Books from O'Reilly

  • Kochen für Geeks: Inspiration & Innovation für die Küche
    By Jeff Potter

    Glücklicherweise überleben die wenigste Parasiten, wie bei den meisten Tieren, das Gefrieren. (Es gibt Ausnahmen: Trichomoniasis überlebt sogar das Gefrieren in Flüssigstickstoff. Zum Glück findet man diese Organismen nicht in ...

  • Istio: Service Mesh für Microservices
    By Lee Calcote, Zack Butcher

    Lee Calcote, Zack Butcher Lektorat: Ariane Hesse Übersetzung: Frank Langenau Fachliche Unterstützung: Armin Kunaschik Korrektorat: Sibylle Feldmann, Satz: III-satz, Herstellung: Stefanie Weidner ...

  • Programming Perl
    By Larry Wall, Randal L. Schwartz

    Software -- Operating Systems.

  • Sed & Awk Pocket Reference
    By Arnold Robbins

    Thesed & awk Pocket Referenceis a companion volume tosed & awkandUnix in a Nutshell.This small book is a handy reference guide to the information the larger volumes, presenting a concise summary of regular expressions and pattern matching, ...

  • ASP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
    By A. Keyton Weissinger

    A guide to manipulating server objects examines the role of server-side scripting in Web application development, documents object model features, and reveals little-known capabilities of Active Server Pages.

  • Designing for the Web: Getting Started in a New Medium
    By Jennifer Niederst Robbins, Jennifer Niederst, Edie Freedman

    Explains how to work with HTML documents from a designer's point of view

  • Startup-Recht: Praktischer Leitfaden für Gründung, Unternehmensführung und -finanzierung
    By Jan Schnedler

    Jan Schnedler, Rechtsanwalt in Hamburg, berät seit vielen Jahren Startups in allen relevanten Fragestellungen. In diesem Praxisleitfaden fasst er seine Erfahrungen zusammen – in einer Sprache, die für Nichtjuristen verständlich ist.

  • Handbuch moderner Softwarearchitektur: Architekturstile, Patterns und Best Practices
    By Mark Richards, Neal Ford

    F. Fähigkeiten (»-ilities«) 3 Fähigkeiten, neu, Architekturstile als Modeerscheinungen 272 Fallender Amboss, Effekt (Präsentationen) 326 Farbe in Diagrammen 324 Fast-Lane, Reader-Muster 142 Fehler (Benutzer), Schutz gegen 62 ...

  • Tcl/Tk Tools
    By Mark Harrison

    The Tcl language and Tk toolkit, even alone, offer many benefits: They're easy to learn, capable of producing good interfaces quickly, great for prototyping applications, and they are infinitely customizable....

  • PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide
    By David Pogue

    3Com's PalmPilot is the world's bestselling hand-held PC. In two years, its incarnations as the Pilot, PalmPilot, Palm III, and IBM WorkPad have captured 70 percent of the palmtop market....

  • Programming Atlas
    By Christian Wenz

    Learn how to deliver richer, more interactive web experiences to your users using ASP.NET Atlas, Microsoft's new framework for building Ajax-savvy web sites. Web developers of all persuasions have embraced...

  • HTML and XHTML, the Definitive Guide
    By Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy

    HTML is changing so fast it's almost impossible to keep up with developments. XHTML is HTML 4.0 rewritten in XML; it provides the precision of XML while retaining the flexibility...

  • Electronic Publishing on CD-ROM
    By Steve Cunningham, Judson Rosebush

    In the past few years, the whole concept of publishing has undergone an enormous transformation. Publishers are no longer limited to paper and ink. Electronic publications can now incorporate text,...

  • PNG: The Definitive Guide
    By Greg Roelofs

    PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is the next-generation graphics file format for the Web. Designed as an open-source format to replace the proprietary GIF format, PNG is better, smaller, more extensible,...

  • Retro Gaming Hacks
    By Chris Kohler

    Maybe it was the recent Atari 2600 milestone anniversary that fueled nostalgia for the golden days of computer and console gaming. Every Game Boy must ponder his roots from time...

  • Making Informed Medical Decisions: Where to Look and how to Use what You Find
    By Lucy Thomas, Nancy Oster, Darol Joseff

    It's no secret that millions of us are more involved in our own health care decisions--whether we want to be or not. We may be looking for the latest advance...

  • Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas: Making Sense of Diagnosis, Treatment, & Options
    By Lorraine Johnston

    Prior to publication of this resource guide, no book on the market targeted the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor's need for understandable information. While there are medical texts on the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas...

  • The Unofficial Guide to Lego Mindstorms Robots
    By Jonathan Knudsen

    The LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ Robotics Invention System (RIS) is a wildly popular kit for building mobile robots. This book contains all the information you need to get the most out of...

  • Einführung in SQL: Daten erzeugen, bearbeiten und abfragen
    By Alan Beaulieu

    In seinem Handbuch vermittelt Alan Beaulieu die nötigen SQL-Grundlagen, um Datenbankanwendungen zu schreiben, administrative Aufgaben durchzuführen und Berichte zu erstellen.

  • Web Security & Commerce
    By Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford

    Attacks on government Web sites, break-ins at Internet service providers, electronic credit card fraud, invasion of personal privacy by merchants as well as hackers--is this what the World Wide Web...