    Build confidence, hope, and courage as you discover the way Jesus made the choices that would change lives.

  • Six Secrets of a Confident Woman
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Carol Kent

    Do you sometimes lack the confidence to make big decisions with relationships or take risks in career planning? This Bible study, written for women, can show you how to discover...

  • Six Basics of a Balanced Life
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Carol Kent, Mark A Tabb

    Six Basics of a Balanced Life helps women find answers to the key question, “What's really important?” In this valuable Bible study, you'll find that it's not important to “do...

  • A Compact Guide to the Bible
    By Karen Lee-Thorp

    A Compact Guide to the Bible

  • Why Beauty Matters
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Cynthia Hicks

    Why do so many women struggle with beauty? This book explores up-to-the-minute research and biblical truths to help you understand why beauty is an important spiritual issue for so many...

  • Six Keys to Lasting Friendships
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Carol Kent

    ... or Karen LeeThorp as. 76.

  • Hope and Joy Will Find You: A Guided Journal
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Jan Meyers

    Drawn from Meyers' well-received book The Allure of Hope, this journal is an invitation to hand over control of life to God and to rely on Him for joy, even as life's disappointments arise.

  • Six Steps to Clarify Your Calling
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, Carol Kent

    Have you been "called" by God to do something?

  • The Story of Stories
    By Karen Lee-Thorp

    The beautifully flowing and descriptive language, the fresh, anointed insights, and just the sheer volume of such a wonderful work ~ makes this rate right up there with the Message Bible and daresay, with Robert Alter's Genesis.